Love your stories Deepseeker. Did your grandmother have any stories about the house?
Thanks chkn!
No my grandmother said "Hush, there ain't no such thing here."
Yesterday, my daughter, her boyfriend and his father, brother and his wife & son met up at the farm to do some gold panning of the little creek running by the lower yard from the house. My daughter's boyfriend's (a great guy) father (they're Bosnian and his father speaks very little English), unsolicited the father told his son that there would be no way in "heck" he would live up in that holler by himself.... Said it was just a feeling he had about the place. They'd never been told about the "disturbances" there.
My brother's third wife refused to sleep up there - twice she'd awakened with a woman standing over her. And there have been cases of faces looking in the windows. And once I had a glass of ice water sitting on the right side of my keyboard. The glass raised up, passed over the keyboard to the left and sat down flush with the edge of the desk. I called Mom in and told her about it, and she just laughed and said it happened all the time to her.
Mom still lives there, at 88.
The house, 5th on the property, is way up the holler. The driveway is a kilometer long. Here's a picture looking at the house, and another where I turned around and snapped down the driveway behind me.
For the most part it is very isolated and peaceful, even the spirits (except the bad one) are more helpful than harmful.
Mom said I should sell the place after she passes. And that brings up that other thread about whether a seller should tell a buyer the place is haunted or not....