DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Then all kind of other details are suddenly introduced that have ZERO to do with the specific mapped area: water, salt cedars, dark green brush.

I’ll leave the reader to make up their own minds about that whole situation….

Maybe you are looking for this

cabin's ruin.webp cabin's ruin 2.webp


But ... IMO , the cabin in the map was not at Rincon . Have to find the first clue : right from the pass , look for the mountain shape ( like a peak ) which has on it a " boot ' . Above the " boot " are 7 mines ( the birds ) , three to the west , three to the east and one in the middle wich is the main almacen .

Use these maps to find the region , and after the other green maps ( which posted NP at the beginning of this thred ) to find the mines .
And ROG , was not the greed what caused the fails , but the wrong place .

So, these maps from NP all refer to places in the Organ mountains? Not Caballos?
If so, the Organs are almost entirely within the Ft Bliss Milliatry Reservervation, so I assume no treasure hunting is allowed there now anyway? Is that correct?

I told you were you had to be to view it, not on G E, the T's are birds but you need to figure out the meaning , later on if you cant, I will help you out.its always good to ask questions. np:cat:

OK, so if this map with the "squiggly t's" (birds) is tied into your previously posted maps (as suggested by Markmar), then they refer to the Organ Mountains? Soledad Peak, not anything in the Caballos?
Are not the Organ mountains off limts do to being part of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation?
I was thinking this was tied to the Caballos? no?

Whiskeyrat, no these maps do not all refer to the organ mnts, and no you can not sit at home and try to find everything on G E, and if something is on white sands , its off limits, remember the stories told by doc noss and ONFP all refer to white sands ,not the caballo's, that's were you yourself have to put the pieces together, what we give you as info on the caballo's is our opinion and our personal experiences with boots on the ground for many years, and for a few of us on here, our experiences with dealing with ONFP or the family members. it gets no better than this. you personally have to weed out the truth from fiction, most of the things said about the stories of VP, have to be considered by who was telling the stories.and why they were telling them, np:cat:


I believe the green maps are from Caballos . The Caballos is a very long range . I can't give you the coords of the ruins . To find the place , re read my previous posts in this thread about the location . The key is in something which I wrote in my explanation and has not relation with the subject .

NP given you above little light ( post # 1773 ) .

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Whiskeyrat, no these maps do not all refer to the organ mnts, and no you can not sit at home and try to find everything on G E, and if something is on white sands , its off limits, remember the stories told by doc noss and ONFP all refer to white sands ,not the caballo's, that's were you yourself have to put the pieces together, what we give you as info on the caballo's is our opinion and our personal experiences with boots on the ground for many years, and for a few of us on here, our experiences with dealing with ONFP or the family members. it gets no better than this. you personally have to weed out the truth from fiction, most of the things said about the stories of VP, have to be considered by who was telling the stories.and why they were telling them, np:cat:

NP, believe me, I know that having access to this type of info from experienced prospectors is invaluable. Thats why I am trying to absorb as much as possible. I also know i cant do it sitting at home using GE.
I have been making trips to New Mexico for years, I have a placer mining claim near Animas peak (near the copper flats project) and just sold a very remote hard rock claim down on Hachita Peak (near Playas) so Im not a complete novice but compared to you and TM2 obviously have a long way to go.
And I do appreciate your efforts to educate myself and others.
My experience to date has been placer mining and hard rock, not treasure prospecting, but now the treasure hunt has got me hooked.
I will soon be spending my winters in the Caballos. I am comfortable and very capable of spending a week or two alone in the mountains. Done it for many many years. Nothing better.
But, i am no spring chicken either, so times a wasting.
Thanks again NP and TM2 for all your advice and info.
Yes, i know the VP stuff is off limits, im not interested in that or anything on army property or other mining claims or private land.
Some of your maps had Soledad peak area plotted which is in the Organs, so I thought maybe all those maps you posted were for the Organ mountains.


Cool story, you bein' out, workin' with your Dad.
That's the real, good stuff...:thumbsup: :sunny: :fish:

I’ll leave the reader to make up their own minds about that whole situation….

You're not the first to be sent on a snipe hunt by that particular expert - it's the game he plays. Live and learn.

I will not edit a post, I will delete a 5000 word reply if it contains a single insult or snipe at another member, I will also issue timeout to the next guilty party....

Wow, welcome to the new way of the U.S.A, Times sure are changing, I guess iam getting old, it seems like its so much harder for me nowadays to keep up with the changes, seems iam losing more ground day by day. I now understand how my parents felt when i was a teenager.

thats all he wrote

see you folks on the other side man

no sense being in a forum like this


Thanks for what you shared and wrote.

I am one, that appreciates your

views and stories... Peace,

See you on the other side...:thumbsup:

Crosse... :sunny: :fish:

Rog , may the force be with you my Friend !
Always !!

TM2, if your still around:
dont let the haters discourage you. you have been thru much worse than written words.
there are many of us who appreciate and look forward to your posts and also your take on life in general.
if you decide to be done, take care and thanks again.

You're not the first to be sent on a snipe hunt by that particular expert - it's the game he plays. Live and learn.
so is ths your oppinion of your own dealings with him ?
although i have tried not to bring your new found identity on this site up , is not really that hard for anyone who has been on these forums for a long time to figure out who your are .
i'm sure Rog knows , and no matter how brutally honest this statement may have been . it seems to lack tack , IMO given who said it . hey i could be wrong and i'm not trying to be insulting , but this post really bothers me .
care to elaborate for the rest of the class , if not i'll just let this go , cause my whole interest in treasure forums seems to really be fading lately as well

so is ths your oppinion of your own dealings with him ?
although i have tried not to bring your new found identity on this site up , is not really that hard for anyone who has been on these forums for a long time to figure out who your are .
i'm sure Rog knows , and no matter how brutally honest this statement may have been . it seems to lack tack , IMO given who said it . hey i could be wrong and i'm not trying to be insulting , but this post really bothers me .
care to elaborate for the rest of the class , if not i'll just let this go , cause my whole interest in treasure forums seems to really be fading lately as well

Im confused a little. I am not good with social cues,so this has my interest. What bothered you about the post. It seemed very direct,but I get the impression you found it rude. Can you explain in a little detail what bothered you.
Don't take my question as a attack. Knowing the answer will help me mimic similar behavior,and responses. Thanks.

it is not what was was said it was who said it . it would require knowing history of the parties involved , and it is quite possible the poster meant nothing by it , cause it is kind of a vague one liner . but i'm gonna leave it at that k


I thought the guy's approach, though spirited, and maybe
somewhat challenging, was also generous, and perhaps
a bit insightful...

Maybe I just don't see, or discern spirits the same, as
some others supposedly do, in the grand 'ol scheme,
of the human minded things... Peace to Rog, and
to all of you all too...

Crosse... :sunny: :fish:

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