Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
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South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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Jack Hammer!
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All Treasure Hunting
I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
...I hate to mention this, but I have no shame, splitting my pants when a hotty with a body strolls on buy..


Sent from a empty soda can!

I embarrass myself often...note: Never metal detect when you have issues with your pipes..

Very good advice for sure

Sent from a empty soda can!

In November 2014 I came upon a small coin spill that included several wheats, and to my surprise, a worn Indian Head cent dating from 1864. Being pretty pleased to have found a 150 year-old coin and having a family party that evening away from home, I took the coin with me to show around. The penny did not make it home with me that night. I was keeping it loose in my pocket and somewhere it just slipped away. Looking in the likely places, it never turned up. My Dad was pretty upset that it was lost, but I told him it was likely not the last special coin I'd find. Since then there have been numerous Indian Heads, silvers and other cool finds. I believe that someday another 1864 will show up, but not the one I lost that evening.

Today was very hot and seeing the success of our fellow TNetters, I decided to go to a swimming hole at a local creek. After visiting a dept store for some new water shoes I arrived and took my wallet and pocket knife out of my pocket and left them in the vehicle. After about 30 minutes I happened to remember the IPod touch in my OTHER pocket. It's drying out as I type this. Hopefully it will still work. Oh yeah, I found a clad quarter, lol.

Today was very hot and seeing the success of our fellow TNetters, I decided to go to a swimming hole at a local creek. After visiting a dept store for some new water shoes I arrived and took my wallet and pocket knife out of my pocket and left them in the vehicle. After about 30 minutes I happened to remember the IPod touch in my OTHER pocket. It's drying out as I type this. Hopefully it will still work. Oh yeah, I found a clad quarter, lol.

Lol, take it apart as much as you can and put it in rice, don't try turning it on til you're SURE it's dried out

Well that explains my gold less finds, they don't want to be found!
Even my misfortunes have been sadly lacking lately while detecting?????? Maybe because there aren't any people around to witness it?

But I'm practicing in public for that grand day! Did a close inspection of the hallway rug...at the doctors office, witnessed by a doctor and 2 nurses!....I'm still going detecting Sunday, so this may prove entertaining! :laughing7:

Well that explains my gold less finds, they don't want to be found!
Even my misfortunes have been sadly lacking lately while detecting?????? Maybe because there aren't any people around to witness it?

But I'm practicing in public for that grand day! Did a close inspection of the hallway rug...at the doctors office, witnessed by a doctor and 2 nurses!....I'm still going detecting Sunday, so this may prove entertaining! :laughing7:

Just watch how many times, when you're holding a find and trying to look at it, that it tries to jump out of your hand! It wants to hide again!

I once locked my keys in my car at a permission, nice old 1850s home, I was so excited she said yes I didn't realize what I did lol, I had to ask the very nice owner for a couple metal coat hangers to break In lol

Ya know, that's true, and it aims for "under or in" something, or changes color to hide!

My "GOLD" shouting incident while detecting was slightly different.

Hubby and I used to go to a popular beach after work, he would walk up and down the sidewalk just above the beach, (and view the passing scenery I'm sure!) while I detected on the beach. Sometimes when he passed by me he would yell "GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!" laugh and keep walking! I would look up to see a whole host of people stopped in their tracks staring down at me waiting to see all the GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! I was supposedly recovering!

I'd be mumbling a few choice words for hubby as I tried to slowly scurry away out of the spot light with out drawing any more attention. My one thought of comfort was I had the truck keys, if I get mugged he's walking home!

I would have let him walk home anyway, or maybe catch a ride with the "scenery" ?

being from Indy I vacation a lot at the beach ( usually atlantic)

being so handsome it is embarrassing to have the females come up behind me and snap my thong!!

Jeff ? Trust me, they are just looking to see how many socks will spill out....

