Ever Had An Entity Invade Your Proximity?

I've been detecting the habitation areas for 33 years! So far I've found 2 Wheats and a Merc.... They didn't have much money, and the money they had was tight, tight, tight!!! Granny traded eggs for coffee & sugar in the early 50's.

The first two sites are heavily overgrown now. Copperheads, rattlers, and spiders as big as your hand (believe it or not!)

There are STILL Mason Jars full of COINS from "Moon-Shining" days on YOUR land, near the mountains... I "see" a MESSAGE TREE, too.

There are STILL Mason Jars full of COINS from "Moon-Shining" days on YOUR land, near the mountains... I "see" a MESSAGE TREE, too.

I got a chuckle out of this :) I guess you'd have to see it for yourself someday!

I "typed" earlier this AM, that wife & I were at Fairy Stone State Park last year. Knights Inn in Collinsville was our "Base of Operations"; went to FSSP; found some RAW Fairy Stones in the creek behind the "gas station", & swam in the lake down there. Meadows of Dan on BRP was AWESOME... a CANDY FACTORY!

YOU have a cave on Bull Mountain (Indian); warned NOT to go...? HA! Weedy areas can be "mowed" (or burned...) in Mid-November when snakes are underground for the winter. Try to get MORE info (from your mom...?) about the Indian cave on Bull Mountain in Patrick County, Va. "Sense" something VERY important about that cave... BTW, I DO "know" that area...

YOU have a cave on Bull Mountain (Indian); warned NOT to go...? HA! Weedy areas can be "mowed" (or burned...) in Mid-November when snakes are underground for the winter. Try to get MORE info (from your mom...?) about the Indian cave on Bull Mountain in Patrick County, Va. "Sense" something VERY important about that cave... BTW, I DO "know" that area...

I'll do that! I don't know if Mom knows about it or not. She was raised in Newport News while my grandfather worked in the shipyard. I'll ask her, and do a little research if any is available. Mom is curator at the Historical Society museum in Stuart, still works 3 days a week at age 88. I have book somewhere of old Patrick County pictures. I've always been an absentee owner, during the week I work in Narrows - North of Blacksburg and go home on weekends. I'll retire around Labor Day and have 24/7 to play.

A couple things of interest. I did a research paper in college on the Southern Textile Mills and found a Wake Forest University newspaper article dated 1927 which said the folks coming down from the mountains to work in the mills had been so isolated they still spoke Elizabethan English.

My grandmother was sold in marriage to an elderly man at age 13. The old man beat her and my great grandfather took her back from him and sent her to Danville to work in the mills.

Granny probably knew about the cave, as her grandmother was Cherokee.

The two world wars changed everything, and the people were no longer so isolated.

Things were different back then :)

Also, you know gold was found on Polebridge Creek - about 2.1 miles East of me. I have 3 streams off the same slope of Bull Mountain. I've panned the streams 3 times and sluiced one of them last Friday. I've found tons of black sand and quartz - but not a speck of gold yet.

If you know the area, you know the intersection of Rt. 8 and Rt. 57. I'm very near there, up the holler.

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I do know Rt. 8 & Rt. 57; we were on Rt. 57. You also have GOLD Mining at the Epperson Prospect, which is "private"... AND! It has SILVER; We were looking for SILVER MINES of Patrick County... and FAIRY STONES! At the beach area at Fairy Stone State Park, wife found SILVER in the sand (larger than "thumb-size"); she kept it and put it in her MOJO BAG! HA! AND! Mountain ppl coming down from the Hollers, speaking Elizabethan English were MELUNGEONS... I have some in my family... the BOWLING part of my dad's mother's "side"; found 'em in Nelson County, too (NORTH of Lynchburg, Va.).

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For Patrick County, Va., do R & I (Research & Investigation) on TRAIL TREES... to the "Indian" Cave on Bull Mountain; "Pointer Trees" should help... "google" Appalachian History: Indian Trail Trees; ALSO, check out ROCK CASTLE GORGE on BRP in Patrick County, Va.; SOMETHING is there! BTW, the Native Ppl in your area (Indian Cave) were of the Occaneechee Nation; MOSTLY in North Carolina. LOTS of French & Indian Wars info in your area. :coffee2: Coffee...?

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Interesting stuff!!! As to the silver mines I had found this article:


Counterfit silver dollars in Patrick county

Tucker T
Aug 09, 2009, 01:35 PM
The story has been told to me by many people in the county that to brothers in mountain near Dan river were being watch by the law,after these pure silver dollars started showing up. They watched them go over the side of the mountain ,but when they tried to follow them they had no luck and could not find where the mine and their equipment was at. The story goes that one was caught and died in prison,the other left the area. I turned 50 this year as a child of about 11 or 12 my father and I were at one of the brother's family members and I have allways like guns the family member was in his 80's. Over the fire place was an 8 sided long rifle with sliver sights on it. Being young and not knowing any better I asked the man if the sights were sliver he told me to take my thumb nail and try to make a mark in them ,I did make a slight mark. I then asked the question is this some off the sliver from the mine where the guys were counterfeiting money,my father pinched my shoulder,at that time I did not know he was related to them. The man just smiled. I would like to know if anyone has any info on this. Some people believe that the mine are under water because not long after they were caught (one of the men) the city of Danville Va. built 2 damns for a power plant and flooded allot of the very steep Mountain land other think that the mine were above the water,because they came back out the top of the mountain and you would think with the weight of the coins they would have went down to the bottom if it was closer.

