Ever Had An Entity Invade Your Proximity?

A WHOLE "SYSTEM" of caves, like we have in the Shenandoah Valley... ALL connected with a UNDERGROUND river, etc.

I would be digging up the hillside like a fool lol.

Here's my story. Back in 2000 my dad died at the age of 47. I was in the middle of getting a divorce my life was very upside down with 2 small boys in tow. Well by the spring of 2001 I bought this house in Bourbon, In dam near sight unseen. At this time I was depressed and angry and still hadn't had time to mourn my dad. Things were pretty upside down for me. My sons and I moved in set up house and tried to get on with our lives. I stayed up late most nights listening to music trying to get my head on straight. First little things happened. Like one afternoon I was si.tting on my couch watching movies with the boys. Above said couch was a huge shelf with paintings of indian cheifs and a few nic nacks . All of a sudden one of the paintings flew sideways off the shelf across the room and the frame and glass broke out. I wouldn't have thought much about it if it had fallen forward but to fall sideways about 5 ft was impossible. Well this was the start of many many incidents. That year on Halloween yes of all nights I was getting ready to head to my room for bed upstairs when the hair on the back of my neck stood up for some reason I grabbed my camera and started taking pics. That night I loaded them on my computer (by this time I had every light on in the house) when I looked at the pics on my computer I broke down !!! On the first pic was my dads face above the candle next to his ashes and the 3rd was an arm of smoke pointing at the cabinet with all my dads records and important belongings. I still have both of these pics . I showed my grandma (dads mom) one afternoon she grabbed me and cried she said you know your dad really loved u to come back to see u.
This house was not bad but at times spooky. One night at 3am my sons battery operated car I think it was stone cold steve austin wrestler car well it was going off and kept saying the weird saying it said ,both of my sons came in my room terrified. By this time I was too, so I got up went and got the car which kept going and going I took the dam thing downstairs took out the batteries which were brand new threw that dam thing out back in the trash can and sat in my room all night listening for it to come back on lol. This house was built in 1901 as far as we could find out anyways. Late at night b4 I had the twins u could here babies cry and little kids laugh.
I had a sitter once who came to sit for the twins when they were first born after a week she refused to come back in my house said she would gladly babysit them at her house even pick them up in the mornings I asked her y she didnt just want to watch them at my house she said everyday she would hear kids running up and down the stairs and laughing in the upstairs (my older 2 boys were at school and the twins were only a few months old and I didnt have dogs at the time) said she would go look each and everytime and no one was there she said the thing that freaked her out the most was the last day she babysat at my home she was reading the paper twins were asleep down stairs in the playpen and someone yelled CATHY she said it was so loud it woke up the babies.

While I was pregnant with the twins I used to have this feeling of a cat rubbing against my leg almost every day when I sat at my computer. Well when the twins were born my neighbor came to see the babies one afternoon when we got upstairs she said wow I didnt know u had a black cat my sis and I looked at each other and laughed the neighbor lady didnt think it was so funny when we explained that there was no real cat.

My sis would come over every Monday and Tuesday to watch our shows (they didnt have cable) I dont know if they were attracted to her or me but a few times we would watch tv together this happened we had a tv in the living room and the big one we watched in the family room the one in the living room would turn on by the time my sis would walk to shut it off it would turn itself off she would start to walk back it would come on again this would happen until she or I unplugged it .

I could tell you hundreds more stories from this house my children too. I lived there 13 yrs b4 I moved here. I think that house is a special place because there were way more ghosts or spirits there than just my dad.

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I would be digging up the hillside like a fool lol.

Here's my story. Back in 2000 my dad died at the age of 47. I was in the middle of getting a divorce my life was very upside down with 2 small boys in tow. Well by the spring of 2001 I bought this house in Bourbon, In dam near sight unseen. At this time I was depressed and angry and still hadn't had time to mourn my dad. Things were pretty upside down for me. My sons and I moved in set up house and tried to get on with our lives. I stayed up late most nights listening to music trying to get my head on straight. First little things happened. Like one afternoon I was si.tting on my couch watching movies with the boys. Above said couch was a huge shelf with paintings of indian cheifs and a few nic nacks . All of a sudden one of the paintings flew sideways off the shelf across the room and the frame and glass broke out. I wouldn't have thought much about it if it had fallen forward but to fall sideways about 5 ft was impossible. Well this was the start of many many incidents. That year on Halloween yes of all nights I was getting ready to head to my room for bed upstairs when the hair on the back of my neck stood up for some reason I grabbed my camera and started taking pics. That night I loaded them on my computer (by this time I had every light on in the house) when I looked at the pics on my computer I broke down !!! On the first pic was my dads face above the candle next to his ashes and the 3rd was an arm of smoke pointing at the cabinet with all my dads records and important belongings. I still have both of these pics . I showed my grandma (dads mom) one afternoon she grabbed me and cried she said you know your dad really loved u to come back to see u.
This house was not bad but at times spooky. One night at 3am my sons battery operated car I think it was stone cold steve austin wrestler car well it was going off and kept saying the weird saying it said ,both of my sons came in my room terrified. By this time I was too, so I got up went and got the car which kept going and going I took the dam thing downstairs took out the batteries which were brand new threw that dam thing out back in the trash can and sat in my room all night listening for it to come back on lol. This house was built in 1901 as far as we could find out anyways. Late at night b4 I had the twins u could here babies cry and little kids laugh.
I had a sitter once who came to sit for the twins when they were first born after a week she refused to come back in my house said she would gladly babysit them at her house even pick them up in the mornings I asked her y she didnt just want to watch them at my house she said everyday she would hear kids running up and down the stairs and laughing in the upstairs (my older 2 boys were at school and the twins were only a few months old and I didnt have dogs at the time) said she would go look each and everytime and no one was there she said the thing that freaked her out the most was the last day she babysat at my home she was reading the paper twins were asleep down stairs in the playpen and someone yelled CATHY she said it was so loud it woke up the babies.

