All I can say is sometimes the truth is hard to reconcile. Sorry you feel that way. The non-ferrous items that you described in your post are basically impossible to disc out with 100 percent certainty and if you do try to notch targets out, there are plenty of desirable targets such as gold that can show up anywhere in the mid-conductor non-ferrous ID spectrum due to variations in mass and shape. Copper nails are going to sound as good as copper coins. Round mid-conductive aluminum is going to sound great, neither the Equinox nor Deus nor any other machine using VLF induction balance technology is going to reliably keep you from digging these targets, regardless of your level of experience. In other words this is a technology limitation not a detectorist experience limitation, but I would think an experienced detectorist would already know that.
Also, I was not responding solely to your post but also to the individual who was having issues with iron falsing, who did not mention use of iron bias settings, hence, my mention of F2. Yes, this has no bearing on your non-ferrous junk issue.
F2 helps, but multifrequency is not the end all and be all technology it is hyped up to be.
Regarding, Multi IQ, it is great at the beach and does well when you want to avoid having to hit a site multiple times with different frequencies. But in thick iron relic hunting. I prefer the Deus/ORX. I think these two detectors compliment each other for a wide spectrum of detecting situations. The above addresses some thoughts expressed by others in this thread.
That's all I am going to say to you on this topic other than to apologize to you and the other participants in this thread for a tone in my original post that could rightly be construed as rude. If you want to to learn about tonal nuances and target footprints feel free to use the search feature on this site to see what I and others have posted about Equinox, previously. Not inclined to go through the effort to spoon feed it to someone who is going to assail me with multiple passive aggressive sarcastic insults like in the first post and telling me to whatever off pretty much seals the deal. I am pretty secure that my documented rep (ratio of likes to postings) means people do value my advice but I know that not everyone is going to see eye-to-eye with what I have to say and that is fine.
Anyway, good luck, happy hunting, and I hope you work out your issues with the Equinox and with those on the forum who have a different opinion or viewpoint than yours as that seems to really get under your skin, since I have not been the only target of your ire in this thread.