A couple of times I have accidentally buried my pin pointer alive, I always have found it though. I also brought my Swiss Army knife once two years ago to a hunt, the first time I brought it I lost it, I'm pretty sure it's buried in a hole I already dug, it is stainless steel so it does show up with my discrimination where it is.

Last year I got busted up pretty good in a motorcycle accident. I spent most of the year going from wheel chair to walker to a cane. I spent quite a bit of time lurking on TN and generally bored with inactivity. I had the bug to detect really bad but knew I just wasn't ready yet. Still, at some point I could stand it no more and took my detector to a park nearby. I knew I couldn't get up and down so I was just going to swing it to satisfy my urge.

I should have known better. I got a good quarter signal and simply could not limp away. I pinged it for 5 minutes before giving in and worked my way down onto my knees and recovered a clad quarter.

I pocketed my find and then proceeded to try to get up. I struggled as my strength ebbed. I finally set my sights on a nearby bench and started to crab crawl toward it when an old woman, who had obviously been watching, came over to me and with her cane for support, proceeded to help me up.

I've since progressed to where I can get up and down and actually metal detect, but I still feel the sting of embarrassment that an old lady with a cane had to help me get up after my first find of this year...

Ahhh human error.... happens to all of us.... here's my big ones:)

#1: I Metal detected an entire day with steel toed rubber boots on... Etrac mostly "blanked-out" all day... (what a LOSER lol)

#2: I once went an entire hour with my Sunray Probe set to "pinpointer" (attached to the shaft), instead of "Coil" (sad)

#3: I hiked over a mile looking for a large buried item... I set my older machine (at the time it was all I had) to 100% discrimination INSTEAD of 100% iron. Found nothing that day. hahah.

#4: I had to take my watch off during a hunt... and lost it. (it's still ticking out there somewhere)

#5: Tripped and fell in a plowed field at dusk, and broke the head completely off of a Garrett. (SMOOTH) hahaha

We were digging a site near a free way that saw civil war action. One of my first signals was deep do I started digging and digging and digging. Everyone had moved off and left me but I was not going to give up on the target. I had visions of cannon balls. At about 2 feet I hit flat metal. I enlarged the holes and am thinking ok brilliant you are digging up a man hole cover. It was round and when I finally got my fingers under it I pulled it up and over. It said "STOP" on it. It was a cast iron stop sign with raised letters haha. I still have it in the basement ,,, everyone got a real big laugh.
Every time I get a new detector I practice in my yard and I always dig up my sewer line up front in the same place at the lead flange :tongue3:

Any photos of it? Sounds like a really cool find.

I couldn't believe my ears...but it happened...UGH!
I got a permission late this afternoon from a guy, a super nice guy from my hometown, who gave me an "open invitation" for anytime I want...SWEET!!! So while he is in the house, the wife comes out, and we are small talking....turns out they are new to the neighborhood, so I am filling her in on the history of the area...

Along comes a neighbor, walking her dog...and the introductions begin... after a few minutes I back off, and resume my beeping...I always roll w/my headphone on my right ear, so I can hear around me on my left...and what I heard was regrettable to say the least.

Long story short, the dog lady was going on and on about the N-word neighbors, and N-word side of town, and the N-word crime....

It looked like the dog lady was going to eat a hot, steaming bowl of doo-doo when the guy came out to say hi, him being black and all.

AWKWARD, and well...just gut-wrenching.

I spent 15 minutes digging under a creosote bush for a sweet high tone.couldnt find it,but the signal was always there.I decided it was deep trash but dammit I was gonna dig it.tired and looking at an empty hole my wife walks up to show me a silver rosie she just dug.while I'm looking at it she asks about the open pit mine I dug.before I could answer she say"oh,look at that !!"reaches into the branches of the bush and pulls out a heavy sterling figaro chain with a big ol sterling dragon.The top of my coil was seeing it the whole time and I was too stupid to look anywhere but the ground.

she likes HER necklace and wears it for luck.

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