Hi Matthew,
After looking at the photostat of the original note (pg. 152 of Dr. Glover's "Treasure Tales of the Superstitions"), it appears Ruth actually wrote "Veni, vidi, vici"...the "vici" part is nearly obliterated, but under a magnifying glass, it's there...not that it makes much difference anyhow!
Pot BellyJim,
This is just one of the
MANY things about Adolph Ruth's disappearance and death that must be looked at a little deeper than just scratching the surface.
On January 5, 1932, Jeff Adams found folded neatly in Ruth's checkbook, a note written by Ruth describing the mine and country nearby the mine. It was written in ink.
The words veni vidi were written on that note in pencil.
The descriptive note in ink was written by Adolph Ruth but the words veni vidi in pencil were not. In fact look at those two words (veni vidi) closely, they look like two separate words written by two separate persons. The word vici does not appear on the original note but does appear later on written in, then erased by someone other than Adolph Ruth.
Also, the penciled note, "200 feet across from the cave" appears later on the same note. Also not in Adolph Ruth's handwriting.
Figure out how all this can have happened and who was involved and you are well on your way to solving the Ruth mystery. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.
Here's a tip. Block out the people who tell you who knows what and who doesn't and do your own thinking for yourself.
Best to you Jim,