Dutchman's Caches

I had to hurry and knock on wood 🤓

Thanks, but it’s been back and forth (my health). I think when it’s our time, it’s our time.🤷🏼‍♂️
I feel confident that I get to make another trip into the Superstitions, but one never knows what tomorrow holds.
So far, so good … right? 😁👍

Absolutely. I believe most of us, don't keep a keen eye on how our health evolves as Life keeps getting busier and busier - so it's on ourselves to keep the 'machine' working well.
I read up on your adventures out there in the Supes and I believe you ARE onto an area that WILL pay off. Is it the LDM? Who knows, but I do know that half of the "winnings" is just getting out there and doing the 'walk', backing up the 'talk' - which I've seen you do very well.
I'm a newbie per say to the whole LDM legend and what I've seen in these forums is outstanding work done in deciphering the dated clues that are still out there. I've personally never been out there (The Supes), as I live in Southern California, but do plan on going some time in 2024.
I usually meander in the San Gabriel Mountains at the East Fork area, which has it's own Gold Rush days. Believe it or not, there are some that are still pulling the 'shinny' out of them there hills, but you've got to work hard for it.
Anyways, I don't mean to wander off topic - just wanted to send out a positive note, and support a fellow 'hunter'. I so look forward to your next trip and how things work out. I've got my theories, but I don't have the work done out there like most of you guys here on TN.
Grace and Peace

Greetings Idahodutch!

Until 3 weeks ago I had no interest in the LDM - I was born in Tucson and have heard all the stories - I always figured it would be easier to tackle other projects with less daunting terrain. But lately my sister has shown interest in the LDM and a recent experience she had in the area has peaked my interest. You see, she's a search and rescue volunteer from California, with 2 trained and certified tracking dogs. She was tasked to help locate a missing person near Weaver's Peak. Her and her partner searched the Westerly and Northern slopes around the Needle, but no person/body was found. During her search she found what looked like a winze, somewhere along the western side of the Needle. She said it was a vertical hole, with blackened sides, and undeterminable depth. She said it looked man - made. Unfortunately, she can't remember exactly where she found it, but definitely in the general area where you are searching. (She is trying to find her logging data to determine approximately where she found the winze). So now I'm all in on the search for the LDM - in a way that I never saw coming...

I'm a self-taught amateur geologist/prospector from the J.E Spurr school of thought. Modern geologists dismiss the Supers as incapable of hosting gold, but you proved to yourself that Needle Canyon is, in fact, gold bearing. This is a huge deal because it shows how the 'modern' geological narrative in dead wrong. Moreover, much of the anecdotal evidence suggests you are searching in the proper general area of the gold mineralization (and the accompanying Spanish/Mexican mines of legend.)

What we know beyond doubt is the Supers area was once a large volcanic field. Forensic evidence suggests there was a #1) terminal eruption, causing #2) the resulting volcanic cavity to collapse, forming a large caldera, which #3) allowed a resurgent dome arise, creating the Superstition Mountains. So basically 3 catastrophic magmatic events that could lead to the formation of gold veins by magmatic differentiation - the gold veins likely being the final phase of this mineral segregation (i.e. the end mineral product, or nearly so, of the cooling process). Every gold deposit I have studied always has a very good reason for being there, and I think all the prerequisite conditions necessary for gold formation in the Supers are in place.

I have no doubt you are in the proper area, judging from my limited research of the LDM(just 3 weeks into it, so far). The only way to solve the mystery is to locate the forensic evidence leading to the discovery of the Waltz shaft, and only way to do that is via "boots in the ground" research. And this is exactly what you are doing...

Best of luck and Godspeed to you...

Greetings Idahodutch!

Until 3 weeks ago I had no interest in the LDM - I was born in Tucson and have heard all the stories - I always figured it would be easier to tackle other projects with less daunting terrain. But lately my sister has shown interest in the LDM and a recent experience she had in the area has peaked my interest. You see, she's a search and rescue volunteer from California, with 2 trained and certified tracking dogs. She was tasked to help locate a missing person near Weaver's Peak. Her and her partner searched the Westerly and Northern slopes around the Needle, but no person/body was found. During her search she found what looked like a winze, somewhere along the western side of the Needle. She said it was a vertical hole, with blackened sides, and undeterminable depth. She said it looked man - made. Unfortunately, she can't remember exactly where she found it, but definitely in the general area where you are searching. (She is trying to find her logging data to determine approximately where she found the winze). So now I'm all in on the search for the LDM - in a way that I never saw coming...

