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Treasure seeking is a great passion for my husband and I. A supreme hobby or perhaps lifestyle, for sure. Our garage is filled with shovels, metal detectors, dirty gloves and worn tools of every kind.

But, my favorite of all is the spirited kind that I have found here on TNet. It has been a pleasant surprise that it has been (mostly) a great experience.

I know way more about things like using my favorite Garrett, about the mystery of the Jesuits and other hairier ones like bigfoot, of shipwrecks and the trails of loot they left behind, finding the occasional Spanish cob or perhaps a Meg or even a privy (lol), but the friends here (you know who you are) has been the greatest discovery for me.

Oh! And, my music base/ knowledge has increased substantially! Who needs iTunes when I have Everything Else?

The mods have had their patience tested here, a time or two (or three), and it looked like (for a minute there) one of my favorite threads (this one) was going to disappear. Just to become a little memory or a slight legend of sorts. I am glad it didn't. It has been good fun. Thanks, btw, for leaving it here. Nice.

Hola Guerita,

Where would we be without TreasureNet, where we can share our passion? I for one can't talk about treasure with relatives, or friends without them smiling on the outside, and laughing on the inside. Only my family knows what I have, and my family has grown here on TreasureNet.

Because of my treasure legends passion, I too have learned many things that I would have never cared to research. A lot of history, geography, and other things. I can point out many constellations, and know many stars by name. I've learned to identify many plants, and trees. Picked up some good recipes, and learned to make sock coffee.

I have made many friends here, and have been invited to many different states. Have been offered to look for gold on claims they own, balloon rides, big game hunts, tours on four wheelers to check out their finds ( thats because they know I have trouble walking). The offers to visit Alamos, and one to a favorite fishing hole top the list.

Your kindness has touched us all here at this campfire.


Homar. You are also one of the reasons I return to this campfire. Years of sock-coffee (even the polka-dot kind), has truly been the best!

I agree wholeheartedly on your post. I also relate to your first paragraph. I have tried to share my MD passion with friends, esp. my girlfriends, but they lovingly just don't get it. I even bought my BF a detector for her birthday, but instead of that box I think she would have rather preferred a shoe box. Lol.

See, I also have this thing for history. Any kind.

When I make great old finds ( even the un-sparkly, worn out kind) I get excited like a kid on Christmas. From bottles, bullets, coins, to spoons etc. it doesn't matter. I think I shared with you last year that I even found an old Flintlock. I was floating in the clouds for days after that! I dug up our whole yard (several acres) to the point my husband had to re-sod the whole thing. I am pretty sure I am not the first one to have done this? If so, uh-oh! I am the kind that has so much fun outside, I never want to go in.

So, yes indeedie! Life is good. In here and out there! Thanks for always being here, somewhere on these threads. Coffee? How about the striped kind this morning?

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Just been trying to catch up. Been busy helping a friend and 'neglecting my duties' to the forums. haha Can't catch up if I read word for word like I enjoy doing, so; much of it has been 'scanned' lately. I've enjoyed the music on this forum! I have an external hard drive I'm trying to get all my music onto and 'straightened out'. I've had to wipe and reload my computer several times in the past few years. Sometime to upgrade, sometime because of a failure. I try to burn all of the important stuff onto discs before I wipe it; but sometimes don't get to do so. I've tried to collect most of the music that's important to me. I believe I have over 50 Gb. I've bought lots of tapes, CD's, etc. in the past, then transferred them to the computer. I probably spend more time listening to music than I do interacting with people. Can't seem to get enough!
Gonna try to install a little pick up on one of my guitars sometime today or tomorrow. I've got a little 'really cheap' guitar that I bought on the internet a few years back from a company in Houston. It didn't sound too bad, so I installed a pickup on it. It seemed to help the sound. 'Course if someone that really knew how to play it, it might actually sound decent. I love to 'fool around' with a guitar. I've never tried to 'pick' one, just chording. I don't spend enough time playing to be even decent at it. Very seldom does anybody hear me, so at least I'm not disturbing anyone's ear-drums; hopefully. lol

Thanks a million guys/gals, friends...

I have really enjoyed all of you here, and this kinda'
feels like when my large class graduated High School,
we were close, and everyone was happy to graduate,
even into the unknown future. But y'all are awesome,
all of you that have truly contributed in a positive way,
especially Ms. Judy, Sweet Cherokee Lady. Don't know
how anyone could overlook her lady like,
yet tom boy ways.

I am happy to have known you all, even some that didn't
talk much, and those that gave me hard time, just got
me ready for the road that I'm now walking. I started
a song, worked on it and put it down. Realized the
title of it should be Cherokee Moon, a lost and found
again love song, still being written. Not hard for me,
it's what I do... A true unbelievable, most precious
treasure, for me to cherish,
and enjoy forever...

... :sunny: :fish:

... ~:Crosse:~ ...

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Ewww, lovesick itch...:laughing7:

No, I ain't callin anyone little,specially in spirit, but did not write the song..


The unwritten coffee contract takes conscious unforced grace of effort to share a path without crowding...
It's not about getting back what you put into it ,though that would be a plus.
Have a good one all.Travel safe.

To: those afflicted, romantically inclined in the room....


The unwritten coffee contract takes conscious unforced grace of effort to share a path without crowding...
It's not about getting back what you put into it ,though that would be a plus.
Have a good one all.Travel safe.

To: those afflicted, romantically inclined in the room....

I really liked the Bob Wills Song you played with Merle singing it, nice!

The best, most fun way to be afflicted, that I know of, my graceful but to the point, Relevent Friend... :sunny: :fish:

... ~:Crosse:~ ...

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What else can I say...:treasurechest:...8-) :sunny: :fish:

... ~:Crosse:~ ...

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Alright. Need to get out of here before contagion sets in.
Ain't singin at no wedding either!
But would if at gunpoint..
Cheers to you's.


Having some lyrics pertaining to the burning that true love
does to one's heart and soul, not the broken heart aspect.

That's why it's so cool, to dial in your own song. with all of
the points and feelings matching your particular case, but
this song is cool, in that it expresses some of the feelin's... :sunny: :fish:

... ~:Crosse:~ ...

On a wing, on a song and a prayer.
Yes, bring the lovely coffee sessions on,
and I'll be lovin' it all...
... :sunny: :fish:


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Oh, I meant to play that song last nite, got busy and forgot.
Thanks, mind reader, you'll have to audition to sing tho', but,
if ye got it, could very well be arranged, and that'd be cool...
... :sunny: :fish:


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