A very detailed description of Ruth death told by Tex , like he was witnessed the event or like was told to him by the murderer . How otherwise he would knew these details ?
If Ruth was forced to go at western Peters Mesa , then he didn't refuse to give more details about the LDM , because he didn't know more about to say something . And then he was killed in vain .
The map that had Ruth with him ( the Peralta locator map ) , was a Ruth's wrong interpretation of that map which in his opinion represented the region west of Peters Mesa , with additions of canyons names and landmarks that he wrote on it . This region was searched by Ruth in his previous trips in the Superstitions , without the expected results . Why he would go to Willow spring in WBC if he would found what he was looking for in Peters Mesa ?
So , those who allegedly killed Ruth , met him somewhere around these three canyons mentioned by Sims in his book , and knowing he was searching for the LDM , they forced him to show them the maps he was carrying . Then they recognized the Peralta locator map which was the only they could understand because has notes written in English , and forced Ruth to go at the place depicted in that map . Also , the laurel grove would not been the only clue written on that map that would leads automaticaly to Peters Mesa , because laurel groves exist in another places too , like close to the junction of Dutchman's trail with EBC at the south end of Black Top Mesa .
If this occured by folks who knew Ruth and his activities in those mountains , then there maybe was a confusion made by Ruth because he was believing how the Peralta locator map was for the LDM and the Perfil mapa was for something else , like a gold cache .
In reality the second slide ( below ) in the Peralta locator map is a 2d illustration of the Perfil mapa .