Does this mean anything?

Wow, very cool sandcreek. I wish I was up there to see this place in person but alas :dontknow: . Just a couple of observances. The location of the creek in relation to the top of the J does not seem to be coincidental. I would love to be there and check it out for signs.
The Diamond rock is interesting because it is exactly what Dr Roy Roush depicts in his books and being present at every KGC site. You should find several more of them.
Using a diagram of the KGC overlay may get you a long way toward making some progress.
Lastly be on the lookout for heart shaped rocks. Sometimes getting a Google earth image and plotting where things were found might show a pattern or image.
Thanks a lot for sharing.

sandcreek you had said
I thought there was a little more the the FR rock that just those two letters----the 'R' looked funny to me.
What does a 'G' mean, rangler? Is that suggesting a distance of 7 yards/feet/ect.? And is that a bird that you found?

here you have the F pointing [south it looks like] but then you have the "R" which reverses the direction to North. Superimposed over the R, is a Bird Design, Then overlaid over that is a Capital letter "G" pretty much means gold in my book. [it could mean add '7' to the 33! ]So....
it might be saying go North 33 yards,steps,paces,varas, ect-dig down18"[R] and find next marker.

rangler said:
sandcreek you had said
I thought there was a little more the the FR rock that just those two letters----the 'R' looked funny to me.
What does a 'G' mean, rangler? Is that suggesting a distance of 7 yards/feet/ect.? And is that a bird that you found?

here you have the F pointing [south it looks like] but then you have the "R" which reverses the direction to North. Superimposed over the R, is a Bird Design, Then overlaid over that is a Capital letter "G" pretty much means gold in my book. [it could mean add '7' to the 33! ]So....
it might be saying go North 33 yards,steps,paces,varas, ect-dig down18"[R] and find next marker.
I'm going to print out your suggestions and take with me, rangler. We have a lot of signs pointing us towards this north hill where the 'F-R' rock is. The area to the north of the F-R rock hasn't been explored yet---we'll try 33 yards and dig a hole to see if anything is buried.
rangler said:
this earlier photo of yours shows a black dog, and perhaps an Owl, also the hoyo is good to find, as a confirmation mark. It looks square and is small, indicating it might be a sight hoyo.

I can't quite confirm the owl as this pic is at an angle, so if you take a pic of it from the front -square- on I am pretty sure you have the Owl...
I'll get some more pics. of the front of the rock monument and post them. 10claw has been explaining the black dog/white dog to me.(I still can't see those dogs very good though :dontknow: ). That monument is one of the neatest things we've found---it is literally hidden in plain sight, you have to be directly in front of it to even know its there.
Thanks Rangler~~~~
21stTNCav said:
Wow, very cool sandcreek. I wish I was up there to see this place in person but alas :dontknow: . Just a couple of observances. The location of the creek in relation to the top of the J does not seem to be coincidental. I would love to be there and check it out for signs.
The Diamond rock is interesting because it is exactly what Dr Roy Roush depicts in his books and being present at every KGC site. You should find several more of them.
Using a diagram of the KGC overlay may get you a long way toward making some progress.
Lastly be on the lookout for heart shaped rocks. Sometimes getting a Google earth image and plotting where things were found might show a pattern or image.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
Are you talking about the 'Master Compass', 21stTnCav when you say 'diagram of the KGC'?
Something we haven't found is heart shaped rocks, but we've still got a lot more ground to cover!
We did find one more 'iffy'(?) marking on a tree---we called it a 'cross'. See what you guys think.
Thanks 21stTnCav~~~~


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I sort of see an owl around that cross


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Hey sc... Been following your interesting post. Hope you came through the blizzard "a ok".
More snow expected this week. It'll be awhile for we see the ground again??? Good Luck with this trail...

buckshot said:
Hey sc... Been following your interesting post. Hope you came through the blizzard "a ok".
More snow expected this week. It'll be awhile for we see the ground again??? Good Luck with this trail...
Thanks buckshot.....Yes, we made it through the blizzard, but I heard more snow Sunday and again on Tuesday >:( . This stuff is getting old really fast! I NEED to treasure hunt ;D . I keep looking over my pictures of this place and getting everyone's suggestions on where to look, and want to go wade through those snow drifts :tongue3: .
Everyone PRAY for sunshine! :icon_sunny:
HOOSIERau said:
I sort of see an owl around that cross
Wow---that's something I didn't see, Hoosier. Thank you! :hello:

