You appear to be trying to judge my interest and wishes etc. I don't judge things with denial, but you are way off the mark there.
You answered with a single word first "location" - that is just way too thin Mick. You would need to prove you have found the gold mine of Jacob Waltz and that the Peralta stone maps lead to it.
You are also just saying your opinion about the gold ore in the matchbox. The documentation we have indicates that Dick Holmes obtained the gold ore from Jacob Waltz and paid for it to be made into the matchbox, cuff links, tie tack etc. Holmes would have noticed immediately if the jewelers had substituted some other ore into the items. Your tale of where the ore originated has no backing only your say-so. I get it, you don't like it that the matchbox seems to be a major obstacle to your claim that you found the LDM. Sorry but too many other guys (and gals) have been claiming they found the LDM and long before you did. It is going to take some pretty solid proof.
On the other hand, you still have not answered my question - does it really matter what name your mine is called, if you are getting good gold out of it? I don't understand what difference it makes what the name of the mine is.
Thanks for the very kind words too - however undeserved. I must be the biggest dummy around here, everyone tells me I have it all wrong!
Side thing here but my wife and I once found a rather neat old mine, that I believe is the once famous Lost Arch mine. It had MOST of the clues to fit, but there was no giant Saguaro anywhere in sight, and the 'arch' was a natural stone arch, not one made from adobe, although there was the remains of a two room STONE cabin as well. I think it is the lost Arch and can't prove it beyond all doubt - if no one else agrees it is no skin off my hind parts, I still get the gold from it. This is why I keep asking you why it seems to be SO important to you, that we have to believe you have found the LDM? Thanks in advance,
PS to Dave - "like" was not a strong enough comment on your post - hope no one gets offended if I share this: