Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
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South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
Call 9-1-1

I just had to add this one. I flipped over a
plug and a gold, reeded edge just about popped
my eye out! I know better than to react to any
target in a plug, just because it's gold coloured.

I just wasn't ready for this one, on a quickie hunt,
in a place not known for historical finds.

Anyway, I saw the gold color but that didn't phase
me. It was when I saw the reeded edge of a coin that
I momentarily lost it!

2018 (63).webp
2018 (65).webp

Like everybody who does this hobby, finding a gold coin
is an ultimate. Somewhere in me I knew just how remote
a possibility was for this to be *THE* one! But, in case
it was, before I prodded any further. I rocked back off
my knees and laid back. Looking up at the sky and letting
myself live with the thought for a moment.

As I lay there, this couple came running over to me
and surprised the bejeezus outta me! I forgot the cardinal
rule of not reacting to what we find, in a public place! I'd
completely forgotten that there just might be someone around
who saw this old man lying in the field. (BLUSH!!)

I heard the man shout to his wife, "CALL (9-1-1!!)"

For the *BAREST* of second, I was tempted to let them! LOL

I popped right up and shouted "NO! Not needed!" LOLOLOL

I was too embarrassed to say just why I was lying there on
my back so I made up some story about having a kink in my
back and was just resting. I thanked them and they moved on.

I finished the hole:

2018 (66).webp
2018 (67).webp

Its just not right them making common coins a gold color.
Its like getting a winning fake scratch ticket!
Your flying high then make a swan dive into disappointment, sometimes not too gracefully.
At lest your come back was a good one. Well done.

Only embarrassing moments I have ever had while detecting occurred on nude beaches.


yesterday i was digging when a falling tree branch hit me in the head it dazed me

I have a few, falling in my beach holes, losing stuff I've found sometimes for weeks in the house, then finding it OUTSIDE! Just the little things.

This was not embarrassing for me but for the tourist couple it was. I like to late night, early a.m hunt on our Florida beaches so one early morning working the wet line I see a couple in the water and as I passed them the lady came out of the water and asked me if I had seen some clothes I said no? We cant find our clothes she stated. 200 yrs south I found the clothes. evidently they were skinny dipping and the current took them way north. Needless to say they were some happy campers when I brought them their stuff.

I was out in the country, and the tall grass was FULL of ticks. before heading back I took my pants off and shook them out. A few hours later, back at work, I realized my wedding ring was missing. It was in my pocket!! I raced back to the spot and frantically searched the grass with my detector until amazingly I found it! It is still the only gold ring I have ever found!

Honorable Mention :laughing7:

So I was out detecting and it had been raining for a few days and it was very sloppy and muddy so I was wearing some gortex gear so after awhile it began raining real hard and I decided to shut it down, when I got back to the truck I was pretty well covered in mud and such, I started emptying my pockets to bag up the muddy clothes before I got into my truck. I placed my phone on the top of the tonto cover and told myself "don't forget your phone is there, don't forget your phone is there....." Then promptly drove off without grabbing my phone (which by the way the company bought and pays for). I get home, strip down and start cleaning up my finds when I realize I can't find my phone! So after searching the house and truck twice (have the wife calling the number constantly) I jump in my truck and drive back to the house I had been digging, it is now dark, cold and pouring and I am not dressed appropriately, I search the driveway and walk about a quarter mile down the road (both sides) checking the ditches and listening for the ring tone, then I drive out tot he end of the road where I turned onto the main drag and walked another quarter mile both sides and the median with no luck, I am now very frustrated, cold, soaked and trying to figure out what I was going to tell my boss on how I lost the $600 dollar phone, I get home and the wife asks if I found it, "no" I said, then she said, do you have the locate my phone thing turned on??? I said "yes", quickly called it up on the computer and lo and behold there was my phone....at the end of my driveway!

When My daughter was about 4 years old she wanted to help daddy work on his truck. I was replacing the front wheel bearings and had placed all the lug nuts in the hub cap. After I got done and went to put the tire on, all the lug nuts where gone. I ask if she had done something with them. She replied she had hid them like Easter eggs and had no idea where she had hid them. I have to add that at the time I lived WAY out in the country in Kentucky and the truck was our only transportation, so it wasn't like I could just run down the road to the auto part store 30 miles away. After about two hours of trying to get her to remember where she hid them, to no avail I went and got my old Coinmaster. Having found old coins or civil war relics in the past didn't compare to finding simple lug nuts on that day. Each lug nut found was a WOOHOO moment. I found all but one which was enough to get me back on the road.

i thought i had found a IHP when it was shield cent i was excited till i found out

Oh that's just Gold Dust...crap

Yes I have, went to beach with kids, brought detector with us. Spent a few hours at the beach and decided to call it quits. Told kids I'm heading to the car, they were about 2 minutes behind me. Got to car, put detector and beach bag in, sat in driver seat and waited for the kids. There was a bag of popcorn on the passenger seat that I didn't know we had brought. I was pretty hungry so i dove in. Saw the kids walk past the car in the rear view mirror "Hey guys over here where ya goin?" They walked around to the driver side window and said "Dad what the heck are ya doing eatin popcorn in someone else's car?" I had gotten into the wrong 2007 gray colored honda pilot. Ours was two more down. Like getting in the wrong car isn't bad enough, i went and devoured their bag of popcorn too.

How about being deep in the woods early am and having to #2 you think no ones around for miles then a group of older women come walking right by and all you can think to do is wave I ended up going twice

I had a friend who was selling a house he had bought about 7 years earlier. I thought it might be fun to metal detect the backyard before he sold it. After about an hour of finding junk, I got a hit on something quite large. We started digging ... after about 15 minutes of digging it was obvious we had uncovered an old, metal tool box. We got it out of the ground and started to open it. The first thing we saw was a small dish with some old, dry cat food. Next to it was a blanket wrapped around some kind of plastic bag. We went no further, as it was now obvious this was the previous home owner's cat grave.

i would give him two choices the right thing to do or i'm going lay him on the side walk

I vote for you. My thoughts exactly!

i know this a old thread but i saw it and had to post
i was detecting a old house site were i got a good many things (coins,ball lids etc.) and i get this slamming high tone as i'm digging i found out it was the old chimney. so i filled it back in but as i was filling the hole back in i fell in flat on my face the worse part was there was two people walking by and they busted out laughing. i got up filled the hole back in and left like it didn't happen

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