Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

so far i found Gold, silver ,copper ,diamonds, black Platinum ,crystal, SO3 ,and 6 types of gem stones .. so like i said they can believe what ever they want to believe ...

the idea that all known native tribes came from the seven caves shaman , leaves me no logical reason to doubt that if some one came to the new world they would end up ether dead or at the seven caves in the supers .. hard to replace logic it defines the truth every time ...me and Sal both had odd spirit sightings of Aztec in the supers ,and if i am correct then Montezuma's treasure would be where he was born in the seven caves and they are in fact in the supers ...just few know about the legend of the vane of Gold that runs threw the first two caves ,i can say for a fact that vane is the same vane that created the LDM legend ...i know where it is and how these two legends line up and why ...for thousands of years the native tribes when in doubt took things and people to the shaman for their wisdom and skills ...we can also say Cortez looked for the seven caves and never found their treasures because the tunnel was already their and covered up by the Templar and the queens treasure rest there to this day . it took me 38 years to locate the tunnel , its harder to find then the LDM was ...lol in the book the killer mountains stated a man in 1959 fell in the tunnel and broke his leg , but also found a life size statue of a priest made of Gold plate and filled with gold dust ..,it is my under standing that what he saw was the design statue used to create the stone work at Chartres Cathedral by the Templar ... one mans lost tunnel is another mans bank of many treasures now i am working on my sportster today . i started my Road king classic and its all ready for the season but the sportster needs some work . so stay safe stay free

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the idea that all known native tribes came from the seven caves shaman , leaves me no logical reason to doubt that if some one came to the new world they would end up ether dead or at the seven caves in the supers .. hard to replace logic it defines the truth every time ...me and Sal both had odd spirit sightings of Aztec in the supers ,and if i am correct then Montezuma's treasure would be where he was born in the seven caves and they are in fact in the supers ...just few know about the legend of the vane of Gold that runs threw the first two caves ,i can say for a fact that vane is the same vane that created the LDM legend ...i know where it is and how these two legends line up and why ...for thousands of years the native tribes when in doubt took things and people to the shaman for their wisdom and skills ...we can also say Cortez looked for the seven caves and never found their treasures because the tunnel was already their and covered up by the Templar and the queens treasure rest there to this day . it took me 38 years to locate the tunnel , its harder to find then the LDM was ...lol in the book the killer mountains stated a man in 1959 fell in the tunnel and broke his leg , but also found a life size statue of a priest made of Gold plate and filled with gold dust ..,it is my under standing that what he saw was the design statue used to create the stone work at Chartres Cathedral by the Templar ... one mans lost tunnel is another mans bank of many treasures now i am working on my sportster today . i started my Road king classic and its all ready for the season but the sportster needs some work . so stay safe stay free
Seems you know how many gold mines and caches are in the Supers, do you? I would like to hear your shaman opinion.

Seems you know how many gold mines and caches are in the Supers, do you? I would like to hear your shaman opinion.
that would depend on what you think a mine is and who made it ... ,if i was to guess right off hand i would say more 30 native digs and over 100 Spanish digs, out of about about 45 real mines ..only about 25 are known and only a few of those were ever made public. then you can add modern digs i would guess more then 400 and maybe about 60 of those are real mines ..with about less then 25 are well known public mines .. ....i would guess those all are with in 10 miles of weavers needle .this is not counting placer ...and that dose not count legendary ...

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that would depend on what you think a mine is and who made it ... ,if i was to guess right off hand i would say more 30 native digs and over 100 Spanish digs, out of about about 45 real mines ..only about 25 are known and only a few of those were ever made public. then you can add modern digs i would guess more then 400 and maybe about 60 of those are real mines ..with about less then 25 are well known public mines .. ....i would guess those all are with in 10 miles of weavers needle .this is not counting placer ...and that dose not count legendary ...
I meant mines from which someone can dig out rich gold ore. I doubt in the Superstitions were 400 modern ( Anglo ) diggings with 60 real gold mines. Have been few but not the same in richness like the Spanish/Mexican mines. I doubt also there were over 100 Spanish diggings. Spanish would not dig if there would not been a gold outcrop in sight.
So let's consider only what mines and caches left the ancients, the Spanish/Mexicans, Jacob Waltz and Al Senner. According to the maps in existence and lore, in the Superstitions are 35 rich gold mines, 5 gold ore caches and 8 gold bars and different other treasure caches which belong to three different owners.

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you might have been correct if the Spanish had not killed everyone that found had gold and tortured them to take their mines when every they could ...as for caches i know where two of them are but taking less and not standing out is smarter and you live longer ...lol most none Mexican was coming to a end around the time of waltz death 1890's and up to about the 1940's there were many miners trying to make a living out there ,,,after that came more bs and book writers ...more actors then real miners .thank GOD there were a few real Dutch hunters out there to keep the truth alive ..it really is not about finding Gold out there , you have to have skills to define the quality and purity of gold you do find . anyone could find Gold .. but it won't be over 25-35 % .. and most found will be 15% or less ..from what i know Waltz was telling us the truth he did not brake up the ore to get the Gold he chipped away the matrix from the Gold ...those old miners were smart as a whip ,they had balance scales and they could tell you the purity rates just by refining & weighing it out ..you also have to take into account how the stories fit together to make one logical sequence of events .. the truth is often lost to conflicting stories past down from person to person threw the years ..one story say waltz killed them . the next says Wisner was there also . one says they didn't kill anyone and and Waltz says he did . now defining the truth is the real hard part .. stories ,legends ,and the truth . vs excepted historical facts ..

