Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

No, it’s Twelve.

12 lunar cycles in a year, 12 zodiac signs, the first decimal system used by mankind was base 12, there were 12 disciples, 12 Lingas of Shiva, Odin had 12 sons, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 Olympians, 12 sons of Jacob (not Waltz), two sets of 12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year…just to name a few…not to mention that 60 seconds, 60 minutes, and 24 hours are just multiples of 12.. there are 12 function keys on a keyboard. And it took me twelve minutes to think about this.

NASA puts the lunar cycle at closer to 28 days, do your own math at home :O


No bad news there, Idaho ;)

I'm referring to the amount of days it takes for the moon to cycle through its phases...closer to 30 days...about 29.5 on average:

Phases of the Moon

I'm an astronomer so I pay attention to moon phases...affects how well you can see stuff in the dark lol...and when to get good pics of lunar limbs, etc.:

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I think "Loony", like this thread, has something to do with the moon so I guess I'm not too far off topic amigos:headbang:

NASA puts the lunar cycle at closer to 28 days, do your own math at home :O

OK, I will try to make this easy to comprehend for those who just post things they find on the internet, that they do not fully understand: :)

"The Moon has phases because it orbits Earth, which causes the portion we see illuminated to change. The Moon takes 27.3 days to orbit Earth, but the lunar phase cycle (from new Moon to new Moon) is 29.5 days. The Moon spends the extra 2.2 days "catching up" because Earth travels about 45 million miles around the Sun during the time the Moon completes one orbit around Earth."

P.S. I actually CAN do my own math at home ;)

EDIT: smilies and winks

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This is actually REALLY frightening. I tried to help one of my great-nephews with math in school once...of course he got the answers right, but failed his assignment anyway because he didn't show his work using the "New Hoo-Hoo Math"...they are turning our kids heads to mush with this crap...problem with all this is the lad wants to become an engineer...so I've been tutoring him so he can actually move on from general "hoo-hoo" math to algebra, trig and calculus...which will be absolutely essential to anyone aspiring to be an engineer, but a difficult leap for a kid taught "hoo-hoo" math in what passes for school these days..."hoo-hoo" is a great term for it...the Chinese ARE going to eat our lunch...their kids still do real math over there.

The company I work for has, in my plant alone, about 60 engineers on staff.
Probably 80-90% are from other countries....E and W Europe, Mexico, India,Japan and China.
Quite a lot of the skilled labour too. While math may be a factor, as well as the company having expanded on a world wide market....via acquiring other companies and their products in those countries.... also has allowed them to draw from a wider pool of very well educated young adults at the same time.

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Common-core math, as it's called here, is just "relational" math...I figured it out pretty quick so I could help my nephew...but most new engineering students can't function in engineering calculus and have to change their majors, because they don't really understand core subjects like algebra and trig...something it took humanity a couple thousand years to work out.

Engineers are really just mathematicians...it's the language of physics in which all engineering is based...here in the U.S. we've off-shored most of our engineering jobs, or allow companies to hire foreign engineers on H1B visas...it won't take long for our mistakes to come to full fruition...probably in the next two or three years...by then it will be too late to do anything about it though...time to start learning Mandarin.

OK, I will try to make this easy to comprehend for those who just post things they find on the internet, that they do not fully understand: :)

"The Moon has phases because it orbits Earth, which causes the portion we see illuminated to change. The Moon takes 27.3 days to orbit Earth, but the lunar phase cycle (from new Moon to new Moon) is 29.5 days. The Moon spends the extra 2.2 days "catching up" because Earth travels about 45 million miles around the Sun during the time the Moon completes one orbit around Earth."

P.S. I actually CAN do my own math at home ;)

EDIT: smilies and winks

Ahem. Let me point out that you said "12 lunar cycles in a year"

and the link I provided says "The Moon displays these eight phases one after the other as it moves through its cycle each month. It takes 27 days for the Moon to orbit Earth. That means the Moon's cycle is 27 days long."

You are moving the goal posts. You apparently conflate phase with cycle. But don't let that interfere with your math or bashing engineers or whoever. Those nerds never could do language anyway, right? :)


The way I initially looked at was from a simpleton s view. We have more than 12 full moons a year.
Hence more than 12 cycles, maybe not 13, but not 12 either.

