Dowsing with L-rods

That's right Art, and in all that land, where are the UNKNOWN lost, buried or sunken treasures that you have found dowsing?
I know where they are and if they are still there....Art

Yes and everything has an atomic freqency. That atomic frequency signal builds over time. You can bury gold or silver in the ground today and it will not have the signal strength of a target that has been in the ground for 150 years. Obviously the size of the target is also significant.

The Spanish dowsed their way through The New World and found and dug millions of dollars worth of gold. They just used willow sticks with a gold nugget tied on the end. That gold nugget sent out a signal that said "Hi I'm gold and I'm over here" That signal excited any significant gold deposits nearby and they basically called back "I'm gold too and I'm over here". Simplistic explanation but thats how it works.

I know of people who can just dowse with a couple of willow sticks and find gold and silver. In the mountains in the South everyone uses dowsers to locate where to dig for a well. I don't understand how they do it but they do.

Enhanced dowsing is not that difficult to understand. Its all based on atomic frequency. Its what we use and if its not gold or silver we don't get and indication. Our equipment is only tuned to those two atomic frequencies.

The Spanish dowsed their way through The New World and found and dug millions of dollars worth of gold. They just used willow sticks with a gold nugget tied on the end. That gold nugget sent out a signal that said "Hi I'm gold and I'm over here" That signal excited any significant gold deposits nearby and they basically called back "I'm gold too and I'm over here". Simplistic explanation but thats how it works.
Gee Dixiegal...that is too simple for some to understand...I always use baited rods...Art

Almost impossible to believe but I think you are right. We try and complicate the use of rods to where they are some extremely complicated and sophisticated instrument brought down to earth by aliens in the future and put here for us to try and figure out. HAHA. They have been here for thousands of years and I know Art is right, if you bait your rods and just sit back and let them talk to whatever your wanting to find, well thats all we want to do anyways. Pretty simple. I know personally I am letting myself think they are some sophisticated piece of hardware when really they are an electromagnet for whatever material I put on the rod, powered by our human electrical system? Am I right?

Just for fun find a volt meter that reads in Mil-volts. Studies have shown that people with over 100 mil-volts running between their hands are better Dowsers...Art

Back to the signal lines...When I am approaching a signal line I will see the rods begin to move or feel extra pressure on them. I then stop and start slipping my feet slowly. When the rods close I make adjustments to my feet so the rods are locked and my body is lined up to the signal line. I then drop one rod to my side. The remaining up rod will either stay where it is or swing pointing to the target. This will not work for the one rod users Now if you are on the signal and raise one foot off the ground the rods will swing open...Now if you are using man made signal lines this will not happen...
Now I turn 90 degrees toward the target. The rods will open. I move my hands inward until the rod tips are about 3 inches apart and begin to walk. The tips will tell you when you get off the signal. I still recommend that new dowsers walk an S pattern to the target but for me this is a much better way.
I sure hope some of this helps as this is the way it works for me...Art

"I always use baited rods"

What kind of bait do you use? :))

Seriously though we also use a set of silver solder rods as a backup to our silver LRL. They work pretty well if you are close to a target and we find that the signal really is enhanced by putting a silver dollar between index and third finger of each hand while in use.

Here are my baited Gold Rods...A couple of “clinkers” held on with liquid black tape..The other is how I bait using other than gold and silver...Art
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Well Art, you do not have swivel handles on your rods? I thought that was the way to go. Maybe that is not helping me any either? Getting me off my lines and making me not as accurate. BYe Bye swivels.................

Just personal preference. I use 3/16 brass for my rods...I just like the way they feel...Art

I have used rods with handles..I found that they worked better for me if I touched the end of the handle with my little finger..Art

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When you use a "bare" rod, you can feel the rod catch the signal. One of the biggest things we have done to increase accuracy is to close your eyes to verify a "hit"

This removes any Visual influence or the dreaded idiot-motor response. One of the worst effects of it is worrying about holding the rods straight and correcting a "hit" that you thought was the wind or that you stepped wrong. Once you see this happen you will understand it. Watch your companion closely and help each other work it out.

Very good post.....I still think that practicing until you know what the rods are telling you is the secret.. Art

Divining rods and all common dowsing devices, are the simplest forms of electroscopes. The bent rod for example is just a variation of Gilbert's straw needle electroscope.
The divining rods are charged with static electricity from the dowser's own body. This static electricity can be seen quite adequately with a simple millivolt meter. This voltage is measured between the hands of the dowser, to measure this voltage accurately a diff amp should be used at the input to the voltmeter, "this eliminates stray signals which are common to both hands". The amount of voltage will vary depending on the person. A good dowser will have a high reading, "above 100 mv" while a poor dowser may read as low as,"0 mv.". For males the right hand is usually a negative polarity, and the left hand is positive in polarity. These polarities are usually reversed in females.
The divining rod charged positively will rotate in the dowsers hand to line up parallel to a negatively charged object being dowsed. A divining rod charged negatively will remain perpendicular to a negatively charged object being dowsed. This is because like charges repel, while unlike charges attract. Thus both bent divining rods are not required for dowsing. When two divining rods are used, and they are seen to cross, one of the rods is being moved to line up parallel with the charged object being dowsed. The other rod is moving to line up parallel to the first rod. A second reason for the two rods crossing is that of dowsing over an alternating current source, such as a pipeline or buried cable. these are usually buried shallow and are conducting ground currents as the path of least resistance.
The above statements can easily be proven by, dowsing over negatively and positively charged objects. The devices used in my experiments were, a rubber rod rubbed with cat fur to produce the positive charged object, while a glass rod rubbed with silk was used to produce the negatively charged object.
The reason conventional devices cannot detect these positive and negative charges, is probably because of the array in which the charged object gives off it's lines of force in all directions. Most instruments being omnidirectional devices would not pick up the small incremental changes in voltage along the earth’s surface. But the bent divining rods being unidirectional devices, can only turn to line up parallel to the charged object, when they are directly above the charged object.
The willow crotch is another type of dowsing device, this divining rod begins to pick up an attraction to the charged object prior to reaching the object, having it’s greatest amount of pull directly over the object. After dowsing with the willow crotch , the crotch itself can laid down and dowsed with the bent rods, which will indicate a charge left on each arm of the crotch, one positive and one negative.
A metallic pendulum attached by a wire will take on the charge of the hand it is being held by. A pendulum held by a nonconductive string will take on the charge of the last hand which held the pendulum. The pendulum when rotating above an object of a similar charge will continue to rotate and eventually swing back and forth perpendicular to the object. This pendulum when rotating above an object of the opposite charge will start to swing back and forth parallel to the object being dowsed. Caution here when dowsing an object you have touched the object will usually take on the charge of the last hand that touched it. This can be demonstrated by dowsing over an object such as a table knife depending on which hand touched the knife last an opposite reaction of the dowsing device will be seen.

