Ever Had An Entity Invade Your Proximity?

While surveying a Gvt. Boundary line on a Corp of Engineer Lake, I kept having a feeling of being watched. It was along a creek w/100' bluffs. It happened several times over several days. Not real creepy, just every now and then I looked over my shoulder and saw nothing. Told a friend about it and he laughed. He had been in this same area and had the same feeling. He also found an arrowhead about chest high sticking in a dead tree in that area.
While in the hospital sitting w/my dying Dad, at 2 am I smelled cigar smoke. No smoking in this hospital so I got up and went to hallway to see who was smoking. Found nothing. Then I thought about my Dad;s Dad who smoked cigars everyday. Could it have been Grandad checking in on Dad? I'm not sure what there is after this life, but am convinced there is something.

Seems like a lot more than what meets the eye... :icon_shaking2:

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My wife and I bought an old house here on the Indiana prairie in '86 we still live in today. County records have it built in 1881, but the State Registry of Historical places says it was built circa 1861 so we don't know. There has never been any haunted experiences until once during a really intense thunderstorm I got the urge to take some pictures inside the house. First one came out with many of those "orb" things they discuss on TV shows. I don't have any orb opinions either way, but the pic is nonetheless spooky. We have a thousand pics of the house's interiors but no others with orbs.

...I told my wife the stormy weather outside was forcing all the wandering spirits of Settlers and Native Americans into the house for cover...I should have said they were Guardian Angels protecting us from the storm, because now she won't let me take pictures during thunderstorms.

P1000421 - Copy (1280x810).webpP1000421 (1280x841).webp

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PROBABLY was! "Post" # 22. PROBAbLY is... read about After-Life experiences, WORLD-WIDE!

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Ever get a bad feeling for no reason at all? Get those orbs on film that ruin the picture? You could preach all day to some and they will never believe. But I used to have a orb that visited pretty often at night in one particular house and sometimes I would get apparitions of dead relatives associated on those nights. Always followed by death in the family. I miss the visits from relatives, but not that evil orb. I dont care who believes it or not.

As for treasure hunting and spirits, yes I do believe in them. A strange fellow who was native american once explained it to me certian areas are cursed. You need a blessing before you enter those areas. While we may not be able to prove any of this, it has been the way for thousands of years. I cant explain how I find some of the things I have seen or learned out in the wilderness. This goes on to the people I have met who are very spiritual.

I have had assistance from members of the forum who dowse. They are usually very accurate in their readings. There is just some areas I enter and I dont feel alone. I feel like I am guided in what I see. Like the rocks are trying to tell me something. I have walked through swarms off bees, and stepped on rattlesnakes and no harm has come to me. I have had things missing from my pack after I have got back home and have no explanation. My photos reveal all sorts of oddities that makes folks call me a cloud watcher, or paridolia a real medical condition.

Yes there is a different set of rules when you leave the road. Some prefer to walk with their eyes closed, I dont mind being called crazy. But if you watch the edges of your vision and check the shadows you will find more than varmits out in the wilderness.

I have a few minutes here, so I'll relay a couple of "different" experiences.

When my wife divorced me I was working for a software development firm in Metro-Detroit. I was project manager for a database we were developing for Ford Motor Company at the time. I was functional, but feeling pretty lost and miserable.

Concerning the database development project, I had a lunch meeting with a lady executive with Ford. I'd spoken to her once on the phone and had never met her face to face.

Our lunch was strictly business. As we rose to leave, she caught me really off guard. She said "There's seven around you."

Huh, duh, what?

She said "They are your angels and they are protecting you".

I never saw or spoke to her again.

The following weekend I was having breakfast on a Sunday morning at a Denny's, sitting in one of those half height cubicles with double rows. I was reading the newspaper, and then noticed an elderly lady on the other side, two cubicles up. She was staring at me. I ignored her and kept reading. She kept staring at me, and finally I locked gaze and stared back.

She said "Who is that man with you?"

I was alone.

I figure it was my late stepfather who had been killed in an auto accident less than a year before. These two incidents helped me begin recovery from the divorce - she'd divorced me for another man.

In my life I notice there are a few of the population who are very "sensitive", and then there is the group who offset us and see nothing.

I am one who has refused to believe there are ghost. But after a personal experience and another situation , I believe there are spirits left behind and lost. Our local VFW is just jam packed full of ghost. Some men have dropped dead sitting right at the bar and we figure they never left , wanting to remain there with their friends rather than moving to the light. Actually i have collected all of the accounts. The hair pulling at three in the morning while the bartenders are alone in the office counting their money. Seeing images in all the mirrors. Its all true. I have thought about writing a book. I have interviewed at least 15 former bartenders and former officers who have had encounters. It is a large old VFW built just after WW II . A Quartermaster pulled a gun while alone and shot the bar/ canteen all to pieces one night while alone. He said something was all over him. The bullet holes are still in the walls. And the most common complaint whispering into ears of women while in the rest room. At least three female bartenders have fled the building late at night while in the building alone. the most favorite trick the ghost likes to play is to throw a stainless steel mixing bowl they use for ice across the room from the top of the ice machine. The bartenders will say to the ghost , now stop that crap ! It gets pretty wild at times. Should I write a book ? I avoid the place these days. i don't want any of them coming home with me. That why I leave the issue alone.

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Love your stories Deepseeker. Did your grandmother have any stories about the house?

Love your stories Deepseeker. Did your grandmother have any stories about the house?

Thanks chkn!

No my grandmother said "Hush, there ain't no such thing here."