While I was pregnant with the twins I used to have this feeling of a cat rubbing against my leg almost every day when I sat at my computer. Well when the twins were born my neighbor came to see the babies one afternoon when we got upstairs she said wow I didnt know u had a black cat my sis and I looked at each other and laughed the neighbor lady didnt think it was so funny when we explained that there was no real cat.

My sis would come over every Monday and Tuesday to watch our shows (they didnt have cable) I dont know if they were attracted to her or me but a few times we would watch tv together this happened we had a tv in the living room and the big one we watched in the family room the one in the living room would turn on by the time my sis would walk to shut it off it would turn itself off she would start to walk back it would come on again this would happen until she or I unplugged it .

I could tell you hundreds more stories from this house my children too. I lived there 13 yrs b4 I moved here. I think that house is a special place because there were way more ghosts or spirits there than just my dad.

These r the 2 pics feel free to download n blow up. Dads face is above the candle on the table. The smoke arm pointing is the other





"Sensing" ANYTHING at the "site" of the Indian Cave, on your land, near the driveway...?

I also live on a battlefield where men fought and died. But it is at peace and comfortable.

This was a very violent affair.Where I was once stood a garrison house,the town was attacked and this was the only house left standing on the west(or east) side of the river,everything else burnt to the ground.Men from concord on their way to help out were ambushed and wiped out(close by),men from marlboro on their way to help out were ambushed and I believe wiped out(close by).The garrison house was actually lit on fire but it started raining and put the fire out.The garrison house bedroom window faced a hill.After the battle King Philips warriors every once and a while would take pot shots through the window at the inhabitants as they lay in bed.It got bad enough so they had to finally brick up the entire wall that faced the hill.The bricks are still there.Just scraping through the dirt with my hand inside the foundation I found a thimble.

[h=2]Ever Had An Entity Invade Your Proximity?[/h]This one time, at band camp.

My Dad grew up in rural Kentucky on the Green River, he told stories that scared the heap big living doo doo out of me and my friends growing up...Here is everyone's favorite, about the day an entity invaded their space. This was just after the First World War. He always told it like this...

"We lived in a small farm house be-twixted Spottsville and Baskett Station, I had nine brothers and sisters so's we slept three to a bed. I was the third youngest, and me and my little brother and sister shared the same mattress and blanket. Early one morning, a'fore dawn, we was all awoken by a commotion out'n the back door. We heard Ma and the older sisters a screamin' and generally a carryin' on. Pa was a yellin' at 'em all to get inside and Ma to get the shotgun!

We three youngest heard the screen door slam open, Ma grabbed up the shotgun and headed back out, the older sisters came into our room lookin' white as ghosts and told us all to get under the bed! We climbed under the bed and the four older sisters cowered in the corner cryin' and a huggin' one 'nother and shakin' all to pieces. What is it? we ast 'em, but before they could answer, it got real quiet outside and inside, when a voice came from the barnyard that made the blood run cold.

A deep booming voice that called out for my sister Vera....VERRRRRRA! VEERR-EERREERR-AAAA. Vera was in the corner with the other sisters and looked a'fright. Then Pa called from the yard for Vera to come back out. She slowly got up and walked out wimperin' and a quiverin' like a little pup. After she left the room the other sisters told us what was outside, and we was all at once too scart to move! My big sister says, "It's...it's a giant dog. It's taller that the barn!...it's standing behind the barn, looking over the barn and down at the house.

Then once Vera was outside we all heard the voice commence to talking again..."FRANK...FRRRRANK...FRAAAAANNNNK...is dead. Then Ma and Vera started screamin and a carryin' on again. Then, KA BAM... KA POW. Pa gave it both barrels! The voice stopped, at that point all us kids got up and ran out. Pa was behind the barn, everyone was a cryin. Then Pa yelled. "LOOKEY HERE YA'LL!" And when we went, we saw paw tracks! Paw tracks a bigger than the fancy supper plates! We followed them all the way to the durn river bank! Then they disappeared into the water.

Two days later a Western Union man with a message knocked on the door and called for my sister Vera. The message turned out to be from the U.S. War Department, The body of Vera's Husband-to-be Frank, who'd been missin' n action since before the armistice, was found in a shallow grave in France".

My Dad always ended the story like this, "The giant ghost dog was right...and!...he was two days faster'n Western Union" He told us if we EVER mentioned that story to our Aunt Vera we'd never hear another story come out of his mouth. We never mentioned it to Aunt Vera.

Wish I had thought enough to record my dad tellin that story

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