I'm a self-taught amateur geologist/prospector from the J.E Spurr school of thought. Modern geologists dismiss the Supers as incapable of hosting gold, but you proved to yourself that Needle Canyon is, in fact, gold bearing. This is a huge deal because it shows how the 'modern' geological narrative in dead wrong. Moreover, much of the anecdotal evidence suggests you are searching in the proper general area of the gold mineralization (and the accompanying Spanish/Mexican mines of legend.)

What we know beyond doubt is the Supers area was once a large volcanic field. Forensic evidence suggests there was a #1) terminal eruption, causing #2) the resulting volcanic cavity to collapse, forming a large caldera, which #3) allowed a resurgent dome arise, creating the Superstition Mountains. So basically 3 catastrophic magmatic events that could lead to the formation of gold veins by magmatic differentiation - the gold veins likely being the final phase of this mineral segregation (i.e. the end mineral product, or nearly so, of the cooling process). Every gold deposit I have studied always has a very good reason for being there, and I think all the prerequisite conditions necessary for gold formation in the Supers are in place.

I have no doubt you are in the proper area, judging from my limited research of the LDM(just 3 weeks into it, so far). The only way to solve the mystery is to locate the forensic evidence leading to the discovery of the Waltz shaft, and only way to do that is via "boots in the ground" research. And this is exactly what you are doing...

Best of luck and Godspeed to you...
Greetings runningnorth,
Thanks for the positive note. 👍
I’m hoping for the best. Maybe it’s all really there, and maybe it’s not…. but only one way to find out. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤓

If you end up going in, be safe and take pictures 😁👌

I finished my trip in not a good way. We hiked in on Wednesday April 10th, and I was life flighted out yesterday 😕
Since the work was done on my heart, I have to be careful not to raise my heart rate too much, for too long at a time. I exceeded that time by about an hour.

A full purging of my system was the result, after reaching our destination.
At first, spending time cooling down in the creek with my feet in, and sitting in the shade, seemed to leading to recovery, but that’s when my body started to purge from both ends.

I’m doing much better, and my health seems to have turned around and now on the mend ….. key being “seems like” so not completely out of the woods yet.

The one good thing was all the water in there. More than I have ever seen. Giant pools of water in Boulder canyon…. Crystal clear and running deeper than I have seen before. The water was nice and cold too.

I have a couple pictures that I’ve been trying to load up, but not working while here in the hospital. I’ll have to post them later.

I said the sign of success was silence, and if not success, I would say so.
This trip stopped without being able to go to the site.
At least I’m still breathing. 👍😃

I did manage to walk down stream in Boulder canyon, to the junction with Needle canyon.
The entire junction is a pool of water. Nice waterfalls from mouth of Needle creek, as it dumped down into Boulder creek.
I’ll post the pics, after I get out of the hospital.

Someone here on T-net did a thread about if the LDM had a curse on it, protecting it 🤔
Sometimes I wonder 😐

So close, yet so far 🤷🏼‍♂️

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I finished my trip in not a good way. We hiked in on Wednesday April 10th, and I was life flighted out yesterday 😕
Since the work was done on my heart, I have to be careful not to raise my heart rate too much, for too long at a time. I exceeded that time by about an hour.

A full purging of my system was the result, after reaching our destination.
At first, spending time cooling down in the creek with my feet in, and sitting in the shade, seemed to leading to recovery, but that’s when my body started to purge from both ends.

I’m doing much better, and my health seems to have turned around and now on the mend ….. key being “seems like” so not completely out of the woods yet.

The one good thing was all the water in there. More than I have ever seen. Giant pools of water in Boulder canyon…. Crystal clear and running deeper than I have seen before. The water was nice and cold too.