Yesterday, my daughter, her boyfriend and his father, brother and his wife & son met up at the farm to do some gold panning of the little creek running by the lower yard from the house. My daughter's boyfriend's (a great guy) father (they're Bosnian and his father speaks very little English), unsolicited the father told his son that there would be no way in "heck" he would live up in that holler by himself.... Said it was just a feeling he had about the place. They'd never been told about the "disturbances" there.

My brother's third wife refused to sleep up there - twice she'd awakened with a woman standing over her. And there have been cases of faces looking in the windows. And once I had a glass of ice water sitting on the right side of my keyboard. The glass raised up, passed over the keyboard to the left and sat down flush with the edge of the desk. I called Mom in and told her about it, and she just laughed and said it happened all the time to her.

Mom still lives there, at 88.

The house, 5th on the property, is way up the holler. The driveway is a kilometer long. Here's a picture looking at the house, and another where I turned around and snapped down the driveway behind me.



For the most part it is very isolated and peaceful, even the spirits (except the bad one) are more helpful than harmful.

Mom said I should sell the place after she passes. And that brings up that other thread about whether a seller should tell a buyer the place is haunted or not....

As isolated it is; you won't have to... SW Virginia, eh...? I am in Lynchburg, Va. EAST of Roanoke, Va. I would LOVE the place... BUT! Wife sezs "NO WAY"! SHE sezs that I am a GHOST MAGNET! LOL! :laughing7: MOUNTAIN MAN; love the mountains & "spooks" of the Shenandoah Valley!

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I remembered one of Granny's stories!

Back around the turn of the century in one of the previous houses at the site, her great aunt Ruby got her boyfriend drunk and castrated him on the kitchen table with a butcher knife. Granny said Ruby was crazy as "heck".

Here's our family tree.... An old forester came through a couple years ago hiking Bull Mountain and saw the tree. He said it's the biggest beech tree he'd ever seen, aged it at between 450 & 500 years old. There's one in Maryland on the national register at 550 years old. The tree is at the little creek we panned yesterday (no gold...), Granny's wash house in the picture.... My great grandfather's initials carved into the tree were still visible when I was a child.


Here's my father's side in 1909 - different property... An example of the way life was in this neck of the woods...


And here's a picture of me standing in front of my great grandmother's house, built circa 1803. Picture was about 1952...


The chimney is still standing though my grandmother sold the home's logs off in the 60's. It stands just above and to the front of the current house. I started to pull the chimney down one time and then realized I had no "right" to do so. I wanted to get under the hearth stone to see if they'd placed a coin there for good luck, as was the custom in older days.

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To "rehash" your history a bit, you stated current house/home was built by your grandfather in 1951 (year I was born); fifth house on property...? As I meditated on your story I heard/smelled something about MOONSHINE; NICE area for a "Still" with moonshiners still "protecting" their isolated "spot" from IRS Agents. FURTHER back in time was "Indians" (Cherokee Nation or Monacan Nation)... AND! An isolated "community" of Melungeons; FASCINATING!

There was an initial cabin built just after William Penn surveyed the area in 1730. Then there was a more "civilized" cabin built up on the West ridge. The 3rd house was the one I was standing in front of on or about 1952. My great grandfather had another smaller log building which he used as a store (my driveway was originally a county road that went back up the mountain behind us). At the turn of the century, the mountain behind us (we're on the North Slope of Bull Mountain in Patrick County), there were a lot of people living back there. As time passed most moved essentially down to civilization. I don't think there's anyone living up there now. Granny told me there was an Indian cave up there, but she wouldn't tell me where it was, didn't want me going up there looking for it.

That store became a home for my grandmother and grandfather. I remember (barely) when they got electricity. There was a light bulb hanging down on a wire above the kitchen table. This served as their home until they finished the current house. My great grandmother passed away in 1947.

My father's side came over from Edinburgh in 1650 and mother's side came from Edinburgh in 1690. Both families worked their way Southwest from Northern Virginia - above Richmond when the homesite area was essentially cleared for settling.

I know the general area of the first cabin, and when I was a child, I remember seeing the remnants of the second house. I've not detected these areas yet. At most I figure I'd find relics maybe and certainly no coins. They were dirt farmers.

These were the Robertsons. Now, my father's side, the Turners (the outlaw ones) were moonshiners. Dad was a moonshiner, had me toting cases of mason jars for him. He got busted in '54 hauling liquor and my brother and I didn't see him again till '57. I never questioned him about this, so I'll never know what happened to him. Mom divorced him during this time.

I haven't applied for the papers, but Mom is a Daughter of the American Revolution and Daughter of the Confederacy.

Love the picture show. Thank you!

Hey, you should definitely do some detecting of the old sites. Why not? Might not find coin but maybe something sentimental.

As isolated it is; you won't have to... SW Virginia, eh...? I am in Lynchburg, Va. EAST of Roanoke, Va. I would LOVE the place... BUT! Wife sezs "NO WAY"! SHE sezs that I am a GHOST MAGNET! LOL! :laughing7: MOUNTAIN MAN; love the mountains & "spooks" of the Shenandoah Valley!

You're only about 2 hours away. Two hours because of the country roads getting here. If you've ever been to Fairystone State Park, you've been within 6 or 7 miles of me.

Hey, you should definitely do some detecting of the old sites. Why not? Might not find coin but maybe something sentimental.

I've been detecting the habitation areas for 33 years! So far I've found 2 Wheats and a Merc.... They didn't have much money, and the money they had was tight, tight, tight!!! Granny traded eggs for coffee & sugar in the early 50's.

The first two sites are heavily overgrown now. Copperheads, rattlers, and spiders as big as your hand (believe it or not!)

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