Early Tayopa newspaper story

G'd morning Marius, Cafe first ? Good point well taken, it was a transitional period on the actual measurrements. But the conversion was physically rechecked. that is where they were / are presently..

You are doing a ***** job my friend. Keep up the good work.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. The key is in the orig translation copy they 'confused' varas & codos and simply used / repeated the later conversion factor.

I:E: simply devide by 2, x 10 , or simply multiplying by 5 gives you almost the exact distances

This has confused others.

All rreadings were back checked for accuracy (Rel)

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Don Jose

The measurements with approximation


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True Marious, but during the transitional period they used codos, med meter.See the common no of workings. the same distance from The Capilla with varas. Not possible unless one was above the other. i.e. stacked vertically.Spacing of the mines.webp


  • Distance of th emines from Tayopa a.webp
    Distance of th emines from Tayopa a.webp
    408.3 KB · Views: 152
Don Jose

In the text the measurements are in varas " Vs " . And in the map of the church , all the measurements are in baras ( varas ) , except one which is in palmas with centimeters . In the same map all the distances are to travel by foot ( A = andando ) . I believe for a distance about 2000 metres , maybe they could wrote B = burro .

Good morning Marius: The measurements are given for line of sight. Since most of that terrain is composed of deep barrancas, travel by foot would be horrendously long.

Cerro del Cura.webpNaranjo complex distant view.webp

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose

This picture reminds something to you ?


IMO , is the Tayopa mines region .

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Don Jose

Look to the similarities in the ground shapes and the roads .

T2.webp Dobies%20Map%20of%20Tayopa.webp

The nice is how the distances are correct too .


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To add more " facts " , I post a picture with the " Bell " ( a ground shape which looks like a bell and gave the name to the location) .

The bell.webp T basin.webp

The Tayopa region is in a basin , a typical place of precious minerals .

No, my friend, that is not my Tayopa.but it certainly looks interesting. More like Tayopa # 2 Presently Jim Voisin's proprerties near Yecora. First Mexican Gold Corp.


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Don Jose

You wrote how the Tayopa #2 is NW from Yecora . The site which I have posted is in another direction from Yecora and hasn't any relation with First Mexican Gold Corp .

Very Interesting Marius, may I ask where it might be in regards to a village , ranch, or a prominent mark, including Latitude and Longitude ??

My Tayopa has been clearly located with LAT/LOG

Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose

First , some measurements was changed in the list which we have posted , because some was illogical the same and I made new measurements .The measurements list , before and modified :

Mines.webp Mines 2.webp

Now , the map with the names of the mines , how fit with the directions ( in Dobie and Church maps ) and the distances which have .
The direction of the location , I have posted it in my previous posts ( #110 and #112 ), and is about 10 miles afar.


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G'afternoon Marius: Coffee?? I need some, still on the later part of my flue, sniff cough sniffle.

I applaud your determination and line of thought, but unfortunately your location does not allow for the arroyo Cuadalosa, which also exits to the south, the top of the map, and your picture.. plus a multitude of other points.

Side thingie, where are your two runt (small ) hills in the entrance to Tayopa? < see picture # 2

Dobies Map of Tayopa b.webp .Cerros.webp

Don Jose

In what map shows two small hills in the entrance of Tayopa ?
You do a 3D interpretation to a 2D map . In my site are all there , and the Moris ( Bermudez ) is the closest village to the east . The location is 98% accurate .

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Sending you some hot tea and a vitual box of kleenex, Don Jose. :) I sure hope you feel better. What a fabulous adventure/story this is!!!

Gracaias Jodi Luv. Jim is also down with possibly a reoccurrence of his Dengue. I agreee, beyond the simple treasure hunting there is the historical factor which is fascinating.

HI to your hubby and kiddies Luv.

Don Jose de La Manchay

Sweet Don Jose. ★★★ Now, it appears my mom has come down with it too. Maybe it was the same one in their bedroom? Make sure to keep sure to keep some citronella burning. And, I loved what you mentioned about Margo. She was my soul-mate. Now, back to your awesome adventures. Adios.

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