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Hi, our Good Brother and Amigo Homar:
I am pleased that y'all have been enjoying the pics.
They are of the exhibits at the renown Gilcrease Museum,
in Tulsa, OK. "Old Indian Territory" I was privileged, with good
timing, to be able to sit in on a fascinating presentation, made by
the new Executive Director.
The introduction for him, mentioned that he is a Kaw Indian,
and with quite an impressive previous building and expanding
resume, at other museums including Anchorage Alaska. He has
an awesome plan for major expansion and renovation, for an
already very nice set of galleries. He said they have more
masterpieces by Russell, Remington, Moran, etc.,
than all of the other museums put together!
When I was taking the pics in the Indian Artifacts Gallery,
I was almost done, when a guard approached me, and said
I'm sorry sir, there are no photographs allowed in here...
The guard when I checked in and paid, had said not to
use flash, which I didn't there. So we are very fortunate,
to be able to view these pics. I'm just glad that they didn't
ask me for my camera, or memory card, lol!
Glad you are enjoying! There was an entire hall of various
different masks that I missed, very impressive! Looked like
there were all kinds of spirits and thoughts behind them!
Congratulations, with the addition of your new beloved Grandchild!
Best to you, and all of your family Amigo!
The people in the pic are all volunteers, attending the meeting
after a special luncheon in the dining room, that I'm sharing pics
of, overlooking the Osage Hills of the Northwest Tulsa area...
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