Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


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Apr 9, 2012
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South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


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American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I'm glad I was able to see the original post, that was funny!

Last summer i found this old school building foundation and there was still basement and it was open so i hopped down (6 feet so over my head) and started detecting. I mostly was digging up old clothes and shoes so i went were some old wooden floor boards fell in the basement and walked in the room and suddenly heard a buzzing sound and i sat there for a moment until i realized what i just stepped on... an underground bee hive they poured out of the wood pissed off crazy! i dropped everything even my detector and started running to were i hopped into the basement i just about made it until i slipped on an old bottle and while getting stung in the back of the head,back,legs i made my up and booked it to were i entered after a couple attempts on getting out and started running back towards the car. when i got out of the bushes i ripped off my shirt and pants to get rid of any bee's that were possibly still in my clothes... then i noticed it.... a mother and her son were biking down the road from me watching the whole thing. Needless to say i was alright and when i got home i had counted over 40 stings all over my body. the next day i went back for my clothes and detector and got them back saftey

So I'm detecting on the beach in Point Pleasant NJ. about 10 years ago, maybe 100 ft. from the patio of a Tiki Bar. I'm working around the base of a palm tree and scooping up quarters I assumed were lost parking meter fare. Out of the corner of my eye I see a puff of the sugar sand kick up, swing the coil over it, and sure enough another quarter . I'm wearing dark shades so without moving my head too much I spy the pranksters on the deck having a ball laughing at me while throwing quarters. I just keep swinging , scooping and peeking until I see em digging in their pockets for more coins. When I see that they have no more change, I turn to em and holler Hey thanks guys,don't forget to tip the barmaid!
The smiles , laughter, sneering all stopped immediately when they realize I knew what's up! THEY SEEMED EMBARRASSED !
Me? I try to stay humble . ;-D

So I'm detecting on the beach in Point Pleasant NJ. about 10 years ago, maybe 100 ft. from the patio of a Tiki Bar. I'm working around the base of a palm tree and scooping up quarters I assumed were lost parking meter fare. Out of the corner of my eye I see a puff of the sugar sand kick up, swing the coil over it, and sure enough another quarter . I'm wearing dark shades so without moving my head too much I spy the pranksters on the deck having a ball laughing at me while throwing quarters. I just keep swinging , scooping and peeking until I see em digging in their pockets for more coins. When I see that they have no more change, I turn to em and holler Hey thanks guys,don't forget to tip the barmaid! The smiles , laughter, sneering all stopped immediately when they realize I knew what's up! THEY SEEMED EMBARRASSED ! Me? I try to stay humble . ;-D
Hahahaha that's funny

I was detecting at the beach one day and came out of the water for a break. My wife was sitting under an umbrella and I went up and had something to drink and talked with her for awhile. I went back out in the water and started swinging and had went quite a ways when I got my first hit. I realized immediately that I didn't have my scoop. It was stuck in the sand up beside my wife. I walked back up and told her I might need that. Man, I felt stupid.

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A few weeks ago it warmed up considerably and I wanted to go detecting really bad but didn't have many spots in mind. I knew of a dry lakebed near my house where I had found a gun previously, so I decided to go there. I was going to try hitting the shore/bank on the other side of the lake this time. The only way across was either through the middle of the lakebed (which looked impossible) or around it by a path. I decided to take the path, and halfway across I ran into a bunch of briars. Not the baby, 1mm long prick briars, I'm talking about big daddy briars with 1-2 inch thorns.. My persistence got the best of me, so I decided to step into the briar patch. Halfway into it, it got really bad. Every step something was getting hung on the briars. It ripped my headphones off my head a few times, got a hold of my metal detector and tore into my skin. I stopped and stood there for about 10 minutes, watching all the cars go by maybe 200 feet from me, wondering if they could see me. Finally, after much frustration and a little adrenaline, I said "screw it" and pushed through the briars.

I FINALLY made it to the other side, and then realized there was a whole lot less area to detect than I originally thought, and it was extremely trashy. After 20 minutes and no good signals, I headed back toward the truck, back through the briars. The way back was a very similar story.

I think the worst part was that I had decided to wear a short sleeve shirt since the weather had warmed up so much. I had plenty of battle scars to show off for the next couple of days after it was all said and done! And lots of souvenir thorns too! :)

My funny moment is somewhat not-so-PC. Good thing I don't like the PC police :)

My Papa and I were hunting on some public land adjacent to a deaf school in Kansas. There used to be a 1800's-era railroad station by where we were detecting. He had a great hit and we were in the process of digging up the item when we started hearing some crazy yelling noises. We looked up at the second floor of the deaf school and there was a deaf teenager yelling at us and shaking his hands violently at us. We couldn't understand what in the world he was "saying." I felt really bad so I just stood up and smiled and waved at him! Apparently, that wasn't the right thing to do because he paused and started really "yelling" at us. We finally left...after digging up the railroad token. I still giggle every once in a while at the whole situation. I felt like an idiot!

This was just too good to not post. ;)

I was sleeping last night when the loud shrill piercing noise of a smoke alarm woke me! :(

I jumped up out of bed and still half asleep, my mind was trying to get up to speed. It was already traveling at 100 miles per hour! I was trying to decide what was most important to save! Without turning on the lights I grabbed some of my collection and ran outside, dumped it in the back seat of my car and went back for more. When I when I got back inside, I went for my detector next and as I neared, I noticed the sound wasn't coming from the room where the smoke detector was installed. ???

But, it didn't sound like my detector either. ???

Before I went to bed I had been experimenting with some air tests. When finished, I turned off the detector, leaned the detector against the wall and went to bed.

