Equinox identifying trash issue

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Definitely agree with your numbers.. for me if im not comfortable with a machine i give up on it. The AT Max i think i had for a week and sold it. Just did not get along with the tones and new i would be missing stuff. I have to like my machine enough to want to learn it.

You seem very angry. Most people here are here to help. Sorry your frustrated with the Nox. I was that way with the AT Max. To me 90% of this hobby is what you are comfortable swinging. Take care.

IM Not frustrated with the NOX. Im not dogging the nox at all. I was identifying with the original guy who posted the thread and letting him know we all get a little frustrated some times with trash. I got my ass kicked this past week on a site I thought I would do very well on. I was just sharing that experience. Then the mobsters chimed in attacking me for knowing nothing about the nox or detecting or anything for that matter. So yea that pissed me off. It looked like some kinda bias because Im a new member. I love the nox and have tried to learn everything I can about it for the last 14 months. I come here to learn new things not be called lazy and stupid and unwilling to research. I dive, I have side scan sonar. I have been searching for 1 shipwreck for 15 years. I research all clues by the people that have searched before me. Im unemployed so I swing the Nox 4-5 days a week. Unless I'm diving over 10ft then I swing the Excal. Sometimes I break out the ATX and go behind the Nox for deeper targets.
Maybe that was the problem: they thought I was mad at the nox so they wanted to discredit me and belittle me. Now I get. Go back and read those comments and see how you would have taken that BS, after what I thought was an innocent post relating to the topic. Anyway I watch your channel and love it. Good day

You still have the option of selling the machine - plenty of people who might be interested in buying it .
If the NOX isnt your first choice good for you and good luck with whatever you end up detecting with . There are many of us out here that find it has capabilities that have , and continue to help us make finds we would not have otherwise found - for us this machine does what we want and continues to surprise . No need for an argument with anyone .
If you say the machine suck's , thats your right , but I sure hope you know what your talking about because like you say , a lot of people are ready to defend it and they are proud to do so .
Good luck to anyone who doesnt like the Equinox and good luck to people who do
Good day all

Definitely agree with your numbers.. for me if im not comfortable with a machine i give up on it. The AT Max i think i had for a week and sold it. Just did not get along with the tones and new i would be missing stuff. I have to like my machine enough to want to learn it.
If your not comfterable with the NOX. Then go with what you like.
Bit I’d watch this first.


On pull tabs or you initially hit a 12-14 on the VDI, I shake or wiggle the coil over the target and walk 90 degrees, keeping the coil wiggling on the target. If an 11 should pop up at any time, so far, it’s always been a pull tab. Every now and then it’ll stick to 13-14 and alas, that pull tab is there, but most times it’s a nickel.

At nine, it’ll miss some targets mixed in with iron. I usually run at 5 or 6. Crown caps are non existent for me as well.

I was having this same problem, but kept at it. There were days I wished I’d stayed home. Couldn’t get past the different “digital” tones. What a PITA. Now, I’m able to pick through the noise variances much better. Still digging trash, but have improved. Most people told me a year minimum to get a handle on the digital sounds. I’ve had mine since 5/19. I was seriously looking at a DEUS as other former equi users went there and were very happy with the different tones the targets made. I’m still thinking about it.

I remember discussing this with you before,and have concluded that i think i made a bad choice and should have bought the XP product..
Learning the lesson the hard way.

Well, all I can tell you is everyone one I dig with has now put down their Equinox and got a Deus. Several of us went out yesterday and did very well.

I sold mine as it didn't live up to the hype, although it is a fine, mid level machine. It does not walk on water. No machine does although within 5 years one might! Just not today. The ergonomics and lack of tonal diversity killed it for me and I sold it. They are easy to sell! To each his own. IF THE STUFF IS NOT IN THE GROUND YOU WILL NOT FIND IT. We all tend to forget that from time to time.

I guess my NEW Member status gives you a big pedestal to stand on? You think and assume no one knows anything about anything? Nobody said anything about iron nails. F2 really?? We all updated our machines on the same day (The First day it came out). But, only you know how it works, only you know how to set it up. Only you know anything about physical metallurgy. Only you know how to check a target footprint. Your narcissistic assumptions are baffling. Why don't you tell us all about the tonal nuances with the Nox. You have years of experience with the Nox and have owned it longer then anyone. So tell us all about the tonal nuances with the Nox and the different metals. Mr. Charter Member/Siver Member guy. We are all listening now. Describe to us the tonal nuances of Said metals and the good targets.

