Equinox identifying trash issue

Pulltabfelix, when you get old(er), an extra unnecessary dig with the shovel can become problematic - it hurts! Arthritis stinks and every time you dig a hole, it's wearing out the joints even more. When I get my new machine, (soon) I don't expect to dig much trash at all. It will lengthen the time in the future I will be able to metal detect.

I agree with you 100%. I have some now minor back issues and high arches issue with my right ankle that acts up after a while on a hunt and it is somewhat of a chore to dig a lot of holes. but then on the other side when relic hunting, those iffy signals are so tempting. So it basically limits my hunt length to about an hour and an half and I am ready to quit and hunt another day.

I don't know of any machine that will disc out those items and still ring out good on other keeper targets in that range. You can always hit the reject button on a particular I.D. number that pollutes the site, but, other targets that read the same will also be killed off.
I agree and you have to dig everything especially if it’s a solid signal.

I posted this once before. I was on a club dig. Place had been hit by 20 folks for two outings. This was the third, I had missed the first two. I had a "funny sounding" aluminum can signal on the Deus, well, it sounded "funny". The big aluminum almost always has a distinct "echo" to it. This sounded almost the same. Almost. It lacked some of the echo.

There were a bunch of footprints on it and around it. It was a Rev War belt plate! The way the Deus is set up I almost never dig trash. I do dig some iron deliberately, and got a busted civil war curry comb Saturday, but knew it was iron before it came out of the ground. The one thing the Deus can get confused with is a civil war brass button and a shotgun base, as both are about the same size, weight, and density.

And on another note, this winter has been very bad on the arthritis thing. I haven't dug much at all, and also because I can't get anyone off their couches to go with me and my gold coin and confederate buckle spot is THAWED at the moment.

My hunt lasted 3 pitiful miserable hours on Saturday and my knees are still toast! And I fell down once and went boom on Saturday. Danged roots and vines!

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Fisher is coming up with a discriminating PI machine. First test machine just got sold from what I've read.

This would be game changer for some of us. Here where I live, getting 6" of depth max is the norm. I can bury a quarter at 10" and my Equinox won't even give me a peep. Do you have any more information on it?

Shut up! shut up! shut up! If everyone knows about it, it wont be a "secret weapon", LOL

I can’t hit a quarter at 6 inches in my yard- no matter which detector I currently try.

The deepest signal I ever got was 7' under ground with a standard VLF machine.

A natural gas pipeline! Survey plots show it's 7' down there. I have to remind myself to tell guests where it is. A few folks have found silvers and minie balls (from two different time frames) on TOP of the pipeline! Place is deeply plowed and stuff gets moved around all the time.

I can’t hit a quarter at 6 inches in my yard- no matter which detector I currently try.
What settings,
recovery speed to high can do that .
iron bias to high can also do that .
swing speed,
coin angle.
coin condition.
swing directing.
other items near by like iron.,
There are many things that come into play.
We’ve all gone over a good target and missed it.

I can’t hit a quarter at 6 inches in my yard- no matter which detector I currently try.

I feel your pain. 6" is really the effective max here on coins. Sure, I can hit bigger iron or cans deeper, but not the coins. The soil here is not my friend...

The deepest signal I ever got was 7' under ground with a standard VLF machine.

A natural gas pipeline! Survey plots show it's 7' down there. I have to remind myself to tell guests where it is. A few folks have found silvers and minie balls (from two different time frames) on TOP of the pipeline! Place is deeply plowed and stuff gets moved around all the time.

I take it your soil is a tad hot where you are?

I posted this once before. I was on a club dig. Place had been hit by 20 folks for two outings. This was the third, I had missed the first two. I had a "funny sounding" aluminum can signal on the Deus, well, it sounded "funny". The big aluminum almost always has a distinct "echo" to it. This sounded almost the same. Almost. It lacked some of the echo.

There were a bunch of footprints on it and around it. It was a Rev War belt plate! The way the Deus is set up I almost never dig trash. I do dig some iron deliberately, and got a busted civil war curry comb Saturday, but knew it was iron before it came out of the ground. The one thing the Deus can get confused with is a civil war brass button and a shotgun base, as both are about the same size, weight, and density.

And on another note, this winter has been very bad on the arthritis thing. I haven't dug much at all, and also because I can't get anyone off their couches to go with me and my gold coin and confederate buckle spot is THAWED at the moment.

My hunt lasted 3 pitiful miserable hours on Saturday and my knees are still toast! And I fell down once and went boom on Saturday. Danged roots and vines!

Smokey ,
If you lived just a tad bit closer I'd get off my couch - Im here in Michigan

What settings,
There are many things that come into play.
We’ve all gone over a good target and missed it.

Hi Doug- yea I know. This is from years of trying everything. Garret Gti, Ace, At Pro, Minelab Ctx, Equinox, all with numerous coil sizes.

It’s my soil- not the user. I built an extensive test bed with all sorts of targets, flat, edge, co-mingled, etc- nada at 6 inch.

But keep an eye on my yard find list in my sig. It will be going up soon. :)

Just a thought to keep in mind. Is a 6” or 11” coils actually the covering area. What I’m trying to say is they are DD coils and if the swing is not dead center from front to back you will easily loose depths and even target loss. If you are off even an inch from front to back over the target it can make a big difference.
I’m guess every swing we make is not the same as previous swing. Are we exactly over the target. The deeper the target the more precise we have to be over the target. That is why sometimes we hit a target and can’t find it. In a test bed each is good and you know which angl the coin is placed so if it’s deep and you swing across it even at 10 20 degrees of being off things will change enough we a
can miss them. When it’s close to the surface the detectors will sing.
we will never be perfect ever time. So just enjoy detecting.

Found the thread resurrected. The soil where the pipeline is happens to be very hot. I found a barber dime standing on edge "cemented" to a dirt clod on top of the ground about 10 days ago, something like that, and it was a marginal target. A yes, dig me target, but not the BAM you would expect from silver.

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