The rest is for splitting hairs :)
I think you guys are both right.

Something that I always thought was amazing ..... from our perspective here on earth, the size of the moon and the sun, to our eyes, are the same.

Our pen builder took many things into account. Such as placement of things, and their perspectives.

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Naw, you’re no simpleton pard. About as right as anyone could get.

I was only pointing out the ancient’s rightful encoding of the number 12 in all the world’s religions (and sciences). Based solely on their observations of the moon. This number 12 has been encoded in all those religions, sciences, and initiations, from the number of our months down to the number of jurors we have in a trial. There are literally thousands of ways humans have encoded the number 12. First with the Gods, then in more mundane happenings.

A month is just an observation of a “moon’th” by us poor souls down here…no JPL, NASA or internet to google. Just plain folks looking up. Making sense of what is seen there. And those observations are based on moon phases ;)

There are years when there are close to 13 cycles of the moon. As you rightly pointed out. But, we like to say there are 4 seasons in a year, which is really just 3 periods of 4 months in a year…which also equals 12 months. Luckily our ancestors learned to plant their crops by those observations.

Makes sense as all natural formations in the universe are circular. Including orbits. And the Fibonacci sequence (from another thread) bears this out as it is about half of Pi: (Phi), being that it radiates out instead of being a true circle…can be calculated by its area as shown by Alan… Both Pi and Phi are numbers the ancient scientists (initiates/priests) would’ve been taught.

Anyway, doing the math, 28.xx is more accurate than human observation, or some NASA intern’s post about the moon’s sidereal rate which also happens to be its orbital (without considering its synodic, or observed phase down here on Earth.)

But the only thing that matters is the synodic as to what ancient humans saw in the night sky. It was 12 lunar cycles, as it is today, and what I use today when planning telescope imaging sessions. I challenge CN to go out tonight and take a pic of the moon at midnight…then do the same in 27 days…then do the same at 30 days…tell us what you see CN, post those pics...I have no doubt what they will show.

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Is the person who started this thread still reachable or on here under a different name?

Or is anyone familar with Ann Rue, or is Ann Rue?

Please disregard the above 2 posts. I realize after reading to page 34 they were dumb questions. I do however know of something that may refer to this in a general way, but it may be already on here past page 35. Does anyone really care about this? I was late to the party.

There may be more credibility to the conspiracy theory of secretive groups and the Vatican being involved in seeking ancient information brought to North America by Templars before Columbus " discovered " North America. There is a facinating read on an accidental discovery in NY. The book is written by Don Rue. This is why I asked about the Ann Rue mentioned on this thread. She was supposedly from NY and had been told stories by her grandfather. I wondered if they were related until reading further and discovering it is a made up person. Anyways, as for the book, it is called "The scrolls of Onteora - The Cremona Document".
It involves templars, The Vatican , Native Americans, Masons, found treasure, and even Scott Wolter from the History Channel. Items have been recovered to authenticate the "story".
Anyone who enjoyed this thread will love this book. It sure bolsters some claims made in this thread. It also has a great story of Native Indians seeing a fully armored knight for the first time. Even the wife enjoyed those 13 pages of the story. There was also a large diamond found that may be cursed as whoever owns it dies within a year or so. Not sure it was in this book or the video of Wolter commenting on the finds.
I saw a video on Wolter discussing his book with Donald Rue in attendance at a Masonic lodge but cant find it again. But I will include this link to some information on this. Its Scott Wolters website.
Here is the link, if it is not clickable, just cut and paste into browser. (just highlight and press Ctrl C to copy and Ctrl V to paste it)
Scott Wolter Answers: The Truth about Oak Island and the Cremona Document
I hope this breaths some life into the conspiracy.

Something that I always thought was amazing ..... from our perspective here on earth, the size of the moon and the sun, to our eyes, are the same.

Our pen builder took many things into account. Such as placement of things, and their perspectives.

