Is your head in the sand crispin, we are talking about a couple thousand polish troops here!! Will you get with it. Didnt you see the movie 300!!!
Not just that, but we also have Russian, UK, Canadian, French, German, Australian, and even some Chinese troops here believe it or not. They are NOT training with U.S. troops, they have plenty of equipment here and are just sitting waiting for the call, and mingling out around the U.S. either posing as tourists or just traveling around in civlian atire. You will NOT see any of them in uniforms.
While I was at Fort Polk a couple of years back. I know for fact that there was some Russian troops in the barracks around North Fort and it was "OFF LIMITS" to everyone UNAUTHORIZED! But you did see them in the shopette right down the street.
Many WW2 bases that were closed since the 1950's have been reopened, refurbished, and stock piled along with FEMA trailers since the last 8-10 years. Most of these bases have been out in remote areas away from cities, the public doesn't really travel those roads anymore, so people don't pay attention.
My girlfriend's daughter lives in Kentucky and there was a WW2 base that was closed in the mid 1950's and they knew it had been closed even into the 1990's and about 3 years ago her daughters husband took a back road to a place where he was going and saw the base had been stock piled with FEMA trailers, military equipment he didn't recognize as NOT being U.S. made and the fence not only had barbed wire facing outward, but also double barbed wire facing inward and outward, (and LOOKED BRAND NEW), that pretty much means no one is getting in or out by the way of going over a fence. He also said the base looked like buildings had been refurbished, and new buildings in place etc. Saw a few people that were walking around but couldn't tell what they were doing or wearing as it was almsot dark when he went back by it.
I would do a research on all the old military bases that have long been closed down, that people in their 50's or 60's would remember, (that people have known of it's closures and KNOWS it has been closed in the 1950's, 60's, and 70's, and completely empty then), then I go take a lookie see today and see if anyone is there now or if it is still empty and abandoned or refurbished.