I have a couple pictures that I’ve been trying to load up, but not working while here in the hospital. I’ll have to post them later.

I said the sign of success was silence, and if not success, I would say so.
This trip stopped without being able to go to the site.
At least I’m still breathing. 👍😃

I did manage to walk down stream in Boulder canyon, to the junction with Needle canyon.
The entire junction is a pool of water. Nice waterfalls from mouth of Needle creek, as I’d dumped down into Boulder creek.
I’ll post the pics, after I get out of the hospital.

Someone here on T-net did a thread about if the LDM had a curse on it, protecting it 🤔
Sometimes I wonder 😐

So close, yet so far 🤷🏼‍♂️
Damn it boy, you could have died out there.

Damn it boy, you could have died out there.
Wednesday night was terrible. I was purging on and off all night. ☹️
The helicopter landed in a spot in Boulder creek, dropped off a couple guys. They harnessed me and one of the guys all up while the helicopter got back up in the air, then dropped a cable down.
Those guys are braver than me, for sure. Once they got us off the ground, they went up in elevation before hoisting us up into the helicopter.
I had to close my eyes 😂
I admit, I was freaked out 🙏🏻🤷🏼‍♂️

by the time we were all the way into the helicopter, we were probably at least 1/2 mile away 🥸

I was glad to get medical attention.
What was it Forrest Gump’s mama said … life is like A box of chocolates… 🤓

I finished my trip in not a good way. We hiked in on Wednesday April 10th, and I was life flighted out yesterday 😕
Since the work was done on my heart, I have to be careful not to raise my heart rate too much, for too long at a time. I exceeded that time by about an hour.

A full purging of my system was the result, after reaching our destination.
At first, spending time cooling down in the creek with my feet in, and sitting in the shade, seemed to leading to recovery, but that’s when my body started to purge from both ends.

I’m doing much better, and my health seems to have turned around and now on the mend ….. key being “seems like” so not completely out of the woods yet.

The one good thing was all the water in there. More than I have ever seen. Giant pools of water in Boulder canyon…. Crystal clear and running deeper than I have seen before. The water was nice and cold too.

I have a couple pictures that I’ve been trying to load up, but not working while here in the hospital. I’ll have to post them later.

I said the sign of success was silence, and if not success, I would say so.
This trip stopped without being able to go to the site.
At least I’m still breathing. 👍😃

I did manage to walk down stream in Boulder canyon, to the junction with Needle canyon.
The entire junction is a pool of water. Nice waterfalls from mouth of Needle creek, as I’d dumped down into Boulder creek.
I’ll post the pics, after I get out of the hospital.

Someone here on T-net did a thread about if the LDM had a curse on it, protecting it 🤔
Sometimes I wonder 😐

So close, yet so far 🤷🏼‍♂️


You are one lucky man and it appears that 'someone' or 'something' was looking out for you that day 🙏. Personally, I have to say, I was praying for you the whole time as you were out there, and I have to believe those prayers worked well. The simple fact that you are talking to us today, about an incident that could have killed you; proves to me that prayers do give comfort, support and saving Grace - because we have to remember, there are many who have NOT come out of there. So, my hats off to you for just going out there regardless of Life throwing you a "curve ball", which could have been much worse. It sounds like despite your body "crashing", you still seem to have had some wits about you - which really got you out of there. I hope you didn't go alone and that there was someone along side of you to keep an eye on things. Whether you did or not, the outcome of your trip I believe was the best outcome all based on your current health stance and said conditions of the environment.

Since you stated you had a 'Life Flighted' out of there - I'm guessing you had to use your GPS inreach SOS device? That's one thing I still have to get for myself, as it can save a life.

With regards to the water out there, I figured there would be an enormous amount of it - due to all the rainfall we've had here in California and Arizona, covering most of the Southwest. I've never seen so much water-flow here in California and I'm born and raised here in Southern California (55 years). All that being said, it is a good thing to hear about the Springs and Seeps being full, as it will come in handy when needing to replenish for the sake of survival.

Personally, I'm looking forward to your pictures, of whatever you took. At this point, it really doesn't matter what you captured - the fact that you're able to share, is a blessing and because you didn't get a chance to get to the said site - only says, you've been given a 'mulligan' at reaching your goal and at Life itself. Bravo.

