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Thanks Coazon,

For the visits and likes, I do much
appreciate it Brother, and if you might
have a song request, I'd be more than happy,
to look it up and post it. If you like, just name it,
and I'll do it... Take Care Good Brother, and may
your days be filled with sun, and cool son shine...:thumbsup:8-) :sunny: :fish:



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I know I am way overdue on my contributions. Sorry matey!

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The point I brought to give to Michael,
one of the nicest that I have ever found.
Because he gave me the obsidian spear,
when I visited him here in Oct. of 2001,
that may have been been picked up locally.
And if so, it may be a true old Cherokee
Ceremonial Piece, from back in the day
when they ruled this exceptionally
beautiful country. He told me if I
find out that it is, to give it to the
Nation, for their museum, not
try to sell it, not bad, for a
French American, reckon... :sunny: :fish:

... ~: See the creek, outside the porch screen :~ ...

Hi Crosse,

You might be able to get some idea of the age of your obsidian spear head by looking at this link.

Arrowheads ***

If the point was found in the southeast U.S., it could have been made during the time when the Hopewell people developed their trading network. It is believed that most of the obsidian obtained by the Hopewell, and other Native Americans, came from the Yellowstone Park region. It could have been made or used by the Cherokee depending upon where it was found and how it was found. Later Native American tribes often used stone tools that were made by earlier cultures. There seems to be some debate about when the Cherokee moved to the SE but oral history says they moved south from the Great Lakes region.

Crosse de Sign and mdog, A story for you both about Indian artifacts. Back in the 1980's I did a fare amount of beach hunting. As I was doing down the beach I came across a bunch of small round stones with holes in them. I kept finding more every time I came back to that spot. I ended up with about 25 to 30 of them. Never stopped to think that it was part of a necklace. Must have took them hours to make it. Still have all those stones in big pill bottle. This was along the northern Iowa resort lakes that dot the northern boarder of Iowa.

Crosse de Sign I will keep a eye on Don's place. if I see anyone or activity at the Hotel California I will stop by and see if I can get a word with him. If I go by water I don't have to see any body at the front gate.:wink: More than one way to skin a skunk.

Senior Deacon

Hi Mrs. Jodie,

It seems you are always on time, whenever
you get the time to show up, so thanks for
your music selections. Then, I was wondering
if you looked at the CD, for the book? Didn't
know, what you had in mind... Whatever it is,
I'm sure it will be great, and much appreciated...


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Hi Crosse,

You might be able to get some idea of the age of your obsidian spear head by looking at this link.

Arrowheads ***

If the point was found in the southeast U.S., it could have been made during the time when the Hopewell people developed their trading network. It is believed that most of the obsidian obtained by the Hopewell, and other Native Americans, came from the Yellowstone Park region. It could have been made or used by the Cherokee depending upon where it was found and how it was found. Later Native American tribes often used stone tools that were made by earlier cultures. There seems to be some debate about when the Cherokee moved to the SE but oral history says they moved south from the Great Lakes region.


Thanks for the interesting info, I am hoping it is old,
and I understand there is a way to test it, would be
interesting, have no idea where, need to do it though...


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Crosse de Sign I will keep a eye on Don's place. if I see anyone or activity at the Hotel California I will stop by and see if I can get a word with him. If I go by water I don't have to see any body at the front gate.:wink: More than one way to skin a skunk.

Senior Deacon

Thanks for humoring me, made me laugh.
You're a gentleman and a scholar, good luck
on that. If you go out on the lake though, now
there's a possibility. He said he goes there on
Sundays, if he's home. Maybe a tour schedule
could be had, more than one way, yes sir...:thumbsup:


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Spending time back in the Cherokee National Forest soon.
Will do a little exploring, before I head back up to Nashville...
Should be a fun trip...


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Thanks Coazon,

For the visits and likes, I do much
appreciate it Brother, and if you might
have a song request, I'd be more than happy,
to look it up and post it. If you like, just name it,
and I'll do it... Take Care Good Brother, and may
your days be filled with sun, and cool son shine...:thumbsup:8-) :sunny: :fish:

Thanks for the kind words Amigo, I'll pour the coffee.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

No song request, I still can't watch videos, maybe some other day, I am in no hurry. Being a musician you may find this strange, but I can go for days without hearing music. My wife on the other hand can't live without it. Every time I start the truck after she has driven it, the stereo is on loud, and I turn it off. When I used to work, most of my work hours were spent driving. I rarely heard the radio, if I wanted to hear a song, I would sing it. I sing while working, mowing grass, on horseback, or just in the woods like a bird. I just wish I could play a guitar, they have tried to teach me, but it is useless. My wife on the other hand doesn't sing, maybe that's why she has to have music playing all the time?

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy music, just not constantly, I wouldn't know any songs if I didn't hear them at one time or another. As you once said, you are very blessed to be able to play, and sing. We all have our own voice, never try to sing like someone else, just sing from the heart, and all the notes will find their place in your song.


Brother Coazon,

Thanks Very Kindly Amigo,

I like it, that you sing often, that's great!

I too, don't ALWAYS listen to music, tho'

usually do. If super deep in thought, I may

use silence to concentrate on my studying.

Or, like you, I may just want to sing, practice,

or maybe to warm up for a singing performance...

We'll go catch some big fish, sing and drink coffees,

eat great camp cooking one day, I hope. That would

be much fun, and sweet good laughs... Good Day Friend...



... ~: I am in the Cherokee National Forest, Enjoying Beautiful Lake Ocoee :~ ...

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Crosse de Sign and mdog, A story for you both about Indian artifacts. Back in the 1980's I did a fare amount of beach hunting. As I was doing down the beach I came across a bunch of small round stones with holes in them. I kept finding more every time I came back to that spot. I ended up with about 25 to 30 of them. Never stopped to think that it was part of a necklace. Must have took them hours to make it. Still have all those stones in big pill bottle. This was along the northern Iowa resort lakes that dot the northern boarder of Iowa.

Are you talking about the Spirit Lake area. Years ago, a rockhound showed me a small garnet he found along the beach at one of those lakes. I've found a few shell artifacts, close to the Mississippi, that had been drilled.

I left the Cherokee National Forest this morning...

Didn't have anywhere to play in Nashville lol, so I

kept driving on I-40 West, and almost made it to

Memphis Town, and am in a room chillin' for the eve.

I will get back out early morn, and go? Man this is

a good feeling, I've still got plenty of time to choose...


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mdog that is where I hung out in Spirit Lake area. There are a few treasure tales around the lakes mostly Gangster and Probation stuff. I confirmed a few tales and they were true but could not get permission to hunt. Beaches were the best back in 1992 when the lakes were at there low point. Pick up a lot of rings and lake artifacts from in front of the Amusement park. Hay day of treasure hunting in that part of the country is when I was the only one running a VLF with discrimination.That was about 1982 or 3. Hit a small park that was Hunted Out. I got 8 silver dimes out of that park first day I used the VLF. Best day with the machine was 9 silver Quarters and a half dollar WL out of another park in that area. It was crazy after the labor day week end celebration. It was always good for 25 bucks in change along the beach and 5 or 6 gold rings. Even found a $20 bill one time.

As far as finding garnets there i don't know. Was to busy finding coins and rings to worry about gems although it wouldn't surprise me. A friend and masonic brother of mine ran a gold slues east in the next county over. He got about a once of gold a year. He showed me one day a vial of color he panned out of a rock quarry along the Des Moines river.

Senior Deacon

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