I have met him more then a few times...the joy and pain...of the music business. he is cool, mellow.
Do treasures have real spirits? well They are inanimate objects. So.... whom buried/hid the loot/booty they would be the possessors
of the spirits. Or vice versa......
Hi Viking,
I like your videos, an' getting 'Racy'? Whatever that is, seems is
not too revealing. I have to discuss the Treasure Spirits Comment,
our good friend, you see there are so many legends, myths, and
I know a GOD, the Father of all Spirits. He says NO. Treasures
may NOT have the spirits of people who hid them, guarding
them. That ALL spirits are subject to Him. They (We) all go
BACK to him, when the flesh dies, period. The spirits that
are associated with Treasures Amigo, are those of the
powers of darkness. Could be familiar spirits, unclean
spirits perhaps the powers of darkness, having left
their habitation, and will be judged to the Lake Of Fire.
Yes, dark, tricky, powerful, manipulative, mysterious
spirits, can do, or cause harm... The great news is,
the spirits of light, of The Ancient Of Days, can be
very effectively used to ward them off, bind them
(their power), send them away, possibly forever...
Yes we who exercise our rights, have greater power,
and may very well be granted discernment, control,
dominion. There is No greater power, other than that
of the GOD of our Great, Noble and True, Blessed Fathers...
Have a good day, keep up the good videos, just remember
there may be some youngn's that may get to read some, innocently...
