Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


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Apr 9, 2012
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South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
Here's one from today. I was over at the local market and happened to see this quarter just lying right there on the sidewalk.
I said Neat! And bent over to pick it up. It was then I noticed that there was a solid half inch of crystal clear ice freezing it to the ground.

I usually would just laugh and let it go. But, for some reason, maybe because of the miserable weather, I took this as an affront by Ole
Man winter! It became "personal"! I would HAVE this damn quarter! ::angry4:

I went back the few steps to my car, opened the trunk and took out a small hammer and a chisel.

I was about to close the trunk when I noticed two small faces in the car next to the quarter. They both had this
incredulous look on them. As if to say, "Is that old man REALLY THAT DESPERATE!?!?! " . Sort of a cross between
a puzzled and amused look! :)

I set my hammer and chisel back in and closed the lid. Then went on my way, albeit sheepishly. LOL

Hope this and the other stories in here help relieve some of the frustrations up north. At least it's
something to do.

Stay safe and warm!

The very first time I went out with my new detector I couldn't get a darn signal no matter what I did, I even took the change out of my pocket and ran the coil over the pile and NO signal, I was pissed, I brought the detector back to the place I had bought it and explained what was going on, the clerk looked it over and discovered the source of my troubles, In my excitement of going out for the very first time "Treasure hunting" I neglected to install the batteries, Ugh, so embarrassed I was.

Well, old dogs cannot learn new tricks. Really. Last year my tell all involved me falling in my own holes. Early this winter before the leaves settled the little woods I hunt has some foot sized holes at least a foot deep. That one day I fell in THREE of them. THREE DIFFERENT HOLES. Now that takes skill.

Good stories guys. I have plenty of embarrassing stories, but they don't related to MD.

This is a true story about my hunting partner Frank. This has to be to most embarrassing moment in the history of metal detecting! He was metal detecting at one of our local elementary schools. He had a very strong urge to go to the bathroom! To make maters worse it was #2! He ran around in a panic trying to find somewhere to do his business, but could not find anyplace to go, not even some bushes to crouch behind. Finally he found a typical trash can that he could squat down into that was placed right in front of one of the classrooms. He climbed inside, pulled down his paints and proceeded to relieve himeself! In the middle of his bodily function a large group of adults filed out of the classroom right passed him! He told this story to our 35 member metal detector club and the whole place erupted!....Glad that was not me!

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Great story "Casper-2", sounds like you live in MA!

I was water detecting one day at the beach and my wife came with me to get some sun. Ten minutes into the hunt I scooped a gold band and took it up to the beach to show my wife. I grabbed my detector and headed back into the water and after about 100 yards I got a signal...that's when I realized my scoop was stuck in the sand by my wife's umbrella...I felt so stupid...I turned around and acted like I was detecting on the back way to get my scoop.

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Try metal detecting around in a orchard of almond tree short unforgiving limbs on those trust me my head knows that don't know how many times I've dug under one than forget I was under a limb and thunk there goes a nice lump on my head or when the trees are in full bloom get too distracted looking at the ground and walk into a bee covered branch then run off looking like an idiot with hair full of very pissed off bees lol
Ive done that.

This was actually a two fold embarrassment.

Both are things we all have done but thought I'd share anyway.

I was digging this particularly troublesome target and was evidently expressing my frustration verbally as well
as in my head. (I always get the two mixed up). Anyway, as the hole grew bigger and messier I happened to look
up and there, not 3 feet away, was a family giggling at my antics. I didn't know I was putting on a show! LOL

I apologized for any wordy-dirds that slipped out into the air as I didn't know I had an audience. The father said
they've watched this far and wanted to know as bad as I did, what I'd found. So, I went back to digging and talking to
them. Trouble was, I couldn't find the target anymore!

It was a pretty obvious, fair hit and shouldn't just disappear. The more frustrated I got the more the little ones giggled!

