Digital cameras CAN see buried gold

I will take a moment to throw out a few ideas about seeing / filming treasure auras.

Possibly there are several different types of treasure auras.

Once when I was talking to a man living in South America he talked about a blue flame that is seen at night over locations where treasure is buried. This was seen by the eye --was long lasting and could be photographed.

Another time I spoke with a man living in Mexico and he talked about how his wife knew where there was a treasure aura and he
went there with a group of men and using a metal detector to pin point the exact spot they dug up a treasure . This story is here
on Treasure net along with the picture of his wife beside appx. 200 pounds of silver coins.

On treasure net I have also read one man's account of the treasure aura showing up during a major storm--and I believed him also. This may have to do with the high energy that seems to surround large thunder storms.

For a while on this thread there was a very nice photo of a treasure aura above the location of a buried silver bar before the man
from Colorado removed his photo.

David whom started this thread or topic only meant to help people yet there has--in my opinion been numerous unkind words spoken--with his photo of red over the location where he has buried a gold coin.

Sandy1 has shown several photos of treasure aura photos and has explained how he took them yet many people say it is not real or can not be done. I guess they can not follow simple instructions or they refuse to believe what they see.

No one--or no one I know; is going to take you by the hand--buy you the cameras, take the photos and examine them, dig up the treasure and hand it to you and say see this is how it works. Pick a method--and get out in the field and try it. Give it your all; and if you apply your self--you just may walk away from your experience with a smile on your face.
Bart: Excellent post.

Barton, I am going to answer you, point by point. In an intellectual conversation fashion. Not "badgering". Just simply discussing the pro's & con's observations of what you put forth. Ok ?

... Once when I was talking to a man living in South America he talked about a blue flame that is seen at night over locations where treasure is buried. This was seen by the eye --was long lasting and could be photographed......

Yes. This is an oft-claimed phenomenon coming from South America and Mexico. Popular lore there. Supposedly the gold emits a gas, that has a flame or a glow or whatever, coming from the ground wherever the gold lay beneath. Right ? And ... humously ... they will even have gas masks for the fumes that are sure to come up from any opened treasure chest or treasure room.

It is my opinion that this is nothing but cultural superstition. Do you have any photographs ? Can it be replicated in a double blind experiment ? I do not think there is any reason that a metal, even when entombed, is giving off gasses that a) will emit fumes that can color the night landscape b) that will kill you if you breath it. c) Where little licks of flames emanate out of of holes or fissures in the ground. I would love to see proof to the contrary.

.... Another time I spoke with a man living in Mexico and he talked about how his wife knew where there was a treasure aura and he went there with a group of men and using a metal detector to pin point the exact spot they dug up a treasure .....

Let's assume for the moment that this is true. Then the moment anyone "uses a detector to pinpoint", my ears prick up. Because, sure, if you "use a metal detector" in any place you suspect a treasure exists (likely looking ruins, or the known fact that someone buried a goodie in a vicinity), well, then go figure: The detector is going to "beep on metals". Perhaps even a goodie

But I would also be suspicious of the story you heard in the first place. Because back in the early 1990s, I too got swept up in "treasures found" stories that are all over Mexico. They are always 1st person singular tense. The are *so* compelling and awesome. So ... I accompanied my host to Mexico. Me as the md'r professional, and him as my guide. Once we got down there, I began to quizz him on some of the stories he'd told me about the treasures found (past tense). And for example would ask: "Can you please introduce me to the fellow who found this treasure?" (Because, when told in the USA, it was "someone he knew from his hometown").

So you eventually round up that friend or relative who "found a treasure". And guess what ? He didn't actually find it. But he knows the person who did . Ok, so you ask "where is that person ? Let's talk to him". You track down THAT person, and .... guess what ? He too didn't actually see it either. But not to worry: He/she got it on good authority from so & so.

And so on, and so forth, back to permanent regression ! And each time the story is passed on, it's always told in the first person singular present tense. Doh ! Do you see cultural lore at play here ??

..... David whom started this thread or topic only meant to help people yet there has--in my opinion been numerous unkind words spoken--.

I do not know the words you speak of. Perhaps they were "un-kind". But I have also seen that sometimes ANY questioning (or proposing alternate explanations and/or disbelief) is sometimes labeled as "unkind". Or "badgering". So I say this very respectfully that it is entirely possible that a thin-skinned person can claim "offended" or "unkind", for simply being challenged. But again, as I say: I do not know the particular posts you speak of.

--with his photo of red over the location where he has buried a gold coin.

Sandy1 has shown several photos of treasure aura photos and has explained how he took them yet many people say it is not real or can not be done. I guess they can not follow simple instructions or they refuse to believe what they see...

If it can be done and demonstrated, by a scientific double blind study, then why hasn't it been done ? Where is the proof other than anecdotal "testimonies". I say "testimonies" in quotes, because go figure: There is "testimony" that people saw bigfoot or Elvis. So we have to analyze evidence in double blind scientific tests. If someone who "has this skill" can show it, the world will beat a path to their door.

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Hi all hunters and prospectors.

Can Fluke TiX1000 Infrared Camera with 1024 x 768 resolution do a job better than any other Japanese cameras ?

Fluke TiX1000 Infrared Camera | Spectacular Hi-Res Images

Perhaps it is the greatest camera since sliced bread. But this still doesn't solve the issue of whether-or-not digital cameras can see buried gold.