Finally, I should address the whole "curse" thing, as it is a glaring question. Are there 'curses'? I would say it's very possible. I've experienced stranger things in life and I also know - there are "forces" out there that we just don't understand and those who've observed these strange moments can testify to that. What I will say, is that we sometimes decode/translate what we THINK is occurring, but when in reality, there is another reason for outcomes we experience. My belief is, if you had stayed longer, being that your health had allowed that, things could have been way worse than you ever experienced. It is so easy to get into a situation that we have no control over, and it is almost impossible to prevent all of what COULD happen out there in the 'Deep'.

Again Idahodutch, you are a very blessed man this week, to be able to share with us - a scary moment in your life.

I'm still planning on going in there, but I don't know if it will be in April or May. If I don't make it in there by then, October will have to be the next step.

Grace and Peace,

This first photo is one of the big pools in Boulder canyon

This next photo is where the mouth of needle creek dumps into boulder creek.

There are a couple clue matches in Boulder canyon.
Our camp was in Boulder canyon, about 1/4 mile south of the junction of needle and boulder canyons.
This photo of a rock man as described in the Holmes manuscript, was taken from our campsite.

The time of day makes a difference in how this rock man looks. Afternoon sun yields this image.

The other clue match has to do with the German clues. When in the spot where 4 peaks looks like one peak, in the opposite direction is to be a peak with a hole in it.
This next photo is of palomino mountain, in the afternoon, when the setting sun lights up Aylor’s Arch from behind…… producing a lit up window, and calling attention to itself.

Just left of the large notch is a small rectangular window that is lit up.

A zoomed in view

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Looks absolutely gorgeous out there. What were the Temps out there?
The temps were cool on the hike in … and about low to mid 80’s in the afternoon.

Yesterday was hotter, probably upper 80’s.
In town however, it was 94.

Next week is better, with Monday calling for 77 in town.
The forecast for tortilla flat seems to be closer to the actual for in there, rather than like Gilbert, or Apache Junction. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Good news.
I just got to see the doctor, and he said my numbers all came around overnight, and are looking very good. He said they’re going to discharge me as soon as this last IV bag empties out …. About 2 hours or so.

I feel pretty good, just a headache now 👍🤓

The paramedics that first treated me at the first water trailhead, asked if I had hydrated heavily for 2-3 days prior to hiking in … 🥸😐
I said, not really, just normal amount of liquids.
They said it can make a huge difference 👏 👌
I thanked them for the tip. 🤓
I don’t recall ever getting that memo, and I grew up in the valley of the sun. 🥹

Maybe I just forgot 🤷🏼‍♂️

Good news.
I just got to see the doctor, and he said my numbers all came around overnight, and are looking very good. He said they’re going to discharge me as soon as this last IV bag empties out …. About 2 hours or so.

I feel pretty good, just a headache now 👍🤓

The paramedics that first treated me at the first water trailhead, asked if I had hydrated heavily for 2-3 days prior to hiking in … 🥸😐
I said, not really, just normal amount of liquids.
They said it can make a huge difference 👏 👌
I thanked them for the tip. 🤓
I don’t recall ever getting that memo, and I grew up in the valley of the sun. 🥹

Maybe I just forgot 🤷🏼‍♂️


I do the whole per-hydration thing using Electrolyte water instead of just water. I'll do that, the week before I go anywhere deep in the Mountains, and I would suspect it should be done - before going in deeper via the Supes. It really does make a difference. You don't wear out as quickly and it helps the muscles stay "energized". I use Gatorade Fierce (grape flavor is my fav).

Wonderful to hear of what the Doc stated. Now, take yourself back home, rest so we can get you out there - and solve the damn legend already 🤣 .


Good news.
I just got to see the doctor, and he said my numbers all came around overnight, and are looking very good. He said they’re going to discharge me as soon as this last IV bag empties out …. About 2 hours or so.