It is indeed a fascinating thought experiment to consider this heavenly ratio of size and distance. On one hand the sheer number of galaxies, solar systems, and planets is beyond human comprehension; this eclipse phenomena might be repeated on countless other worlds. More interesting - in the age of dinosaurs and earlier the Moon was a bit closer to our Earth and would?ve completely obscured the Sun. T-Rex wouldn?t have enjoyed the ?ring of fire? corona effect. That intelligence has evolved to observe and question these events in just the correct epoch of our
4 billion year old planet complicates the odds a bit, I think.

It is indeed a fascinating thought experiment to consider this heavenly ratio of size and distance. On one hand the sheer number of galaxies, solar systems, and planets is beyond human comprehension; this eclipse phenomena might be repeated on countless other worlds. More interesting - in the age of dinosaurs and earlier the Moon was a bit closer to our Earth and would?ve completely obscured the Sun. T-Rex wouldn?t have enjoyed the ?ring of fire? corona effect. That intelligence has evolved to observe and question these events in just the correct epoch of our
4 billion year old planet complicates the odds a bit, I think.

Well .... you know there are petrified footprints in Texas of dinosaurs running ... large dinosaurs, and in the same mud that petrified, are also human footprints. Who was the hunter?

Also the starlight from the heavens started traveling when time began....
Yet we still have approximately the same night sky as our earliest ancestors.

How old is the universe? That is how long light has been traveling.
But my real reason for responding was the thought that intelligence has ever evolved.
All evidence is to the contrary.
We have or can accumulate information, but people really just keep getting dumber :tongue3:

just my opinion.:laughing7:

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

One Million Dollar Reward
That’s what my informant tells me is on the line. That’s what the German group is offering for a dore bar made from one of the German holy stones that was hidden in the Superstitions by the Sinclair-Zeno colonists. Its called the “Deity Stone” according to my informant.

The story is that Crawford had found an ancient trail that goes from the Burns Ranch to La Barge canyon. From this trail you can see two other trails used to get to La Barge canyon. It also crosses what the Apache Indians had told Burns was a Thunder Ground where foreign voices are heard. Crawford hadn’t taken enough water and began and began to dehydrate as he reached the Thunder Ground. Once there he gave himself up for dead. An angle appeared and told him directions to a pool of cold water with a Trout swimming in it. Crawford inspired and encouraged by the angle made it to the water. It was ice cold. He drank his fill and filled up his canteens. He saw the Trout but left it swimming in the pool. As he started off for his mining claims at La Barge Crawford heard voices in a foreign language. He searched about and found a black bar. The voices were emanating from the black bar. He put the black bar in his backpack and went to his mining claims. He climbed up to his Deity mining claim and buried the black bar there. He would always go to his Deity claim to commune with God.

Crawford made a 1 and ½ hour long video about how God had ordained him and made him his messenger, and how he always went to the Deity claim to receive messages from God. This tape is currently owned by Greg Davis and the Historical Society. It is part of Crawford’s biography written by Emory Taylor. Taylor transcribed it and made it book 3 in the Crawford biography. You can read it on the internet at www.trilogy.threethirteens.com . This stone bar called the Deity Stone is different then the holy stones from the Burns Ranch. Because it never had the curse on it like the ones at the Burns Ranch did. Remember Burns put a curse on his treasure troves before he died because he knew he had been murdered for them. That’s why the Deity Stone is the only one that you can still hear the voices coming from. It doesn’t have a curse on it like the others have. That’s why the German group wants it back and is willing to pay ONE MILLION DOLLARS for it.
There is a lot of secret society wannabes and claims. All these people killed my dad and co spired to steal my inheritance. He was murdered and they faked his will. They are thieves. Government agents murdering people? Believable. Masons liw on the totem pole of societies who dont know jack. It ALL belongs to ME period!

daringEagle wrote in post #17 :

" Crawford was in the hunt for a secret vault or underground cave in the Superstitions that contains ancient tablets and a treasure or gold-platinum deposit. Did he find it? In two videos he claims he did and it is reserved for the end times. One of the videos I’ve already mentioned and it’s owned by Greg Davis and the Historical Society. The other video is in the secret archives of Holy Stones Inc. meaning the safety deposit box only the president has access to. "

