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Will you elaborate on these "priceless items", Bigscoop?

Many of these you will find referenced in the various biographies/profiles in regards to Joseph estate. One such case involving jewels, as I'm sure you recall, has been discussed many times in these forums and can be found on the internet. As I just explained in another thread, most of what I've been posting has been from memory with the various sources of that information still being stored away at my son's house in a pile of totes. Remember, I wasn't even suppose be in this location if not for that damn heart attack so I'm still settling in to this new and completely unexpected lifestyle. But when I do get time to bring that material home, and feel physically up to it, I'll do that. I hope to be able to get that done before winter sets in?

And to bring you up to date, now they have me starting physical therapy on the 10th for an entirely new aliment involving my spine which has been causing "extreme" and "constant" bouts with low back pain that has even prevented me from walking and sitting on numerous days. I'd like to beat the hell out of that guy who coined the phrase, "the golden years!" :laughing7: The only gold I'm seeing right now is in my urine from all of the damn meds they've had me taking! :laughing7:

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I corrected the link on post #60.

Go back to post #60 and click on the link there. It will work. It is a great read.

I must have a problem on my end because I still get a "bad gateway" error. :dontknow: I've probably already read and looked into the information provided at the link but since I don't know for sure what that information is I can't reply to ECS's earlier inquiry.

What is the information at the link in reference to?
Joseph Bonaparte and the suitcase of Crown jewels, some he brought to America, the rest retrieved by his secretary.
Also includes information on guests to fis New Jersey mansion.

So funny that we are being drawn to other associations as being a part of the Beale.

Why isnt this being thrown into its own French Treasures category?

So funny that we are being drawn to other associations as being a part of the Beale.

Why isnt this being thrown into its own French Treasures category?

If you had been following all of the many past post in regards to the mountains of research involved that has brought us here then you would know why it is possibly connected to Beale. None of this is fiction, or manufactured, it's all documented and the theory is "heavily" supported. No magical maps or super secret hieroglyphics, no secret star alignments or mythical treasure hoards. Just the facts and a lot of actual historical research that continues to pile up. :thumbsup:

Joseph Bonaparte and the suitcase of Crown jewels, some he brought to America, the rest retrieved by his secretary.
Also includes information on guests to fis New Jersey mansion.

Yes, I'm familiar with this undertaking and many of those people who entertained at his estate.

All I'm suggesting with this sort of thing is that Joseph and others did reap certain spoils and they did indeed practice and succeed in the smuggling of those various valuable spoils. These are the same people I have been talking about, the same people who were consistently in Richmond and the surrounding region during the effected period. These are the same people who continued to make reference of having important business affairs in Richmond. These are also the same people who held vested interest in the region of Galveston Island. And, in 1829, these are the same people who sent letter to the president of the United States with inquiry about payments for services rendered. And last, but not least, in his return letter this president did not deny that those alleged services were rendered, he only denied that any promises were made to make the alleged payments for those services. And oh yes, let's not forget that we can directly connect both Mexico Sherman and a Thomas Beale as having held close association with these same people. So is the Beale pamphlet a complete fabrication? Maybe, but also quite strongly, maybe not.

While I have never been one for conspiracy theories I will say that the mounting evidence "strongly suggest" that the United States government did in fact become involved with these exiled Bonapartist and their cause and that this mutual arrangement possibly even went as far back to the Louisiana Purchase. I will also say that there is NO DOUBT that these people did in fact provide some still unclear and important services to the United States during the exact period provided in the Beale Pamphlet and that this service did in fact include large sums of money.

And just to add....we know that in 1829-30 most of our suspects had gathered in Richmond, Virgina, and that it was from here that Joseph Bonaparte sent his letter with inquiry about those alleged payments for services rendered. And we also know who a few of those alleged benefactors were, this including "Joseph, Tallyrand, and others". Of these individuals we also know that they were already wealthy and that Joseph's inquiry was not about petty cash but that it was most certainly an inquiry regarding sizable amounts. Having said this, and being based on everything we have discovered in the course of our research, let me suggest to you that total number of benefactors Joseph Bonaparte was referencing in that letter will equal a portion of, if not the whole number, of those who are suppose to be listed in the C3 cipher.

It is exactly this type of a denial from the debtor on down the road that would cause one to leave required documentation in the hands of a trusted third party, such as Morriss. This is just another reason why I have always maintained that C1 must also contain a clear explanation of what had really transpired. C1 is simply too long to contain only a secure location, so what else could it possibly contain? With everything that's been researched and discovered over the years, and if the Beale pamphlet does hold some measure of truth, then it is quite possible that within C1 there lies a political bombshell. :thumbsup:

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If you had been following all of the many past post in regards to the mountains of research involved that has brought us here then you would know why it is possibly connected to Beale. None of this is fiction, or manufactured, it's all documented and the theory is "heavily" supported. No magical maps or super secret hieroglyphics, no secret star alignments or mythical treasure hoards. Just the facts and a lot of actual historical research that continues to pile up. :thumbsup:
GREAT "History Lesson"...

... So is the Beale pamphlet a complete fabrication? Maybe, but also quite strongly, maybe not.
Yet, one can not discount the chain of coincidence of events in the extended Risqué family bloodline, to the events in the Beale Papers, to those who wrote and/ or copyrighted, published, and printed the job pamphlet for sale in Lynchburg to a Lynchburg audience.
With the exception of "connexion", the Beale Paper are in English, not French.

Yet, one can not discount the chain of coincidence of events in the extended Risqué family bloodline, to the events in the Beale Papers, to those who wrote and/ or copyrighted, published, and printed the job pamphlet for sale in Lynchburg to a Lynchburg audience.
With the exception of "connexion", the Beale Paper are in English, not French.

You're way too focused on "French". :laughing7: Lots of people involved with the suspects in my theory who were not French, this including some of the highest seats in American government. There were people in New Orleans and at Galveston Island who were not French, etc., etc., etc. And by the way, you missed one, as "Risque" is of French origin. :laughing7: And last, I'm not really sure that this text being in English really establishes much as many of the researched letters and documents researched from French related sources were actually penned in perfect and proper English. :thumbsup:

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Here is a man who's title and access allowed him to eventually smuggle contraband into this country upon his arrival, then sometime after his arrival he sends a man overseas to recover and smuggle more contraband into this country. Now here's a question for you to maul over....how do you send one man overseas to recover and smuggle 5100 pounds of silver and 2921 pounds of gold into this country? Second question, how do you get all of this past customs and then proceed to move it wherever you need it to go without discovery? The two Beale deposits are given to the exact pound and the precious stones represent "cut jewels". Hello!

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