What had happened was that I must not have leaned it too securely balanced. Somehow, it must have slid down and then fell over. Right onto my Pro-Pointer that I had forgotten to turn off. LOL!!! It was just a sitting there singing a solid tune! :laughing7:

Fortunately, none of the neighbors were up at that hour to see the crazy guy next door running around outside in his BVD's. (BLUSH!!)

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This was just too good to not post. ;)

I was sleeping last night when the loud shrill piercing noise of a smoke alarm woke me! :(

I jumped up out of bed and still half asleep, my mind was trying to get up to speed. It was already traveling at 100 miles per hour! I was trying to decide what was most important to save! Without turning on the lights I grabbed some of my collection and ran outside, dumped it in the back seat of my car and went back for more. When I when I got back inside, I went for my detector next and as I neared, I noticed the sound wasn't coming from the room where the smoke detector was installed. ???

But, it didn't sound like my detector either. ???

Before I went to bed I had been experimenting with some air tests. When finished, I turned off the detector, leaned the detector against the wall and went to bed.

What had happened was that I must not have leaned it too securely balanced. Somehow, it must have slid down and then fell over. Right onto my Pro-Pointer that I had forgotten to turn off. LOL!!! It was just a sitting there singing a solid tune! :laughing7:

Fortunately, none of the neighbors were up at that hour to see the crazy guy next door running around outside in his BVD's. (BLUSH!!)



Lol! Let's just hope none of the neighbors have security Video! There just may be re-runs! Lol!

Your poor pin pointer was screaming for it's life after being squished by the detector! And Blingie slept through it all! (Uhmm ....you did grab Blingie...first, right?..... What's posted on T Net, stays on T Net!)

I was water hunting at a crowded SW/Florida beach.There was a mother with her two kids next to me in the ocean.The youngest kid was in a diaper,that must have come off. A "turd" float to the surface,and the kid started crying.The mother started yelling,and people started to notice. The turd was off to my right,and people started leaving the water in droves.It was like the scene from Caddyshack! I used my scoop to remove the turd. The mother thanked me, I walked my new "treasure" to the very back of the beach and gave it a proper burial.I was too embarrassed to go back. I didn't want to be known as the turd hero! Happy hunting,and watch for "floaters".

LOL! i LOVE kicking back and reading these stories! LOL

I went out with a buddy we were hunting this old school site in Ohio it's about 15 min from are town.when we were done there we went back to our town to hunt a park we both never searched at yet, he got a phone call I got out started grabbing my gear. Then I realized my digging knife was gone. So I waited for him to get off the phone and told him I must have dropped it when we were walking back to the car lol.. So we had to drive back there I found it right away thank god $50 for a tool is a lot

This was just too good to not post. ;)

I was sleeping last night when the loud shrill piercing noise of a smoke alarm woke me! :(

I jumped up out of bed and still half asleep, my mind was trying to get up to speed. It was already traveling at 100 miles per hour! I was trying to decide what was most important to save! Without turning on the lights I grabbed some of my collection and ran outside, dumped it in the back seat of my car and went back for more. When I when I got back inside, I went for my detector next and as I neared, I noticed the sound wasn't coming from the room where the smoke detector was installed. ???

But, it didn't sound like my detector either. ???

Before I went to bed I had been experimenting with some air tests. When finished, I turned off the detector, leaned the detector against the wall and went to bed.

What had happened was that I must not have leaned it too securely balanced. Somehow, it must have slid down and then fell over. Right onto my Pro-Pointer that I had forgotten to turn off. LOL!!! It was just a sitting there singing a solid tune! :laughing7:

Fortunately, none of the neighbors were up at that hour to see the crazy guy next door running around outside in his BVD's. (BLUSH!!)

Ha! That's funny . Many of us have probably " detected our detector " at one time or another out in the field . But how many of us can lay claim to having done so while sleeping ? Mods? How about a new Banner category ? Hmmmm " Hilarious Banner Moments " !?
I love your posts Whadifind and your willingness to humbly share with us! Thanks and God bless you sir!

Lol! Let's just hope none of the neighbors have security Video! There just may be re-runs! Lol!

Your poor pin pointer was screaming for it's life after being squished by the detector! And Blingie slept through it all! (Uhmm ....you did grab Blingie...first, right?..... What's posted on T Net, stays on T Net!)

Keep an eye on the "Tube" you may just be right. (blush)
About Blingie? He was outside when I got there. He must've run at the first msbeepbeep!!! LOL

LOL! i LOVE kicking back and reading these stories! LOL

Yeah, it sure beats sitting around watching reruns of MASH or the current foul weather outside my window! LOL

Ha! That's funny . Many of us have probably " detected our detector " at one time or another out in the field . But how many of us can lay claim to having done so while sleeping ? Mods? How about a new Banner category ? Hmmmm " Hilarious Banner Moments " !?
I love your posts Whadifind and your willingness to humbly share with us! Thanks and God bless you sir!

Why thank you Brother Al! Ain'tcha kind! :)

If they ever do have a banner such as that, there are a whole lot of 'em here that far outweigh mine! But, yeah.

I'm glad you enjoyed anything I did and that you took a moment to let me know you did. :)

WHADIFIND, You always go above and beyond! This has been one of the best posts!
With the weather getting better I'm sure there will be plenty of "stories" from the field! Lol!

Glad Blingie was ok! (You sure he wasn't trying to find the rest of your stash of goodies?)

The next time I am being "myself" I will gladly post it!

looking down i dont always notice tree branchs sometimes until after i walk into them.......im sure i look really intellagent to people passing by, driving or walking

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