Just to clarify my post. I travel to boat only remote locations. I generally set up a four season tent for 3-5 days and hunt 100% at night. There are very few people that would do what I do. I just finished hunting a ghost town. Research shows it dates back to 18th century but I found no proof. On my second hole I found an IHP 19th Century. After that it was 25 hours of digging trash. So to say I lost some confidence in my ability to read the Nox is an understatement after 14 months using it. I have researched everything I can find on the Nox and still do. That's why I chimed in on this thread to get some information I might not have. So spare the NEW Member a lecture on trash, being lazy, or not knowing anything about detecting or the Nox. If you have some information that is not easily found on youtube or forums or basic internet searches then share it. Otherwise spare everyone the self-righteous comments and *iss off.

All I can say is sometimes the truth is hard to reconcile. Sorry you feel that way. The non-ferrous items that you described in your post are basically impossible to disc out with 100 percent certainty and if you do try to notch targets out, there are plenty of desirable targets such as gold that can show up anywhere in the mid-conductor non-ferrous ID spectrum due to variations in mass and shape. Copper nails are going to sound as good as copper coins. Round mid-conductive aluminum is going to sound great, neither the Equinox nor Deus nor any other machine using VLF induction balance technology is going to reliably keep you from digging these targets, regardless of your level of experience. In other words this is a technology limitation not a detectorist experience limitation, but I would think an experienced detectorist would already know that.

Also, I was not responding solely to your post but also to the individual who was having issues with iron falsing, who did not mention use of iron bias settings, hence, my mention of F2. Yes, this has no bearing on your non-ferrous junk issue.
F2 helps, but multifrequency is not the end all and be all technology it is hyped up to be.

Regarding, Multi IQ, it is great at the beach and does well when you want to avoid having to hit a site multiple times with different frequencies. But in thick iron relic hunting. I prefer the Deus/ORX. I think these two detectors compliment each other for a wide spectrum of detecting situations. The above addresses some thoughts expressed by others in this thread.

That's all I am going to say to you on this topic other than to apologize to you and the other participants in this thread for a tone in my original post that could rightly be construed as rude. If you want to to learn about tonal nuances and target footprints feel free to use the search feature on this site to see what I and others have posted about Equinox, previously. Not inclined to go through the effort to spoon feed it to someone who is going to assail me with multiple passive aggressive sarcastic insults like in the first post and telling me to whatever off pretty much seals the deal. I am pretty secure that my documented rep (ratio of likes to postings) means people do value my advice but I know that not everyone is going to see eye-to-eye with what I have to say and that is fine.

Anyway, good luck, happy hunting, and I hope you work out your issues with the Equinox and with those on the forum who have a different opinion or viewpoint than yours as that seems to really get under your skin, since I have not been the only target of your ire in this thread.

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Well said V. I take for granted that moving from an SE Pro to the Nox was easy and quickly realized how much faster recovery was compared to earlier multi freq Minelabs. I have friends that have struggled moving from whites and Garrett’s but was able to get them up to speed rather quickly and their finds changed dramatically for the better. I have yet to try the Deus/ORX but plan to have one by spring to make my own comparisons. I’m spoiled to be residing in New England where my choices of sites can be vast and quite early. I can imagine the frustration one might have further west with more limited productive sites to access never mind the competition and learning a new machine to boot. The Nox for my type hunting, farm fields, cellar holes and woods is clearly the best machine I have ever used in my 30years of detecting.

Well, I like my Nox. Don’t mind digging trash. I typically know if a signal is not perfect it may be trash. Sometimes I pass on these targets and have a short memory. Only wish the Nox could could disc out clad dimes and quarters, my least favorite targets.

There are some individuals in other forums that rile folks up. They usually have to show that they are smarter than everybody else, etc. They Comment on everything whether it adds to the discussion or not.

Then there are those that are very erudite with a lot of experience and when they explain things, it may go over someone’s head but they’re not trying to be mean in their response. It may seem that way to the casual observer but they are really only trying to be helpful and of value.

I find vferrari one of the later types. Always helpful and willing to exchange ideas and methods to improve one’s experience if they’re struggling over something. On several occasions he has cleared something up for me just by answering another poster’s questions and humble enough to apologize if somewhere, something was misunderstood.
I find that invaluable.
Good luck to all!

This is true enough, the pinpoint on the caps and alu is like a dentists drill hitting your throbbing nerve..
I am at the stage of thinking about dicriminating from 14-20.... i really had higher expectations , that the newer machines could tell a nail and not bother us with it..!!
Alas, i must get used to digging noisy bits of crap...

you need to pay attention to the tones more. Hunting in all metal 50 tones helps tremendously. I mostly hunt old cellars, I can tell its a nail about 95 percent of the time, bottle caps fool me more often, but they do the same on every single detector I have used. Here is what the newer machines do, it finds those coins sitting only inches away from those nails(recovery speed is IMHO the biggest advancement/advantage of the new detectors) . Hell I even found 2 seated quarters with a nail corroded right on to them..... the nox still knew something was there.

