IMG_0466.webpI just found this mower in the garbage about 20 minutes ago. I put a spark plug, new oil, and a filter on it and she fired right up. Now I'll sharpen the blade and it is already sold for $55.00 to a friend. $50.00 profit in 30 minutes....

awesome recovery..

This sucks that this thread is lost in the jungle. When it was in GENERAL DISCUSSION it could be put back on top for more people to see it very easily ...NOT NO MORE... NO one see's it any more.......It should have it's OWN section DUMPSTER DIVING not just a " sub " category...


This sucks that this thread is lost in the jungle. When it was in GENERAL DISCUSSION it could be put back on top for more people to see it very easily ...NOT NO MORE... NO one see's it any more.......It should have it's OWN section DUMPSTER DIVING not just a " sub " category...


With all due respect, this thread has just 543 posts in a little over 6 years of it being active. That's less than 90 posts per year. Better put, that's less than 8 posts per MONTH. With an average of 8 posts per month, that's not enough to warrant it's own category, but there is just barely enough interest for a sub category. And remember, 8 POSTS a month might only equate to 2 or 3 active topics created each month with 2 or 3 replies per topic. That's a dead category if you ask me.

And if you really want to read more about dumpster diving, there are entire forums dedicated to just that topic with hundreds of active posters that post daily. Go check them out.

With all due respect, this thread has just 543 posts in a little over 6 years of it being active.
you need to know this just started out life as a thread in another forum that would get buried and then brought back to the top and then do it again.

DRBOB, I agree. maybe we should ask. I asked a moderator to revive that thread and he put it here. I am sure he thought it would would work out fine. This thread is getting quite long. maybe we should start posting new threads instead of adding to this.

you need to know this just started out life as a thread in another forum that would get buried and then brought back to the top and then do it again.

Oh, I was unaware of that...

Oh wait... I made a post on this thread in June of 2006, just days after it was created. I'm well aware of how it began.

Just remember, the reason a thread ends up getting buried is because of lack of interest. Sure, every once in a while some people brought it back to life, but it wasn't some thread that was super active.

Used to trash hunt in the late 70's early 80's for UPC codes from products. This was back in the day when you could get rebates and stuff (Marlboro, Pampers, Tide, Camel, etc) without cash register receipts. Lived in a city, so would cruise the neighborhoods and get all the UPCs I needed. Got lots of toys, Marlboro jackets, camping gear, Marlboro luggage. Was working toward the Camel pool table, but moved to a small house. Sold my Camel stuff to a fellow "refunder". Now, I have a couple of convenience stores saving non-winning lottery tix for me to do the "replay" on - over $50 in winning tix so far mixed in. Can't dive at our local (Wilton, NH) dump any longer as the swap area is closed due to people loitering. Boo-hiss...

Great thread! Even though it doesn't get many hits, I'd like to see it keep going. JMHO

Now, I have a couple of convenience stores saving non-winning lottery tix for me to do the "replay" on - over $50 in winning tix so far mixed in.

Great thread! Even though it doesn't get many hits, I'd like to see it keep going. JMHO[/QUOTE]

Those lottery ticket trash cans can be very lucrative. Couple yrs ago found an unscratched one that was a $500 winner and about $300 more in mixed before it seemed like everyone started doing. I even run into one of the local mailmen walking out of a store with a trash bag full of em. Almost impossible to find em here anymore. I gave up.

Don't give up! Just found another $30 in uncashed tickets. Ask one of your convenience stores (or any store that sells the tickets) if they will save them for you. If they are unsure if they want to do it, just tell them you will be saving them from paying for hauling them away (if they pay for trash pickup)...just don't dump them back in their dumpster when you are done with them! LOL If they say yes, make sure you pick them up on a regular basis so they don't clutter up the store. I go in once a week to get the bags (brown grocery sacks) from the store that saves them for me.

Take care and thanks for replying to my comment. Happy Hunting!

Great thread! Even though it doesn't get many hits, I'd like to see it keep going. JMHO

Ya I know they stuck in a sub forum of a " Garage Sale " section....

It doesn't get noticed like it use too.....:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:....

It needs to a Section of it's own....Let them know how you feel. It's a TOPIC in of it's self

Does dump digging count? I've found plenty of cool old bottles, cans, relics, even coins and tokens in old dumps.

Or does garage and estate sales count? I've been hunting those for years and selling my finds on Ebay. I've found some doosies.

As far as straight out in the alley in the trash, no I haven't done that too much. But I'd tag along if you took me. LOL

There is a separate forums for garage sale finds, but I think that dump digging does count. I love doing it myself.


Stuff I didn't keep- a skinned sheep head, with eyes and tongue still attached, a GIANT (Like, 24 INCH!) vibrator, a sandwich bag full of low-grade weed, and 2 10cc vials of cocaine. People will throw away ANYTHING![/QUOTE]

Question! How did you know it was low grade weed?

Hey guys, I'm new here and would like to share some of my stories:

One day I was riding home and on the top of a trash bin I saw a box with a grim reaper on it. I looked inside and sure enough there was a 5 foot collapsible grim reaper halloween prop. It was a display model from what I saw. and I grabbed it and took him home. His batteries were still working great! It worked as good as new but I broke the collapsible feature. He is fixed now though so he works the same.

One time I went to a computer store and found 6 Firewire controller cards in a bag. They were all NIB so I'm guessing that they were tossed out because they didn't support Windows 7 or 8. But still. And I then found 2 inkjet printer cartridges.

I also go to Gamestop because they throw out game cases and other stuff. I found a 3DS nerf case that looked great and like 40-50 PS2 game cases along with DS cases.


Ive never hit any huge collections ut i get some good pieces and occasionally boxes. Last week i found a set of speakers in the trash and a bunch of computer stuff. Took sold the speakers. bought a rca dvd recorder, sold it and bought a brand nnew bounty hunter iv and had 15 in cash left over. And still have some computer gaming equipment, a load bearing vest brand new, and a metallica bobble head.also a couple of games. Use to trash pick after work with a guy in the rich neighborhood, when the rich actually threw stuff out instead of cutting it up. We found computers,flat screen tvs, tons of radio equipment,cell phones, wish id dug in the boxes but it was illeagl to do it where we were at.

taught my son at a early age. Next door neighbor put out a old Honda riding mower. Told my son to push it over and put it on Craigs List. He sold it in a hour for $50 bucks. He was 13. LOL Then one day another neighbor put out a Schwin stationary bike. My son is like dad, dad dad !!

bought a computer once 8 years ago. it was a waste of money. a year later i found this in the dumpster...
HP Pavilion Elite m9340f Desktop PC Product Specifications | HP® Support
2 years ago i found my current computer...
CyberPower PC Gamer Xtreme XE Gaming PC - Reviews
And yesterday i picked this up...
Notebooks & Ultrabooks - G73Jh (i7 version)

please note , if any of you are getting rid of your old laptop or pc remove or destroy the hard drive(or don't , makes it one less part i need to replace). if i were a lesser man i could have done great harm to the previous owners.

I just started out dumpster and curbing hunting. Best find to date is a 1 or 2 year old lawn mower that someone in my neighborhood put out at the curb. Took it home cleaned the carb and put fresh gas in, started right up. Going to put it on craigslist and see what i can get for it. Hoping to be able to post better finds in the near future!

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