Enemies Foreign and Domestic

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Stockpicker, you remind me of this gentleman... throughout this whole thread, this is all I could think of, I searched through 8 months of youtube videos ive watched... And here it is:

The guy who trusts the government to kill him if govt said it was for his own good...

Sorry man, you seem like you have good intentions, but I can imagine this being you... blind faith

Correct infowarrior,I have posted that video,"The story of your enslavement",here also.

Oh right on Red...

I usually try to avoid these types of topics on this forum and leave that to other forums, but when checking "new topics" I cant help but be drawn in to some of them :)

Stockpicker, you remind me of this gentleman... throughout this whole thread, this is all I could think of, I searched through 8 months of youtube videos ive watched... And here it is:

The guy who trusts the government to kill him if govt said it was for his own good...

Sorry man, you seem like you have good intentions, but I can imagine this being you... blind faith

This is the voters of Obama, the King........he Will tell you what is good for you and only YOU....Give up your guns, some one MIGHT get hurt.....ok here you go, keep me safe....lol

Oh right on Red...

I usually try to avoid these types of topics on this forum and leave that to other forums, but when checking "new topics" I cant help but be drawn in to some of them :)

WE are saying NOTHING wrong...and a FEW mods will totally agree....If 2nd amendment goes 1st will follow and so does this site....keep that in mind...

For sure, I agree with that, but that wasnt my point... just pointing out I dont always check the "everything else" or new "second amendment" sub forums... and that I missed Red's previous thread about that video I mentioned

I mainly come to Tnet for treasure and precious metals :)

Oh right on Red...

I usually try to avoid these types of topics on this forum and leave that to other forums, but when checking "new topics" I cant help but be drawn in to some of them

Yup,some videos I just cant resist posting lol.That was one of them.The guy in your video above I believe he is in need of some serious help.WOW.As I said one time here before he's so far out there that he's coming back from the opposite direction.

For sure, I agree with that, but that wasnt my point... just pointing out I dont always check the "everything else" or new "second amendment" sub forums... and that I missed Red's previous thread about that video I mentioned

I mainly come to Tnet for treasure and precious metals :)

Same here ....who doesn't....but Sheep need major help...lol

Iv been at this many years, and for you new peps you better be using a torrent or you might get a visit for being a freedom fighter...which means terrorist ....just so you know...

Notice how Stockpicker dipped out...LOL

Well it is midnight, atleast here... Bed time for me soon too :)

Maybe he actually is watching the documentary on democide?

Well it is midnight, atleast here... Bed time for me soon too :)

Maybe he actually is watching the documentary on democide?

We can hope....It was a pleasure to meet you...like minded people are always good to meet, I would stand next to you in a fight for freedom anytime ..peace be with you brother and GOD be with you....my friend....

It is getting to be, hard times now people, for ALL who reads this, from this day on... YOU, will see a change in this GREAT COUNTRY, and it will be for the WORST. It hardens my hart to KNOW that true Americans, will DIE for the freedom I speak of. I truly think that the America I speak of is LOST. To much TIME has passed and generations have lost the TRUE meaning of, The Land of the Free...BUT.....God IS watching and does see's ALL, and I will partake in MY own demise to STAND for freedom, like SO many will...but from the ground we will RISE, and join together and take this GREAT NATION back and reclaim our ALLIANCE with GOD, which will cleanse this great land from demise and SHOW the way to greatness..and..To GOD I pray....

So many people now days are off the path....and you will SEE...they will POKE at what I say...knock IT down...twist it as they see fit, but it IS the word of GOD...The Fore Fathers understood the RIGHTS of birth, from GOD...and wrote the Constitution to back it...GOD will always be on the right side, no matter what you personally think...and this IS the 100% truth.....

If life is worth living, know what your living for & what got you HERE...To truly understand is the GREATEST power....God bless , and peace be with EVERY soul that brings there eyes upon this from this day forward...amen

I, WILL die a FREE man..before I LIVE as a SLAVE....

Before you ask...I do NOT go to church, have only read the bible a FEW times and have NEVER been in prison, I was raised off the LAND, unknown to so MANY people today..BUT.. I believe in the PEOPLE of this great NATION, and what it STANDS for..DO YOU?

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Thread is locked as political, not related close enough to 2nd..

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