A Revelation? That is why I do what I do.
I know quite well, in this ol' world, it is
most often, really not very popular...
I walk by faith, and Am still here now.
Heaven and Hell, both know my name...
It is the reward and recognition, of the
next world and life, that I seek after...
When my time is up, He will know it,
and I will not be afraid of death. I too,
have been given of His understanding,
of timeless life, a spiritual revelation...
The Apostle Paul Said: I have become all
things to many, so that I may win a few...
If I am wrong, I have lost nothing. I have
found believers to be nicer, more genuine,
trustworthy people, speaking in general...
If anyone believes not, and misses out,
then they will have lost everything, their
soul, and great inheritance in the next life,
for the best world to come, and that, it has
has been promised, will be lasting forever...
It is through the foolishness of the Gospel,
that souls are saved, by the leading of God's
Holy Spirit, the greatest, lasting treasure of all...
God's Believing Souls, Are His Own Precious Treasures...
Peculiar, Unusual, Loving Not The Things Of This World, Like
They Love, Hear, And Understand His Ways, Spiritual Leading...