With all of this bad weather keeping you in, now would be a very good time to plat all of this onto a good map. If you don't have a good topo map of the area yet; then print out a view from Google or bing map and plot out the items and directions onto IT until you can get a good topo. This would at least give you a way to "feed" the hunger to work on your project. :thumbsup:
Oh, and just as a little side note. I used the word "plat" and "plot" because, after you plot everything onto a map you then have a plat map of the area. Didn't want to corn-fuse anyone. :laughing7:

Very interesting thread.

don't have anything to add, just wanted to post to follow along.

Good luck on your quest.

Hello, this is very interesting. I think u may have found a KGC vault. I have been thinking about the threes and the j and here is my 2 cents worth. Could j be for jesus and could the threes be the father son and the holy ghost? Is there a cemetary or old church site nearby? I hope this helps.

Hey Sandcreek on image 8274 it looks like there is something inside the rock structure, from the ground up, it would be the second layer of rocks. Inside the V crack you can see something inside there. Check it out and let me know what you find, Dtpost

dtpost said:
Hey Sandcreek on image 8274 it looks like there is something inside the rock structure, from the ground up, it would be the second layer of rocks. Inside the V crack you can see something inside there. Check it out and let me know what you find, Dtpost
Funny you should say that, Dtpost, I keep coming back to that rock monument and looking at the pictures........And that rock next to the 'V' crack---can anyone else see the number on that rock? I wonder if that whole monument would fall down if we pulled that rock out?
Isn't '5' the Spanish number for silver? Its also the number for 'Grace' in the Bible.
hoodoodave said:
Hello, this is very interesting. I think u may have found a KGC vault. I have been thinking about the threes and the j and here is my 2 cents worth. Could j be for jesus and could the threes be the father son and the holy ghost? Is there a cemetary or old church site nearby? I hope this helps.
We have wondered the same thing, Dave. So many of the KGC sites incorporate Biblical signs. There aren't any old cemetaries, churches or schools nearby, though.
BobinSouthVA said:
Very interesting thread.

don't have anything to add, just wanted to post to follow along.

Good luck on your quest.
Shortstack said:
With all of this bad weather keeping you in, now would be a very good time to plat all of this onto a good map. If you don't have a good topo map of the area yet; then print out a view from Google or bing map and plot out the items and directions onto IT until you can get a good topo. This would at least give you a way to "feed" the hunger to work on your project. :thumbsup:
Oh, and just as a little side note. I used the word "plat" and "plot" because, after you plot everything onto a map you then have a plat map of the area. Didn't want to corn-fuse anyone. :laughing7:
Thanks Shortstack and BobinSouthVA. :hello:


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6th picture down not the 7th one from the top of the post, but the 6th one there is something inside the middle of the structure. Not on the outside of the stone.................. :dontknow:


Behind your "5" rock may be or have been an over night "hidey hole", so I would carefully check behind the rock. (I suspect it will be empty) Around and to the right of the circled 5 you may have a symbol indicating a degree of NW. (circle with a line leading out of the circle at approx. 11 o'clock) The 5 could also represent the degree of southeast for a hidden direction? This rock monument may be the center of your "clock". It would be interesting to see what if anything is on the other two sides of the "5" rock.


dtpost said:
6th picture down not the 7th one from the top of the post, but the 6th one there is something inside the middle of the structure. Not on the outside of the stone.................. :dontknow:
I think we're looking at the same thing, Dtpost....I just cropped that rock monument with the 'V' in a little closer. There might be something in that 'V' hole---we did look back in there when we found this monument, but will go back with a spotlight to see a little better. (I was just mentioning that the stone [to the side of the 'V] has a marking on it, like someone had left a sign.) Thanks dtpost!
oddrock said:

Behind your "5" rock may be or have been an over night "hidey hole", so I would carefully check behind the rock. (I suspect it will be empty) Around and to the right of the circled 5 you may have a symbol indicating a degree of NW. (circle with a line leading out of the circle at approx. 11 o'clock) The 5 could also represent the degree of southeast for a hidden direction? This rock monument may be the center of your "clock". It would be interesting to see what if anything is on the other two sides of the "5" rock.
We will check to see if there is anything on the other side of the '5' rock. I think we can pull it straight out because it doesn't look like its attached. BUT, I am going to tie something to it and make sure we are way back before we try to pull it out.
We take some pictures if we get it dislodged.
Thanks for all the help, Oddrock!