'Dowser' Sir: From post #1

"If dowsing with sensative rods, you can see that if you make a line in the dirt, it will now dowse. Because you temperarily changed the alignment of the Molecules in the dirt. They will again soon align to follow the Magnetic field, along with the surrounding dirt, making the line in the ground still visable, but no longer dowsable. If dowsing over top an Element, and standing in one place with your rods directly over the Element, you can easily watch as your rods slowly cross to full power, only to fly open or point forward when the feild brakes. The speed of this vavies, and then so does your dowsing power. Dowser"

Does this hold true if the ground is a field that has been disked ? Although my field has went 5 seasons since being disked, I'm curious the effect that the disking might negatively affect? Am I even on the same page here??

I'm thinking in terms of ...... since 2007 since the ground was last worked, the unusually prolific occurrences of solar activity as of late

Dave J,
I have had successes and not so successful dowsing trips. Same goes for treasure hunting with a metal detector. Didn't tune it right,
not quite over the right spot, sun in my eyes, batteries died etc. Rcecovery wise I have more quickly paid for my original dowsing instruments
than my metal detectors. I have thoroughly enjoyed both experiences and will continue to do so regardless of anyone's theories of how
one or the other works. It's interesting when I find a coin hidden by a friend 10 times out of 10, he expects me to explain dowsing, but if
I do the same thing with a metal detector it is just accepted without comment.

Dave J,
I have had successes and not so successful dowsing trips. Same goes for treasure hunting with a metal detector. Didn't tune it right,
not quite over the right spot, sun in my eyes, batteries died etc. Rcecovery wise I have more quickly paid for my original dowsing instruments
than my metal detectors. I have thoroughly enjoyed both experiences and will continue to do so regardless of anyone's theories of how
one or the other works. It's interesting when I find a coin hidden by a friend 10 times out of 10, he expects me to explain dowsing, but if
I do the same thing with a metal detector it is just accepted without comment.

Isn't that the absolute truth. If you have a fancy piece of electronic equipment that you dont really understand and its works and you find a coin or button its, WOW it works. But if you dowse a coin or a button or a cache using the bodies electronic circuitry its, no way. You got lucky and just found it. Always a skeptic on everything.

That is funny how things work...Just how we can read peoples mind, our ability to read the terrain and know exactly where the gold is and just how many excuses skeptics can make for our success...Art

people I'm using L-rods too but they don't have nothing to do with north or south. neither with magnetic pole of the earth. It has to do with antimatter .may be some of you never heard about this means that everything in this world has a reflected picture which is identical to when you look at yourself in the mirror you see yourself. therefore, if there is a treasure be sure it's reflection is above the ground.from my experience I notice that the reflection is spreaded in a vertical and horisontal way.I'm sure of this because I can determine how deep and how big is the treasure horizontally and vertically.moreover now the shape of it, was it a box or a jar.
in what concerning l_rods. they don't do nothing but it is your body who get the signal first then translated with l_rods. if you don't believe me, you can use L_rods from different materials like copper, plastic moreover wooden rods. they will give you same results, though wooden one are better in finding cave ,tomb or even empty area under ground.

when you are dowsing or looking for a is a mistake to use bare L_rods without handles.use pen's tube and let the rods to move freely while dowsing.worse than this is catching samples of metals to detect in hand.there are techniques I can't fortunately reveal in here for the moment.however I'll show you some negatives to avoid.for instance:

-humidity: lol l_rods detect this as a viod underground. to solve this problem fill your mouth with water . the humidity will be automatically vanished
-viod: be sure that if there is cave under your feet and there are treasures inside of it. you won't be able to detect what you have inside it .all what your l_rods detect is the void see inside the void you have to canceal it. the silliest way to get rid of it is to fill your mouth with air.
-why we shouldnot use metal in bare hand.just because the ground it self if felt with iron and metals that are alike to what you have in your hand. that-s why your l-rods make X over any area where soil seems to have same frequency as the sample you are using.

if you find something with l-rods .before you dig to see what you find, use this silly way as a measurement. one ring of gold can give you a hallow of 1m² ,means. you will get a hollow of 2m tall on 2m wide.

and so on....I'll need ages to describe and show you how to avoid negatives of rods.

folks that's all what I can say now.use your brain to reach the truth, which I'm sure doesnot exist online or even books you buy with money

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