Ok, sorry about the interruption, everybody.
There are more details that should be shared about hidden camp and what we discovered earlier this year.
I just wanted to clear the air first.
Ok, so the hidden camp.
The spot shown in the red oval, as seen in the image below, no longer looks like it does in the image.
The date shown, was date of GE setting.
Directly behind the shallow cave, the natural terrain deflects or diverts the watershed from above, around to the left side, (or east side), of the camp.
All images going back as far as detail allows, shows this spot the same …. Virtually no changes.
This is also how the camp looked when we went there in April of 2021.
There was some shifting of things that took place, due to water erosion…. Perhaps the heavy monsoons later that summer (2021). There had been heavy rain shortly prior to us going in also (March 2022). Maybe combination of all, but somehow, the rear portion of the shallow cave was breached. Maybe a boulder smacked the back side of the cave? Maybe it was already to give way, and finally did … I don’t know, other than it pretty much destroyed the hidden camp.
Much of the watershed from above, came right through what was once the hidden camp. Enough to cut a Chanel through it.
That little stool looking rock just out front of the shallow cave, is no longer in the same spot. It is now several yards … what is now down stream 😳
I did not go digging through the washout remains. I was pretty bummed out.
Maybe if GE ever does more recent imaging, then the terrain changes could be compared.
So if this is Waltz’s ravine, it looks like the hidden camp is even harder to find now.
There were other signs of strong erosion throughout Boulder Canyon, as well as some other non clue related features.
I only sharing this information, because I really don’t know if I’ll make it back again, or not. My hope is to make it, but we’ll have to just see how things go.