BB.. I am sorry for all your suffering and loss. I am Not making fun of anything you have said.. I am just trying to understand how the curse killed so many people that have never been in the mine.. I thought the curse protects the mine by killing the locators or trespassers that have been to the site. The ones that disturbed the spirits per say..
Now on the other hand. I also have found what I believe is very significant to the LDM legend.. I have been to the site more than once, it feels like a very spiritual location. and I definitely was not invited.. I have since lost my father and my mother. My wife has been very sick for many months, I have lost a couple friends and a dam good dog.. And my truck needs work.. But I believe it is just life, and the progression of time. All of our time is limited, and the only curse in life is that we all have to pass.
So i guess what I am saying is: if you truly believe in such supernatural powers. that would come and take you or your loved ones from you; then why would you search for the mine to start with. and then after suffering such loses, why would you still wish to plan another trip in.. would not another trip in endanger more of your loved ones.
You searched for something you believe is cursed, and maybe paid the piper.. But now we are the fools..
I do not believe in curses. I believe in the cycle of life..
Just saying.. Jeremy