Dont tell its a secret!

And the picture of how that glory root was found!!! This isnt franks truck but im sure its crossed his mind a time or two after seeing the reward of such maneuvers!View attachment 1016928

I hate to say it , but that could of been me a few times back. I was coming out from the trailhead and was pushing my Raptor pretty hard over a series of dips trying to catch some air. On the last jump the dip was deeper than the rest, and I was floating towards the wall and had no control. I thought I was going to sideswipe it but missed it by an inch. Since then I go the 20 mph speed limit. There is no room for error that far out.

Tree roots hold the gold in place.

Chuck that's a hairy ride at night coming off that mountain. Or with the sun in your eyes and a nutball coming at you in a Raptor full speed.

Tree roots hold the gold in place.

Chuck that's a hairy ride at night coming off that mountain. Or with the sun in your eyes and a nutball coming at you in a Raptor full speed.

After I dusted that guy painting a picture on the side of the road, I learned to cool it.

I got stuck behind a couple cows and a calf on one of those roads for about 2 miles. They kept weaving across the road, My thoughts on having to go so slow..............slow roasted BBQ.

Road = food. Easy round up. Toss hay in a spot the cows found it before and they will wait for the next batch. That's why you will find them in the same spot. Pull over and park near that spot and they will show up.


Desert driving

If you can fit it carry a easy up shelter. In the desert heat it will save your butt.
Hiking get a good reflective umbrella like a Bridgestone golf. You can also use it as a hiking stick or a shelter from the sun
I was out in the Superstitions yesterday running a sluice. Under the pop up it was nice. In the sun hell. You can fry a egg on your head
Ok you carry a big container of water. Something happens and you need to walk out you need large canteens to carry some out.
In the desert heat it's real easy to die. Think ahead.

Question about sluicing, what percentage of the take is fines... Or perhaps better phrased, what size do you recover down to and how do the various sizes break down in take. We all know that the placer deposits accumulated over geologic time, and most of the low hanging fruit has already been squeezed, so outside of a novel location or seasonal replenishment the quest is after finer materials in many cases.

Or not just you sarge but to the general pop, what percentage of recovery is fines typically?

It depends on the area. On Lynx Creek 50% is fine gold and the rest a size just above fine. You rarely find a bigger piece. As you can see in the 2 photos



In the Superstition area I'm working the gold is large and chunky with only about 2% fine. Size 1/8" to 3/8" average 25 % 1/2"



I was surprised there was so little fine flour gold in the area. Most areas in Arizona have a lot of very fine gold. I use a new invention the Gold Well Vortex Sluice an it catches all the big stuff and 98% of the flour gold.
I hope that helps


I never tire of seeing those golden corn flakes! I still need to crush the pit mine ore and see what is in there.

Neat photo

Thank you sir. That'a some nice looking gold in your pan up there. I find the LDM fascinating and a little disturbing because it seems anyone that gets close ends up dead with their head seperated from their body. But it remains such a captivating story.

I researched that Gold Well Vortex Sluice a bit, looks pretty neat. Which size do you run? Do you immerse it or have to haul water for recirculation?

I have the 6"x36 with leg kit, high banker top with waterfall box. I use it all the ways you mentioned. Use a Johnson 2200 gph pump but not at full flow at about 1500 gph
A lot of the guys have seen my unit in action and are buying one.



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