Finally, the littlest one pointed at my feet and there, perched on the end of my digger was a rather large pull tab, which
I must've stabbed. We all laughed and I went about fixing the damage to the ground. On the good side, the father said
something that made me feel better. He said he was a groundskeeper at a large sports complex in town and that he was
very impressed with how I returned the ground to such a good state after that incursion. Kinda made my day! :)
Been there, done that...disappearing target on the tip of digger.

When I found my first large copper, a 1723 Wood's Hibernia I screamed "LARGE CENT!!!!!!!" at the top of my lungs to call my metal detecting partner over, it just occured to me that 70 feet away there was a playground full of people that heard me screaming about a penny. I could hear everyone at the park from where I was at so I assume that some people could hear my.
Another embarrassing moment was when I was in the woods only 20 feet away from a soccer field where some 8 year old children were playing a soccer game. I got a nice signal when I dug up an 1803 large cent that had amazing AU detail. I showed it to my hunting partner and he starts doing a happy dance. You know how sometimes words slip when you find a nice find, that is what happened to him (and to me a little) only twenty feet away from a soccer game. Hopefully I do not think anyone heard us.

I was in a small town here in Shelby county , Ky detecting and was close
to a patch of tall grass when all of the sudden a wild turkey flew out and
right over my head, ending my day of detecting bacuse I peed on myself.

When I found my first large copper, a 1723 Wood's Hibernia I screamed "LARGE CENT!!!!!!!" at the top of my lungs to call my metal detecting partner over,.

I used to comment (rather loudly), when I found something really nice. Until 1 time I actually shouted "GOLD!" . I was in a downtown park and it was getting late. There was nobody around. Then, slowly, 1 the 2 then 3 suspicious looking fellows appeared in just about a circle around me. Probably just a coincidence. BUT....I wasn't taking any chances, since I was right near the car, I got right in and left. I looked back in the rear view mirror and all 3 were standing there watching me leave.

I've never felt the need to shout again. ;) LOL
Be careful out there folks! There are those who need VERY little reason!

That reminds me of the time I was detecting Kirby Park in Wilkes-Barre and dug an unknown object. Not thinking, I said " Now what have I found ? " aloud and looked up to see this attractive, young, scantily dressed lady giving the odd fellow talking to himself a wide berth and a nervous smile[emoji4][emoji14][emoji1]

Detecting at an old school with a couple of buddies and beside a hung tree root I dug an old silver half, I yelled HOLY F@#* it's a big silver! Then reality clicked in and I looked over to the fence line and there standing was a woman doing some gardening looking over at this potty mouth filling the air space blue.
I apologized profusely to her while trying to rein in my excitement of finding the silver, but geez sometimes it's just hard to restrain the excitement.

My "GOLD" shouting incident while detecting was slightly different.

Hubby and I used to go to a popular beach after work, he would walk up and down the sidewalk just above the beach, (and view the passing scenery I'm sure!) while I detected on the beach. Sometimes when he passed by me he would yell "GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!" laugh and keep walking! I would look up to see a whole host of people stopped in their tracks staring down at me waiting to see all the GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! I was supposedly recovering!

I'd be mumbling a few choice words for hubby as I tried to slowly scurry away out of the spot light with out drawing any more attention. My one thought of comfort was I had the truck keys, if I get mugged he's walking home!

Ok, I have one.
Every time I bang my head into some tot lot iron.
A few times some muggles were near and they could hear the bong like a bell ringing.
This has happened several times and I am lucky there was no permanent damage.

Ok, I have another one.
Every time I bang my head into some tot lot iron.
A few times some muggles were near and they could hear the bong like a bell ringing.
This has happened several times and I am lucky there was no permanent damage.

Ok, I have one.
Every time I bang my head into some tot lot iron.
A few times some muggles were near and they could hear the bong like a bell ringing.
This has happened several times and I am lucky there was no permanent damage.

Ok, I have another one.
Every time I bang my head into some tot lot iron.
A few times some muggles were near and they could hear the bong like a bell ringing.
This has happened several times and I am lucky there was no permanent damage.

Kind of reminds me of the gold fish swimming around the bowl going "Nice Castle-Nice Castle-Nice Castle"

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