Ely's description of where Ruth's body was found - an experiment...

Thanks Matthew,

That's very good advice, and thanks for taking the time to bring us "greenhorns" along...I've been interested in the LDM my whole life, as my family is from Maricopa Co. and I heard many tales about it over the years. But it's only relatively recently that I started taking the story seriously and have learned a lot I didn't know before...practically all the assumptions I originally had have been proven false.

Thanks also for sharing the pics, the only thing I would say is the letter you've shown is different from the one shown in Dr. Glover's book (pg. 152). Dr. Glover had an old photostat that I'm pretty sure he got from the Ely family. They received it from Erwin Ruth.

The pics of the note you've shown look to me as if they're a transcription of the original note. For example, words that were unreadable in the original were replaced with a line...The original note also had dark stains on it, which show up white in the photostat...supposedly the dark stains were thought to be blood, but who knows. The "vici" part of the quote is nearly obliterated by one of those dark stains, so I can see why it may not be included in a transcription, as it takes a magnifying glass to see...all I can see is the v, the i, and the c, and not very well, but it's there. I obviously can't share the pic in the book as it's copyrighted material...perhaps Dr. Glover may see this and might be able to upload the photostat.

Do you happen to know the origin of the note you have? I don't think I've seen it before, so thanks again for sharing it, as well as all the other great history you've posted here. Best regards, Jim

Pot Belly Jim,

Exactly what I'm saying Jim. The confusion centers on the original Ruth note and subsequent copies of the note, all of which show different versions.

There is no doubt that Jeff Adams had the original note as it was found with Adolph Ruth's remains January 5, 1932.

Now, the question is, how many copies were made and how many of those copies were changed, added to, erased ?

Almost everyone who has one of the versions will tell you they have the A+, Number 1, Authentic Ruth note, case closed!!!!

Except for the fact,........ they don't.

This is where you have to dig deep, much deeper and unless you got on board before March 2008, that is a difficult thing to do.
Jeff Adams was working as the lead searcher for the Maricopa County Sheriff when he found the note.

Best to you always,


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Pot Belly Jim,

To be clear, I am not saying the photos posted are the original Adolph Ruth note as found by Jeff Adams and I certainly am not saying the photos in TE Glover's book are the original Adolph Ruth note as found by Jeff Adams.

I am trying to show there are several versions afloat, all different and found in different places.

The account of Jeff Adams finding that note and what Adams did when he found it is recorded in the Maricopa County Sheriff's record during the search for Adolph Ruth.


Ruth seems to have gotten around pretty well for a man with his physical problems.

Has anyone considered the possibility of suicide?

A man his age, near the end of his life (at least for that era) chasing down that one last dream only to find he was sold a bill of goods. Knowing that he let down the people who grubstaked him.

He drove for 11 days to get to the Superstitions, get packed in to the exact spot he wanted to be in, just to kill himself? That doesn't make any sense.


Lot's of people have repeated what Matthew wrote. I'm surprised he bought it, considering the sources he has. Believe you are on the money more often than not.

Take care,


Well potbelly Jim Then you must know Ruth’s skull and some other stuff was not found where they say it was, not even close to popular belief to where it was found.


Well potbelly Jim Then you must know Ruth’s skull and some other stuff was not found where they say it was, not even close to popular belief to where it was found.


Mick, I wasn't aware of that. Could you elaborate on where Ruth's skull and other stuff was really found?

Mick, I wasn't aware of that. Could you elaborate on where Ruth's skull and other stuff was really found?

No not yet anyways, I just figured Joe might have told you. He was told by his Uncle I think he said and was shown the spot


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