I feel pretty good, just a headache now 👍🤓

The paramedics that first treated me at the first water trailhead, asked if I had hydrated heavily for 2-3 days prior to hiking in … 🥸😐
I said, not really, just normal amount of liquids.
They said it can make a huge difference 👏 👌
I thanked them for the tip. 🤓
I don’t recall ever getting that memo, and I grew up in the valley of the sun. 🥹

Maybe I just forgot 🤷🏼‍♂️
Howdy Idahodutch,

Those were good news indeed, glad you made it out, it doesn't matter how, just as long as one does. Sorry that you didn't get to verify much, other than having to heavily hydrate 2-3 days prior to going in. At least some of us are learning, and that could make a world of difference. Still praying for you.


Howdy Idahodutch,

Those were good news indeed, glad you made it out, it doesn't matter how, just as long as one does. Sorry that you didn't get to verify much, other than having to heavily hydrate 2-3 days prior to going in. At least some of us are learning, and that could make a world of difference. Still praying for you.

Good morning Homar,
I want to thank you and others that have sending good thoughts and prayers. We could all use more of that 😁👍

The doctors still don’t know how my body had gone into rabdo mode, as usually it takes a month or so of poor nutrition for the body to be canabalizing itself. They had me do a bunch of blood and urine tests, which only ruled some stuff out. They also had me do a nuclear stress test for my heart.
Apparently there has still been a partially clogged artery feeding my heart. Another trip to the cath lab for an angiogram and possibly unclogging an artery.

That would explain the difficulty in working through the shortness of breath and fatigue that has been plaguing me through my recovery.

Hopefully this will make things a little easier 🤓👍
Not getting my hopes up yet ….. (maybe a little 😜) but maybe the saga isn’t finished after all 🥳🥳🥳🤷🏼‍♂️

The level of dehydration was from my body purging, and was not a result of how much I hydrated before going in.

The big changes so far, was changing medications, that are supposed to control the heartbeat, and rhythm. The side effects are still there, but are significantly lower now.

The hard part in this whole thing, for me, is that it’s not that hard of a hike, and not that far either.

Less than 4 miles of trail hiking to get to base camp. That’s it 🥸
I worked construction most of my life, and loved it. Nothing like working hard and a sense of satisfaction from getting something accomplished 🥳😁
Manual labor was like a free pass to the gymnasium. 🤓👍 and even got paid for it 🤓

Anyway, the hike is not that difficult. It has been very frustrating to be having such a hard time just getting there.

I really thought I would be skipping along the trail…. And pretty much was, until about 3 miles in, then that was it. 😰

But, maybe life isn’t over yet 😎
Just a bad section of road … unexpected potholes are par for the course. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I think Forrest Gump’s mama was right about life being like a box of chocolates 🤓😂😂


Good morning Homar,
I want to thank you and others that have sending good thoughts and prayers. We could all use more of that 😁👍

The doctors still don’t know how my body had gone into rabdo mode, as usually it takes a month or so of poor nutrition for the body to be canabalizing itself. They had me do a bunch of blood and urine tests, which only ruled some stuff out. They also had me do a nuclear stress test for my heart.
Apparently there has still been a partially clogged artery feeding my heart. Another trip to the cath lab for an angiogram and possibly unclogging an artery.

That would explain the difficulty in working through the shortness of breath and fatigue that has been plaguing me through my recovery.

Hopefully this will make things a little easier 🤓👍
Not getting my hopes up yet ….. (maybe a little 😜) but maybe the saga isn’t finished after all 🥳🥳🥳🤷🏼‍♂️

The level of dehydration was from my body purging, and was not a result of how much I hydrated before going in.

The big changes so far, was changing medications, that are supposed to control the heartbeat, and rhythm. The side effects are still there, but are significantly lower now.

The hard part in this whole thing, for me, is that it’s not that hard of a hike, and not that far either.

Less than 4 miles of trail hiking to get to base camp. That’s it 🥸
I worked construction most of my life, and loved it. Nothing like working hard and a sense of satisfaction from getting something accomplished 🥳😁
Manual labor was like a free pass to the gymnasium. 🤓👍 and even got paid for it 🤓

Anyway, the hike is not that difficult. It has been very frustrating to be having such a hard time just getting there.