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There are the remains of a CCC camp "up the holler" at the beginning of the ascent up the mountain on Rt. 8 to Floyd - Rock Castle Gorge, just North of Woolwine. I walked up there and looked around the area this past Winter. I had in mind that I might detect the area someday, but it's managed by state or federal rangers who patrol it occasionally. And the laws say no to metal detecting. I figure where there were CCC camps, there were poker games and lost coins.

I remember being in the car with Dad one time when he went way deep up a holler to get a load of whiskey. The man he went to see came over to look in the car to see who I was. I remember he was barefoot and wearing bib overalls and no shirt. I believe that some parts of Patrick County didn't hit the 20th Century until the mid 1950's :)

By the way, Curtis Turner - one of the founders of NASCAR was Dad's second cousin. They hated each other! They had a direct conflict of egos.....

I didn't know about Epperson Prospect. Something else for me to research!

I just looked up Epperson Prospect, the short brief said there as gold, copper and silver. Brings to mind something my mother said, some fellow came through back early in the century and told my great grandfather that our land has lots of copper on it.... I'm not interested in that, but perhaps I should be a little more interested. And I should continue panning my streams too!

I just looked up Epperson Prospect, the short brief said there as gold, copper and silver. Brings to mind something my mother said, some fellow came through back early in the century and told my great grandfather that our land has lots of copper on it.... I'm not interested in that, but perhaps I should be a little more interested. And I should continue panning my streams too!



There are the remains of a CCC camp "up the holler" at the beginning of the ascent up the mountain on Rt. 8 to Floyd - Rock Castle Gorge, just North of Woolwine. I walked up there and looked around the area this past Winter. I had in mind that I might detect the area someday, but it's managed by state or federal rangers who patrol it occasionally. And the laws say no to metal detecting. I figure where there were CCC camps, there were poker games and lost coins.

I remember being in the car with Dad one time when he went way deep up a holler to get a load of whiskey. The man he went to see came over to look in the car to see who I was. I remember he was barefoot and wearing bib overalls and no shirt. I believe that some parts of Patrick County didn't hit the 20th Century until the mid 1950's :)

By the way, Curtis Turner - one of the founders of NASCAR was Dad's second cousin. They hated each other! They had a direct conflict of egos.....

I didn't know about Epperson Prospect. Something else for me to research!

CCC boys were building the BRP; had 'em up here for Peaks of Otter in Bedford County, Va. Best friend's Pa was one that helped build Abbott Lake... was once a Marsh & had a community of Mountain Ppl, living there (Mons, Va.). Beale Treasure is
rumored to be buried under the Lion's Head above Johnson Farm; up there. ALL Fed land...
at night, SPOOKY place! MANY ghosties up there... all the way to Trader Hughes place in Amherst County, Va. (ALL on BRP)...

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Where there's one heavy metal there's likely to be others...

My mother told me where the Indian cave WAS...... Granny had it bulldozed out in the 60's...... She didn't want her grandkids going in it....... Alas.....

My mother told me where the Indian cave WAS...... Granny had it bulldozed out in the 60's...... She didn't want her grandkids going in it....... Alas.....

LOL! SHE was PROBABLY looking for something; sending PM to ya.

FURTHER... IF Indian Cave was up on Bull Mountain, "Dozer" would had to build a road up there... like Logging Companies do to get to trees, today; look for such... even if "overgrown". MY "sense" tells me that your "Grands" found something... WHERE did they get $$$$$$$$$ to build the house in 1951...? Then, had Indian Cave "bulldozed out" in the 60's... a MYSTERY! Hmmm...

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FURTHER... IF Indian Cave was up on Bull Mountain, "Dozer" would had to build a road up there... like Logging Companies do to get to trees, today; look for such... even if "overgrown". MY "sense" tells me that your "Grands" found something... WHERE did they get $$$$$$$$$ to build the house in 1951...? Then, had Indian Cave "bulldozed out" in the 60's... a MYSTERY! Hmmm...

Mom said granny had it dozed when they took that 4th house down. The cave was on the driveway just before getting to the house, would have been visible in the picture I took of the house and then turned around for down the driveway. I knew that cave was there, but never thought it was the Indian cave granny talked about..... Duh.....

I know I always wanted to go into that cave, but granny wouldn't let me. There's no trace of it now. However, if there was one cave, there'd likely be others up there.

Mom said granny had it dozed when they took that 4th house down. The cave was on the driveway just before getting to the house, would have been visible in the picture I took of the house and then turned around for down the driveway. I knew that cave was there, but never thought it was the Indian cave granny talked about..... Duh.....

I know I always wanted to go into that cave, but granny wouldn't let me. There's no trace of it now. However, if there was one cave, there'd likely be others up there.

A WHOLE "SYSTEM" of caves, like we have in the Shenandoah Valley... ALL connected with a UNDERGROUND river, etc.

BUT! Going back to YOUR house; the "ghosties" are PROBABLY mixed... connected to your property & not TOTALLY to the house built in 1951. The ANGRY "ghosties" are PROBABLY connected to the Indian cave, that WAS on your property; the FRIENDLY "ghosties" are PROBABLY family members, who have passed; ppl who lived on that land before you, etc. If you can "pin-point" the Indian Cave "GENERAL" area... just SMUDGE it, & hang ROYAL SAGE Herb plants from trees, etc. Gotta show 'em WHO is BOSS! YOU! Angry ones "feed" on your fear & friendly ones "feed" on on your LOVE. Plant ROYAL SAGE HERBS around your house/home & MARIGOLDS to keep PESTS out... Good Luck!

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