Error coin??


Jr. Member
Mar 11, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
IMG_6846.jpegI was metal detecting an area that was estblished in the early 1940s. It was a CCC camp park that they created.. i believe this coin has been there since then. I was taking a group coin picture and noticed that it said United State… without an S on states. I find it hard to believe that the guy that lost it scraped it off. Your thoughts are appreciated as well as a possible value. Thank you in advance

I could be wrong but it looks like post mint damage to me. The S and the O next to it are both damaged, and the edge of the coin appears slightly bent right above those letters.

Still a great find either way, IMO.

Hard to say for certain with a worn coin, but could be from a grease filled die. It is not uncommon for grease or debris to fill some of the voids in the die causing weak or missing features. This is very common and unless it is much more extensive adds no value to the coin.

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