Was it private property? Be interesting to know if there are any laws around finding something on public land and taking it.
Think about that for a minute.
Starting with your vehicle.
Which is probably already violating regulations if you run over a blade of grass or a weed.
Cameras have been regulated off limits in isolated cases.
Elsewhere the common use of them and lack of enforcement potential leaves their use common.
As such they are the lawful property of those who own them. Not those who possess them.
If it isn't yours , leave it alone.
Yes it would be considerate to set someone's sugar bowl in sight of where they left it but in a dry spot IF it is raining out or something like that.
But just because someone placed a camera does not make it fair game to sticky fingers!
We have laws where I hunt regarding tree stands. That does not make one being legally used your property because you "found " it.
Oh they have been stolen. Including one of mine.
Another an associate found one of his a couple hundred yards away from where he had placed it with someone in it stating if it was on public land anyone could use it. He was far nicer than I would have been about it if the thief was still in it when I returned with a chainsaw. (Yes cutting live trees on public land is illegal here. I'd have cheerfully reimbursed the state for it)