There will be two posts this morning, first to Marius:
Except for photographs, I have not posted anything that is not readily availble in the central mining office in Cd. Mexico. Soo no secrets have been given away despite my apparent openess.
Yes, I have The Tayopa, I have had it since 1998. It has been a long drawn out process. I am on a nickle and dime attempt which as Springfiled / Crow correctly state is a 'mom & pop' approach to a multi milion dollar project.
While Tayopa readily is an excellent investment, how do you prove it without the proper pre-investment money being available, or even the proper contacts, so you also concentrate on the Treasure angle, a sort of "The chicken and the Egg syndrome".
Lastly, believe it or not, I have ulterior, but honest, motives, there are always several groups world wide that form each year to look for it, so in my way I try to tell them to go look for something else since it has been found. And NO, it is not a matter of hiding it for myself , it has been found as I have asked openly for the others in these Forums to prove that I haven't. To this end I have also freely given information to other lost mines,placers, treasures, ships, etc. things that I will not live long enough to recover, but should be passed on to other seekers.
I hope this makes a bit of sense to you Marius, but I am not nuts or simply lying, it is just the nest that I have developed for myself / Tayopa has rather trapped me in so far as Tayopa is concerned. The old white elephant gift to an enemy, hence the decision to leave Tayopa closed and go on to other associated treasures, as I have posted.
Example "where does this trail which we found lead to ?? I believe that I know, and so far only only 'I' know. I defy anyone to find it with Google or any other form of computer work, only by foot access, as our Buddy Crow said, would it have ever been found. Hint, it was last used around 1767.