Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


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Apr 9, 2012
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I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
I have 2 funny stories, the first was when I got a silver hit at a beach with my metal detector. I dug about 2 feet down and thought I was going to find a treasure chest. Turns out it was stairs that had been burried under the sand. A bunch of local teens laughed at us for wasting our time. The second is I was at a park and it was very busy that day. I was checking around a river and lost my balance, threw my metal detector in the air so it wouldn't get destroyed, and fell face first into the river. I wish it wasn't such a busy day.

Hahahaha im picturing that detector in the air

I have another one. I decided to try detecting in some soft ground that looked dry enough to metal detect in. I step on to the soft ground and quickly began to sink in the mud. My one foot long rubber boots were no help at all, for the mud was way past there. I was detecting with a buddy and starting screaming, "Help, Help, Help." At that point I had dropped my metal detector, by mistake and was panicking. I knew I was not going to drown, or sink completely and dramatically like in an old action movie, but I was still in a panic, and covered in mud. I grabbed a branch from a low lying tree and pulled myself out. I ended up leaving my boot in the mud so I struggled to pull it out while standing on slightly harder land. I then remembered that I forgot my metal detector and managed to grab it. I was waterlogged and not working at the time. The problem was the battery area so I took the back off and set it in the sun for a while. It turned eventually turned on, and still worked normally.


Lol. Y'all are too funny!

Today's the day! ~Mel Fisher

This was actually a two fold embarrassment.

Both are things we all have done but thought I'd share anyway.

I was digging this particularly troublesome target and was evidently expressing my frustration verbally as well
as in my head. (I always get the two mixed up). Anyway, as the hole grew bigger and messier I happened to look
up and there, not 3 feet away, was a family giggling at my antics. I didn't know I was putting on a show! LOL

I apologized for any wordy-dirds that slipped out into the air as I didn't know I had an audience. The father said
they've watched this far and wanted to know as bad as I did, what I'd found. So, I went back to digging and talking to
them. Trouble was, I couldn't find the target anymore!

It was a pretty obvious, fair hit and shouldn't just disappear. The more frustrated I got the more the little ones giggled!

Finally, the littlest one pointed at my feet and there, perched on the end of my digger was a rather large pull tab, which
I must've stabbed. We all laughed and I went about fixing the damage to the ground. On the good side, the father said
something that made me feel better. He said he was a groundskeeper at a large sports complex in town and that he was
very impressed with how I returned the ground to such a good state after that incursion. Kinda made my day! :)

Have been having problems with my Ace 250 metal detector since I got it it would some days just go sporatic with signals non stop chiming off at everything even when the coil was up in the air would make me so mad could never figure out what was wrong with it other times it'd work great. Well today figured out the problem turns out my ace 250 hates my cell phone lol found out it was the cause on accident today when I pulled it out to answer a message while I was detecting and noticed my detector go crazy as soon as my phone was near it turns out the days it would work was when my cell phone would be in the pocket furtherest away from the detectors electronics box such a simple thing had eluded me since I had this detector was a slap myself on the head moment I had had so many times I'd gotten frustrated wondering why won't my detector function properly lol

That's really weird they must be on the same frequency!
Well I'm just wait'n for the day when one of my furry friends takes off with my latest find!

I'm sitting here in the firehouse at work, tears in my eyes from laughing at all these posts. I know this post has been around awhile but this is the first I have seen it. The funniest thing is, these are so funny because they are all true, true probably to most of us as well.. I have wandered for various indeterminant times looking for my pinpointer, my hand shovel, my long shovel, even my detector, I've walked into branches that took my hat, earphones and glasses off my head and kept them in the same position in the branch in which they were removed, so it looked as if my head was hanging there. I detected my jacket buttons, my ring, my shoes, my shovel, my glasses and my pinpointer.. most all of them more than several times, sometimes two at once. I've detected happily away without turning it on or without batteries.
I've lost what I found and couldn't refind it with the same detector! I've dug sewer pipes, water pipes, cut through peoples wiring in their lawn lighting systems. (fixed em)
I once detected on a beach in which I was constantly being followed by a little boy of about eight. I had hit a tidal run of quarters and was putting them happily into my brand new pouch. The boy didn't say anything, and after awhile I couldn't stand it anymore. "Can I help you with anything?" I asked him. "Nope" he said, "Just keep giving me the coins".
I had poked a hole in my brand new pouch with my shovel and every quarter I found fell out and he picked up everyone.
Embarressed? nah.

I live two blocks from the beach. One day I'm working this small stretch of grass right between a hotel and the board walk. It usually produces a couple coins. It's only about 10 feet wide so usually after two passes it all clear. On the first pass I find a dime and a quarter. Second pass two quarters. Just to be sure one more pass, but two dimes. Ok figure gust missed this spot. So I decide to make one more pass. What the hell, 4 more quarters. I take my head phones off to ponder how I missed 4 quarters the first three passes when I hear giggling. Two floors up I spot two little girls who had been tossing coins and watching me find them. Won't ever forget that one. Little stinkers!

haven't had anything like that happen but seen some fellas put a penny under another detectorist coil cover.. What a time had lol...