hi sandcreek, ive been following your thread, interesting
i lightened and enlarged the 8274 and 8284 img, looks like a rock
but i wouldnt try to move it,and watch out for whatever lives in
the rock formation, a nice brite light should tell you,what else
is there, i must have missed the 5 rock post, the only 5 i see is
in img 8276, im pretty sure your not going to try and pull that
rock out, just making sure,this is not the rock, you want to pull
out. looks like more writing just cant tell what it is
ill go back and read again for that 5 rock post


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The further you look into your find, the more that is found. Here is an enlargement of the big rock formation (your "5" rock formation) changed to black and white with pushed contrast and lighting adjustments.
--the small rectangle in the upper right encloses a heart, a triangle in black line; a white "A".
--the long rectangle has many letters and symbols inside. Starting from the left end:
--a white "A" OR an upside down "V" pointed to by the first yellow arrow.
--the second yellow arrow is pointing to what looks like an "X", "V", and "A".
--the third yellow arrow points to either a rounded "W" or a "3" on it's side.
--the last yellow arrow, on the right, points to a symbol that is very similar to one Old Dog had on a post he made showing KGC symbols. It LOOKS like the "contrary 180 degrees" symbol. OD wil have to help here.

On the "5" rock are a couple of "X"s or crosses just to the right of the number. Around the right side is a figure that looks like either an owl or a circle with a "V" at the top with a copy of that "contrary" symbol giving the APPEARANCE of an owl's ears. I've indicated that repeat symbol with the long arrow. There is a black "X" or cross or a tilted "T" with a black dot next to it on the circle's line.

The freehand circle on the lower right, encloses more symbols. There is a white "H" with a black "T" on it's right side. There are several more symbols here. An arrowhead pointing down to a black "X X Y" written between 2 parallel black lines.

Now, here is a real wildcard idea. IF this is a hidy-hole to be used by travellers on a trail.......could some of those letters be the initials of some of those travellers who are simply saying, "HEY, I was here." :icon_scratch: That's just another possibility to be "worked out". If I were to use the word "graffiti" some on this forum would get all " a flutter" with indignation. :tongue3: :laughing9:

VERY INTERESTING. :hello2: :hello2: I can understand you wanting to get back to this project ASAP. I am also posting the negative version to help you to pick out some of those figures.

IMG_8279 (650x433)-black and white-cropped.webp

IMG_8279 (650x433)-black and white-cropped-neg.webp

cw0909 said:
hi sandcreek, ive been following your thread, interesting
i lightened and enlarged the 8274 and 8284 img, looks like a rock
but i wouldnt try to move it,and watch out for whatever lives in
the rock formation, a nice brite light should tell you,what else
is there, i must have missed the 5 rock post, the only 5 i see is
in img 8276, im pretty sure your not going to try and pull that
rock out,
just making sure,this is not the rock, you want to pull
out. looks like more writing just cant tell what it is
ill go back and read again for that 5 rock post
I think maybe I confused everyone with the '5' and if I did I'm sorry! The '5' is right smack dab in the middle of the rock monument. Pics. 8283, 8285, 8275, 8276, 8279, 8284, & 8281 are all of the same rock monument. I cropped in picture 8274 and will post it. And that is the rock we are going to try to pull out---it looks like it is not attached to anything...See what you guys think, I have outlined it in red.
Thanks cw0909.
Shortstack said:
The further you look into your find, the more that is found. Here is an enlargement of the big rock formation (your "5" rock formation) changed to black and white with pushed contrast and lighting adjustments.
--the small rectangle in the upper right encloses a heart, a triangle in black line; a white "A".
--the long rectangle has many letters and symbols inside. Starting from the left end:
--a white "A" OR an upside down "V" pointed to by the first yellow arrow.
--the second yellow arrow is pointing to what looks like an "X", "V", and "A".
--the third yellow arrow points to either a rounded "W" or a "3" on it's side.
--the last yellow arrow, on the right, points to a symbol that is very similar to one Old Dog had on a post he made showing KGC symbols. It LOOKS like the "contrary 180 degrees" symbol. OD wil have to help here.