I really thought I would be skipping along the trail…. And pretty much was, until about 3 miles in, then that was it. 😰

But, maybe life isn’t over yet 😎
Just a bad section of road … unexpected potholes are par for the course. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I think Forrest Gump’s mama was right about life being like a box of chocolates 🤓😂😂

Ya know... There's always an estate sale in our future.
An empty or partially empty candle box at such time really won't do much about it. Unless it excites those living's imaginations.
But prep accordingly anyways while you still can; and leave a little mystery associated with your efforts!

Good that you've recovered a bit.
(Veni, vidi, vertiginosa. )

Ya know... There's always an estate sale in our future.
An empty or partially empty candle box at such time really won't do much about it. Unless it excites those living's imaginations.
But prep accordingly anyways while you still can; and leave a little mystery associated with your efforts!

Good that you've recovered a bit.
(Veni, vidi, vertiginosa. )
I had to look it up ….. (vertiginosa) 😎
Yeah it fits 😁.

Good morning Homar,
I want to thank you and others that have sending good thoughts and prayers. We could all use more of that 😁👍

The doctors still don’t know how my body had gone into rabdo mode, as usually it takes a month or so of poor nutrition for the body to be canabalizing itself. They had me do a bunch of blood and urine tests, which only ruled some stuff out. They also had me do a nuclear stress test for my heart.
Apparently there has still been a partially clogged artery feeding my heart. Another trip to the cath lab for an angiogram and possibly unclogging an artery.

That would explain the difficulty in working through the shortness of breath and fatigue that has been plaguing me through my recovery.

Hopefully this will make things a little easier 🤓👍
Not getting my hopes up yet ….. (maybe a little 😜) but maybe the saga isn’t finished after all 🥳🥳🥳🤷🏼‍♂️

The level of dehydration was from my body purging, and was not a result of how much I hydrated before going in.

The big changes so far, was changing medications, that are supposed to control the heartbeat, and rhythm. The side effects are still there, but are significantly lower now.

The hard part in this whole thing, for me, is that it’s not that hard of a hike, and not that far either.

Less than 4 miles of trail hiking to get to base camp. That’s it 🥸
I worked construction most of my life, and loved it. Nothing like working hard and a sense of satisfaction from getting something accomplished 🥳😁
Manual labor was like a free pass to the gymnasium. 🤓👍 and even got paid for it 🤓

Anyway, the hike is not that difficult. It has been very frustrating to be having such a hard time just getting there.

I really thought I would be skipping along the trail…. And pretty much was, until about 3 miles in, then that was it. 😰

But, maybe life isn’t over yet 😎
Just a bad section of road … unexpected potholes are par for the course. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I think Forrest Gump’s mama was right about life being like a box of chocolates 🤓😂😂



Easier said then done, as the old saying goes...

So happy to hear of your findings and recovery steps - as you move forward to a healthier stance. Our health is everything and Prayers are powerful!

It's good to hear that, the 'purging' was not of your own doing; being that your body did what it did. I believe things could have been worse out there for you, but it wasn't and we can rest in that miracle. As for your partially clogged artery, it does take the body some time to settle itself to a more normal base - and it sounds as if it can be managed. I don't believe this is the end of the road for your journeys out there - but I would say, next time pace things differently, taking more breaks whether you feel like taking one or not.

This last weekend on Saturday, the wife and I went up to Cattle Canyon (side canyon to the San Gabriel River), as did a 7 hour hike in 85° weather. The distance was about 10 miles round trip - and as easy as we thought it would be, was much harder than expected. By the end of the day, we were tired and sore, but by Sunday the exhaustion kicked in and I had to call out for work Monday. I moved around like a zombie all day Monday - sore in places I didn't think I had muscle located at. 🥴

Again, I don't believe this is the end of the road for you. It's just a momentary pause. Just give yourself the time you need to replenish your strength and get that health of yours, up to par once more - because we're all waiting here to enjoy your success. :icon_thumleft:

If there's anything you need, do not hesitate to ask, as you have a support team here on TN. Plus you've got fans here and those fans have faith in your perseverance.

My plans of going out there in the Supes are still on for End of October, beginning of November.

Stay well

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