IMHO , Crawford never found the mine with the ancient tablets inside. The stone tablets have been hidden in that mine by Bob Ward and one of his partners said there would be hidden also the DeGrazia paintings.
Read what wrote NP who was Bob Ward's partner for a while:

" Now, you have the so-called DeGrazia map of Bob's, which really gives the location of where the two tablets were kept. If you go to the spot indicated on the map (which I'm sure is covered by now), the entrance was just a 6 or 7 foot hole, then turns to the left, with a smaller shaft which goes back 7 or 8 feet. Then the shaft goes straight down. It is full of water. On the left hand side of the shaft, at water level, you will find a metal spike driven into the wall. The two tablets were sealed good in plastic and tape and were in a fishing net connected to the spike. It's all below water level.
The "Dios" rock and his hand drawn DeGrazia map lead to a mine and a mine shaft that may still hold his two stone tablets. The last time I saw them, that's where they were at. "

And here, NP described what the ancient tablets looked like:

" Both are a lot older than the famous stone tablets and both do not resemble the stone tablets. One of the tablets has a heart insertion on the left hand side and it's different than the heart insertion on the famous stone tablets. On both tablets, the writing is different. Both tablets have sheep or lambs and bulls on them. The tablets are carved on both sides. They also show a star constellation and a pyramid with a line over the top of it. They also show a massive underground tunnel systems in different locations with rooms. "

Few years ago, before his demise, NP told me where the Dios rock was found in regards to a specific landmark, and where that mine which holds the ancient stones is located in regards to the Dios rock location.

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daringEagle wrote in post #17 :

" Crawford was in the hunt for a secret vault or underground cave in the Superstitions that contains ancient tablets and a treasure or gold-platinum deposit. Did he find it? In two videos he claims he did and it is reserved for the end times. One of the videos I’ve already mentioned and it’s owned by Greg Davis and the Historical Society. The other video is in the secret archives of Holy Stones Inc. meaning the safety deposit box only the president has access to. "

IMHO , Crawford never found the mine with the ancient tablets inside. The stone tablets have been hidden in that mine by Bob Ward and one of his partners said there would be hidden also the DeGrazia paintings.
Read what wrote NP who was Bob Ward's partner for a while:

" Now, you have the so-called DeGrazia map of Bob's, which really gives the location of where the two tablets were kept. If you go to the spot indicated on the map (which I'm sure is covered by now), the entrance was just a 6 or 7 foot hole, then turns to the left, with a smaller shaft which goes back 7 or 8 feet. Then the shaft goes straight down. It is full of water. On the left hand side of the shaft, at water level, you will find a metal spike driven into the wall. The two tablets were sealed good in plastic and tape and were in a fishing net connected to the spike. It's all below water level.
The "Dios" rock and his hand drawn DeGrazia map lead to a mine and a mine shaft that may still hold his two stone tablets. The last time I saw them, that's where they were at. "

And here, NP described what the ancient tablets looked like:

" Both are a lot older than the famous stone tablets and both do not resemble the stone tablets. One of the tablets has a heart insertion on the left hand side and it's different than the heart insertion on the famous stone tablets. On both tablets, the writing is different. Both tablets have sheep or lambs and bulls on them. The tablets are carved on both sides. They also show a star constellation and a pyramid with a line over the top of it. They also show a massive underground tunnel systems in different locations with rooms. "

Few years ago, before his demise, NP told me where the Dios rock was found in regards to a specific landmark, and where that mine which holds the ancient stones is located in regards to the Dios rock location.
Recently the Wards cabin site was worked over with a backhoe or loader. The well casing was ripped up along with the area around it. Several new dig holes. I know the spot well. Was there with Tom K many times. That was his claim and Ward was his caretaker. One of the holy stones a gift from Rick before he passed.

Recently the Wards cabin site was worked over with a backhoe or loader. The well casing was ripped up along with the area around it. Several new dig holes. I know the spot well. Was there with Tom K many times. That was his claim and Ward was his caretaker. One of the holy stones a gift from Rick before he passed.View attachment 1998799

That rock has a skull look to it

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