On the "5" rock are a couple of "X"s or crosses just to the right of the number. Around the right side is a figure that looks like either an owl or a circle with a "V" at the top with a copy of that "contrary" symbol giving the APPEARANCE of an owl's ears. I've indicated that repeat symbol with the long arrow. There is a black "X" or cross or a tilted "T" with a black dot next to it on the circle's line.

The freehand circle on the lower right, encloses more symbols. There is a white "H" with a black "T" on it's right side. There are several more symbols here. An arrowhead pointing down to a black "X X Y" written between 2 parallel black lines.

Now, here is a real wildcard idea. IF this is a hidy-hole to be used by travellers on a trail.......could some of those letters be the initials of some of those travellers who are simply saying, "HEY, I was here." :icon_scratch: That's just another possibility to be "worked out". If I were to use the word "graffiti" some on this forum would get all " a flutter" with indignation. :tongue3: :laughing9:

VERY INTERESTING. :hello2: :hello2: I can understand you wanting to get back to this project ASAP. I am also posting the negative version to help you to pick out some of those figures.
I thought maybe I was the only one seeing numbers, shortstack :tongue3: ;D . I can't believe all that other stuff you found, too!! We will take many more close-up pics of this rock monument as soon as we can. Thank you for marking up those pics and pointing out the other things of interest. Got another 10" of snow on the way tomorrow but next week looks promising for good weather. :hello2:
Few more pics of the monument:


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This different view of the "5" stone and surrounding area brings new and old info into focus. That area in the left circle shows that there is a very good chance that I mistook a plant root to be the shape of that "contrary 180" symbol. In THIS pic, the root structure is clearer. Now, maybe there is one of those symbols beneath the root structure, but that's one more thing to take a closer look at on site. Those letters, etc, in the circle on the right side still look correct. Can't see the right side of the "5" rock in this view.
Now, inside the opening, to the rear, there looks to be a black cat face on that rear rock. Some may say it's an owl, but the ears on a cat are farther apart, as shown here, than are an owl's.

IMG_8396 (650x433)-marked.webp

I do admire your tenacity, but advise you to get an extend-able mirror, This will allow you to look in the hole without moving the rock.
If you do move it be sure to put it back as found.
(I am alluding to the idea the hole is empty)

Take a look at the 5 on the front face there.
It may be an "S" rather than a 5.

Just a suggestion.
Better to check both scenarios than come up with the wrong one first and be discouraged.

warning - reading mother natures graffiti can lead to missing the real signs...

The further you look into your find, the more that is found. Here is an enlargement of the big rock formation (your "5" rock formation) changed to black and white with pushed contrast and lighting adjustments.
--the small rectangle in the upper right encloses a heart, a triangle in black line; a white "A".
--the long rectangle has many letters and symbols inside. Starting from the left end:
--a white "A" OR an upside down "V" pointed to by the first yellow arrow.
--the second yellow arrow is pointing to what looks like an "X", "V", and "A".
--the third yellow arrow points to either a rounded "W" or a "3" on it's side.
--the last yellow arrow, on the right, points to a symbol that is very similar to one Old Dog had on a post he made showing KGC symbols. It LOOKS like the "contrary 180 degrees" symbol. OD wil have to help here.

On the "5" rock are a couple of "X"s or crosses just to the right of the number. Around the right side is a figure that looks like either an owl or a circle with a "V" at the top with a copy of that "contrary" symbol giving the APPEARANCE of an owl's ears. I've indicated that repeat symbol with the long arrow. There is a black "X" or cross or a tilted "T" with a black dot next to it on the circle's line.

The freehand circle on the lower right, encloses more symbols. There is a white "H" with a black "T" on it's right side. There are several more symbols here. An arrowhead pointing down to a black "X X Y" written between 2 parallel black lines.

Now, here is a real wildcard idea. IF this is a hidy-hole to be used by travellers on a trail.......could some of those letters be the initials of some of those travellers who are simply saying, "HEY, I was here." icon_scratch That's just another possibility to be "worked out". If I were to use the word "graffiti" some on this forum would get all " a flutter" with indignation. tongue3 laughing9

the above represents the gibberish you get when pareidolia takes over your common sense!
All true trackers will ignore this type of advise, it only confuses the issue!!as all can plainly see....

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