All I can say is sometimes the truth is hard to reconcile. Sorry you feel that way. The non-ferrous items that you described in your post are basically impossible to disc out with 100 percent certainty and if you do try to notch targets out, there are plenty of desirable targets such as gold that can show up anywhere in the mid-conductor non-ferrous ID spectrum due to variations in mass and shape. Copper nails are going to sound as good as copper coins. Round mid-conductive aluminum is going to sound great, neither the Equinox nor Deus nor any other machine using VLF induction balance technology is going to reliably keep you from digging these targets, regardless of your level of experience. In other words this is a technology limitation not a detectorist experience limitation, but I would think an experienced detectorist would already know that.

Also, I was not responding solely to your post but also to the individual who was having issues with iron falsing, who did not mention use of iron bias settings, hence, my mention of F2. Yes, this has no bearing on your non-ferrous junk issue.
F2 helps, but multifrequency is not the end all and be all technology it is hyped up to be.

Regarding, Multi IQ, it is great at the beach and does well when you want to avoid having to hit a site multiple times with different frequencies. But in thick iron relic hunting. I prefer the Deus/ORX. I think these two detectors compliment each other for a wide spectrum of detecting situations. The above addresses some thoughts expressed by others in this thread.

That's all I am going to say to you on this topic other than to apologize to you and the other participants in this thread for a tone in my original post that could rightly be construed as rude. If you want to to learn about tonal nuances and target footprints feel free to use the search feature on this site to see what I and others have posted about Equinox, previously. Not inclined to go through the effort to spoon feed it to someone who is going to assail me with multiple passive aggressive sarcastic insults like in the first post and telling me to whatever off pretty much seals the deal. I am pretty secure that my documented rep (ratio of likes to postings) means people do value my advice but I know that not everyone is going to see eye-to-eye with what I have to say and that is fine.

Anyway, good luck, happy hunting, and I hope you work out your issues with the Equinox and with those on the forum who have a different opinion or viewpoint than yours as that seems to really get under your skin, since I have not been the only target of your ire in this thread.

I Greatly value your posts. I would still be behind where I am on the nox without some of your posts. Please keep them coming.

I stand with vferrari as well. The insults hurled at him (and me) were completely baseless and uncalled for. V has helped me enormously with the Equinox over the course of this last year, so here's my heartfelt THANK YOU. Learning the Equinox can be a little challenging and takes some patience, but once you do learn it, it's a fantastic machine. I'm mostly a coin-shooter as opposed to a relic hunter, and for my needs it has served me very well.

Just to clarify my post. I travel to boat only remote locations. I generally set up a four season tent for 3-5 days and hunt 100% at night. There are very few people that would do what I do. I just finished hunting a ghost town. Research shows it dates back to 18th century but I found no proof. On my second hole I found an IHP 19th Century. After that it was 25 hours of digging trash. So to say I lost some confidence in my ability to read the Nox is an understatement after 14 months using it. I have researched everything I can find on the Nox and still do. That's why I chimed in on this thread to get some information I might not have. So spare the NEW Member a lecture on trash, being lazy, or not knowing anything about detecting or the Nox. If you have some information that is not easily found on youtube or forums or basic internet searches then share it. Otherwise spare everyone the self-righteous comments and *iss off.

You should go ahead and just quit detecting now then. With your attitude you will never progress. I do what you do and more. I hunt all night, I take trips to hunt days at a time, I travel hundreds or miles in a day sometimes just to detect, and yes my friend and I have boated to places with no access and camped and hunted for 3 days straight a few times. I have plenty or relics and handfuls of coins to show for it as well. And guess what? plenty of people do what you and I do, and then ten times more. You are nothing special, get over yourself. The reason you got what you call the "new member answers" is because your responses and attitude show you clearly don't have the grasp on things you think you do. Ferrari know more than the average duck when it comes to the nox, my advice is drop the crap attitude, shut your mouth, and pay attention; you might learn something.

One thing to consider is alot of the parks here in Mi which the pop top is our State flower if you dug every signal you wouldnt move more than 10 ft per day and would need a dumpster to haul all of them away thats a fact.

This! I like to hunt a local park as my backup option when I don't have permissions. If I dug every non-iron signal, I wouldn't get very far. I usually start out digging 12/13 but after so many digs without something valuable or even interesting, I move on. I even eventually quit digging the 17 - 20 too because there are SO many pieces of junk in this park.

That said, if I'm at a house, private property, or even a street tear out, I'm digging most of my non-iron signals.

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Vferarri is a asset to tnet Im still learning my Nox he has giving me feedback several times and I read alot of his posts about the nox. Different machines for different people but when you knock another valued member then people might not want to help you any further we all are learning new things everyday. Good luck and I hit the ignore button because I have little respect for rude replies to someone trying to just be helpful.

Just to clarify my post. I travel to boat only remote locations. I generally set up a four season tent for 3-5 days and hunt 100% at night. There are very few people that would do what I do.


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