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its easy to treat people like trash when you think there is a reward to do so , a profit to act like your better then they are , i really do hope the Mine is never made public , and i feel i will go to my grave knowing the mine is beyond your reach .i have been called names ,made the focus of trolls and jokes here on a site you all think this is doing the right thing by the people that don't know me from Adam, have even meet me , i first came to this site in 2000 and i even changed my handle to try to stop the trolls ,i feel sorry for the legend it could have been over and solved by me ... and this is how i was treated ...what a shame .. i wish some of you well and others your remains can rot out there for all i care ..but most of all i see the Mods that turn their backs on on a fair open forum and helped make the site what it is .today ......yes , i know where it is .. and life is to damn short to waste it on a site like this ..LOL the jokes on me .. hahahahhaha . Stay safe Stay free

its easy to treat people like trash when you think there is a reward to do so , a profit to act like your better then they are , i really do hope the Mine is never made public , and i feel i will go to my grave knowing the mine is beyond your reach .i have been called names ,made the focus of trolls and jokes here on a site you all think this is doing the right thing by the people that don't know me from Adam, have even meet me , i first came to this site in 2000 and i even changed my handle to try to stop the trolls ,i feel sorry for the legend it could have been over and solved by me ... and this is how i was treated ...what a shame .. i wish some of you well and others your remains can rot out there for all i care ..but most of all i see the Mods that turn their backs on on a fair open forum and helped make the site what it is .today ......yes , i know where it is .. and life is to damn short to waste it on a site like this ..LOL the jokes on me .. hahahahhaha . Stay safe Stay free
I,m never going to go there to look,too far away and too old now.I want to say that I for one enjoy your writings,they,re interesting and enjoyable and open a window into a world I,ll never experience.In at least that small thing you,ve succeeded and I thank you for that. I have no standing to judge you or your story and I do not,I simply enjoy them.Best of luck to you in all your endeavors.Keep the faith!

i will level with those that under stand what i have been working on for more then 35 years now .. i found that what the new white people told as history and what the native tribe recoded was not the same . we has some evidence that a group of Templar came to the new world and yes some relate that group to Oak island . but then we see another group landing in the north east ,and those were latter define to be of Viking tribes , latter there were a group of what were known to be Templar landing on the east coast again . there is some evidence that tell us these groups of Templar were not the first or the last ..i found a few very unexplained accounts that said there were more then two groups of Templar .. in fact i found evidence there was as many as 5 groups . dating from the late 1200"s to around 1309, then came the other two groups one in around 1306-1309.,but here is what gets me about this the first group i have reason to believe were following a ruins already set to a mapping ..that group was just as interesting as the course they were tracking ,i believe that course was made by Roman navigation strings ..some time before the late 1200's .now later Templar had priest trained in roman navigation as well as many other languages,, so when these Templar obelisk started showing up in the south west i started collecting everything i could find related to them .. so what pops up on one of those Obelisk a picture of a old glass . not just any glass a 1st century roman thick green tinted wine glass like the ones that would have been normal table setting at the time of the last supper . you can your assuming a lot . but ask your self would your make a Obelisk .and cut a image of a glass like the one on the Obelisk , the simple fact is clear they were trying to hide something or find something . if that's the case logic tells us the glass image was put on the obelisk for a reason ,i know a lot more that i will not talk about here on the site . but the fact is logic tells the truth even if few under stand its meanings ...and yes i believe that the seven caves are the resting place of the real Grail and the Ark . and were sealed for a good reason .many assumed that the 7th seal was a scroll . what if those scrolls were only maps pointing out real locations in code ...i track this code all the way from the temple mount to the superstition mts... i am not wasting my time no matter what anyone else believe , that's up to them ...i don't think it is out there , i know it is ! and the government will do anything it can to stop anyone from finding out the truth ...

you might have mist the point i was making , if i am correct and the grail or the arc are hidden away in the seven caves , there has been no greater effect on man from the life and death of Jesus then any other event known to man ......if it found it will change the human race to its core ...many will say its not there , but the truth has yet to prove it is not there ..so why make the Obelisk and hide the fact you were ever here ... i don't think our government did that. .but i am sure if they can find it and control the future for their own profits , we are all doomed ...but the same could be true if the wrong person finds it ...Fate is a life with out a name ...logic defines truth and reality .

Still no proof for these fantastical claims.

Great fictional story writing though.

The templars never crossed the Atlantic, not even with someone trained in Roman navigation (the Romans had no knowledge of journeying more than a few miles off a coast).

Of course producing factual evidence would change my opinion.

just because a treasure has not been located dose not make it a hoax, and many legends are based on some thread of evidence .its the foolish humans that pass the story down threw the years that make it become a legend .but you are more then welcome to you own opinion .

But making the many claims seen in this thread and others that treasure or other artifacts have actually been found by posters who will not provide any proof of finds can be seen as a hoax.

i don't really care how you see it ...i made a statement and i was smart enough not to remove anything from the sites and did not take pictures of the things i saw for a good reason and if you or anyone ever finds something out there do the right thing , KEEP your mouth shut ! and live to talk about it ...

I don’t care about your fictional statements that are typical of many here who “claim“ to have found treasure in an attempt to appear relevant but have found nothing,

If you ever post actual evidence of your finds, I‘ll acknowledge them, other than that I’ll waste no more time.

I don’t care about your fictional statements that are typical of many here who “claim“ to have found treasure in an attempt to appear relevant but have found nothing,

If you ever post actual evidence of your finds, I‘ll acknowledge them, other than that I’ll waste no more time.
great by ... see ya ..don't write ...lol

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