Some will do this when trying to not tip off someone when a crime is in progress......saw it on Alaskan State Troopers show the other night. Makes sense to me.

My moment came a few years ago when I was hunting a colonial site with my friend Chuck. I had just purchased a new finds pouch, which was a hammer belt from Lowe's with a stiff, open front. I started finding some musketballs, some even on top of the ground. I thought I had found quite a few of them, and kept going over the same area. When I later checked in my pouch thinking I was going to see a pile of them, there were only 2 or 3. I quickly figured out that when I was bending down to recover a target a musketball or two would roll out of the pouch, only to be found again later. Even though my partner didn't know what was going on I had to confess so we could both get a good laugh out of it. I've also taken a number of falls that could be classified as embarrassing. Just ask my current partner Dan.

Lol, Bill! Since you reminded me of one, I may as well make a confession too. On my last hunt with Cjon455, we were detecting an elevated yard about 5-6 ft above the road. It had shrubs running along the edge with a gap about 3 ft wide in one spot. The wind had blown leaves up along this edge about a ft deep and made it hard to see the exact edge. Of course, I got a little too close and slid right down the embankment on the seat of my pants. When I hit the bottom, I jumped up and started swinging the ditch line as if I meant to do it, lol! Chris didn't say anything, so I assume he knew nothing about it.....until now!

I could just hit "like" on almost every post for 13 pages! This needs to be broken down into smaller posts.. like every five pages or something. I laughed so hard last night I wore myself out. By the time I had read all 13 pages, my cheeks hurt.. I was just laughed out, too much fun at one time.
BTW, after my post last night, I went out today to detect and I can't find my long shovel! I just had it two days ago... I went back today, everywhere I was, I can't find it. AAaaargh!
(There's NO way I buried a two foot long shovel!) An old brain is a terrible thing to waste.
HH all.

I could just hit "like" on almost every post for 13 pages! This needs to be broken down into smaller posts.. like every five pages or something. I laughed so hard last night I wore myself out. By the time I had read all 13 pages, my cheeks hurt.. I was just laughed out, too much fun at one time.

Yeah, I know! BUT, it started as a simple find post. Then, it took on a life of it's own! LOL It just hits so close to home! For everybody!! LOL

One good thing, it sure helps to pass some of those long winter days when we can't do any digging! :)

A 2 foot shovel!?!?!?!? LOL

Thought I'd share this aspect of that last Barber Quarter I found, (at the mansion).

This was a pretty fair signal but it was buried amongst a LOT of iron and trash. I was prodding around
in the hole. Trying to uncover slowly so I could savor this rare, nice signal.

Anyway, best laid plans and all that, my prodder popped the coin right out and it landed in the middle of the
hole. Just sitting there shining up at me and even from a distance, I could tell this coin was special! It was
in excellent shape!!

Soooo, my usually contained self just became overwhelmed at the happiness and I let out a whistle and a

I picked up the coin and then noticed the owner's grown daughter standing but a few feet away, walking her dog.
And, she had this look on her face. Sort of a cross between surprise, shock, and even a bit of unsure anger.

I said to myself, "OH-MY-GOD!!!". I blushed fully and sheepishly held up my coin.

I thought I had signed my death warrant! :(

Fortunately, she burst out laughing! LOL

Hopefully, popping this thread back up to the "surface" will give the frozen north people something to
read while they thaw out. :)

the other week I was searching a defunct school & Stepped up with one foot
to a spot on the stone wall in order to get up on the bank.
unfortunately my foot slipped causing me to loose balance & fall.
I twisted so I wouldn't break my detector & landed like a dog on his back.
arms & legs up. after quickly standing & Hoping nobody saw me, I started back up quickly.
Was that you Jeff????

So I have been doing a lot of winter digging up in South Dakota. Last week, my Friday excursion resulted in a few scratches on my wrist, one of which blistered up in the manner of poison ivy. I am pretty resistant to poison ivy, and generally very good at plant identification and subsequent total avoidance of any related species. Yesterday I hiked over ten miles out into the mountains and made it to a beautiful spring that I had pinpointed with Google maps and programmed into the GPS. Didn't dig much other than many pieces of gun brass. As I was going to sleep last night I began to feel a terrible itch - easy enough to put 2 and 2 together and realize that my equipment was probably contaminated, and my ungloved hands had transferred the poison to my private parts. Happily it is minor, from soil/root based transfer, and I really do not suffer much from the stuff either, but still a bit uncomfortable and certainly fitting of the category of "embarrassing". Needless to say I am probably going to wear gloves now, not so much for my hands but for other equally important reasons :)

A different embarrassment here. Owned my detector for 10 years and just realized there is a relic mode. Now I can track the deep stuff!

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