If they ever admit something will work it will shut their mouths forever.
From my experience it is the complete opposite; when you show a person a method that is completely foreign to their normal life and it works they get really pumped up about it.
For example; the GPZ, for the life of me I can not even fathom why people prospect or nugget shoot with any other machine when the GPZ will pay for its self in less than 60 hours on decent ground just with the stock coil. Then you have people like my wife who will not even waste her time beach hunting anymore with another machine on the 19.
The few people I have shown and walked through on the GPZ for just a few short days have purchased one, my wife hunts a great deal more than me and she has shown even more people that have done the same, brother in law shoots for a living and he has had the same results. I am talking about the North American culture either, mainly Europeans who have it stuck in their head that there is only one way to earn money and adventure is something that happens when you go on holiday and visit a new bar.
Lived overseas for many years among people who just knew everything happens exactly like they have been taught in their post war developing nation; then they feel cheated and can not get enough of it or tell enough people about it.
Been following this thread for a while, read all through it, I can sift through the ego BS and name calling, just can not understand how this tech works. But as far as I am concerned for now I do not have to, I just need to see proof and then I am ready to fund any start up. You want to talk about real money, develop a production machine and drop that on the market when it really works, the hype will get more crazy than any AT Slow ever saw.
Its only money, show me something, get your mates to put your heads together, put together a working model then let me fly a couple of you to a few spots for natural environment fielding testing, and just get it to work 40% of the time. If you could hit 40% then I would have no trouble with funding R&D towards production, at 40% if you would not have signed my NCNDA off the top of my head I can think of 20 people that would snatch you up right now who also fund many start up, 6 of them are users on this site.
So what do you say, feel like getting one going and then contacting me.