Yes i think so, Fluke TiX1000 Infrared Camera can find a gold. A lot of Spanish gold in american waters. :icon_thumright:

Telluric Radiation Photography by Dr.Paul E.DOBLER Germany 1934.
Dr.Paul E. Dobler of Heilbronn, Germany discovered that turbulent water emits powerful bursts of energy in the millimeter spectrum wave band. Turbulent motion of water generates billions vortexes which act as microenergy transmitters. He had also discovered that energies in this waveband could cause metallic crystals - for example gold, silver, copper, brass, zinc etc. etc. to emit low energy photons which will expose certain tpes of chromatic Infra Red film. The phenomenon was known as "THE COLD FIRE", or "HALO" or "UNDERGROUND STORMS". In some bizare circumstances the phenomenon could be visible in forms of fire tongues of bluish, ocean green, yellow redish colours and also in most dangerous form of FIREBALLS.

Dr.Dobler had made interferometers, resonators, and other unusual devices that could accurately measure millimeter wavelengths that are emitted by those crystals.

The exact techniques used are described in his two books:

1. Biophysikalische Untersuchungen uber Stralung der Materie, Wunchelrute, Elecktrische Wellen - Biophysical Experiments on the Radiation of matter, Divining Rods, Electric Waves, 1939

2. Physickalischer und Photographischer machweis de Erdstrahlen Losung des Problems der Wunschelrute - Physical and Photographic Proof of Radiation from the Earth, 1934.

ps: All of these were induced by Tesla's Telluric Currents which were caused by our ASTRA SOLAR (not black light energy projector called "sun" as many think and elude real knowledge), main source of power in the center of our planet which is above our heads at 6300 km. YES we are living in the planet, not out of planet, as normaly nobody build the house to live at roof with family.

Dr Paul E. Dobler : Physical & Photographic Proof of Radiation from the Earth:

ps1: Keep in mind that UFOs could be seen with exact techniques and they always keep eyes on Gold hunters.

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.... Fluke TiX1000 Infrared Camera can find a gold. A lot of Spanish gold in american waters. :icon_thumright:....

Dubulumach, if a "lot of spanish gold" in american waters, then why isn't anyone showing this ability in a double-blind staged test ? Heck, if it can "find a lot", then a staged test would rock-the-market JUST TO FIND A SINGLE COIN, that can totally be attributed to the camera . Your link is from 1934. Then *most certainly* this must be all-the-more-refined with current technology. Eh ?

I say this with no "badgering" and as a totally intellectual question. How come no one is going out and demonstrating this on "Spanish gold in american waters" ? Under careful safeguards (ie.: double blind) to make sure the outcome is not due to other explanations.

Example: When a new metal detector is poised to hit the market, or is claimed to exist, notice the md'ing / th'ing world is ALL OVER THEMSELVES with glee to test and evaluate and buy-up. Eh ? Ie.: the "new mousetrap" psychology.

So you have to ask yourself: Why then no one doing this camera-gold thing ?

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Dubulumach, if a "lot of spanish gold" in american waters, then why isn't anyone showing this ability in a double-blind staged test ? Heck, if it can "find a lot", then a staged test would rock-the-market JUST TO FIND A SINGLE COIN, that can totally be attributed to the camera . Your link is from 1934. Then *most certainly* this must be all-the-more-refined with current technology. Eh ?

I say this with no "badgering" and as a totally intellectual question. How come no one is going out and demonstrating this on "Spanish gold in american waters" ? Under careful safeguards (ie.: double blind) to make sure the outcome is not due to other explanations.

Example: When a new metal detector is poised to hit the market, or is claimed to exist, notice the md'ing / th'ing world is ALL OVER THEMSELVES with glee to test and evaluate and buy-up. Eh ? Ie.: the "new mousetrap" psychology.

So you have to ask yourself: Why then no one doing this camera-gold thing ?




for more info about Tesla's Telluric Currents
read Nikola Tesla "Colorado Springs Notes"

and if you could find Tesla's lecture "Dissipation of electricity".

It isn't the same like lecture "ON THE DISSIPATION OF THE ELECTRICAL ENERGY OF THE HERTZ RESONATOR" also by Nikola Tesla.

Best regards

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Huh ? Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by the above statement. No, no one wants to "lose a gold treasure". Ok, what does that have to do with whether or not cameras can see buried gold ?


Uh, so correct me if I'm wrong, but you're challenging me to test it, to prove or disprove this ability. Right ? Why isn't it fair for the person(s) making the claim for THEM to show that it can be done. Rather than handing the device to the skeptic and saying "prove that it CAN'T be done".

Ie.: it seems to me that the burden of proof, for extraordinary claims would be on the side of the person making the claim. Not on the side of the skeptic to DIS-prove it. Besides: If the skeptic failed to find gold, the proponents would merely say "you weren't using it right" or "you need more practice" etc.... (it would be never-ending).

Thus I'm waiting for double-blind carefully staged tests, showing results that it can be done. Not theoretical papers, but actual wild goodies.

By "wild goodies" I am differentiating from "tame" goodies, because of the following example: It can be shown that some metal detectors can actually get a signal off paper money in a table-staged test ! It's VERY faint, and can only be done in a staged test. The reason is: The inks used in the paper bills. But you could never replicate this in the real world for any practical usage. Because a million other things would immediately over-power it.

So, again, where is some test results using in-field-conditions ? And again: I say this will all-due respect, no "badgering", as an intellectual conversation.

proof of the pudding does exist regardless of toms foolproof scientifical garbage.

This one with the light blue streak was over a small jar of Spanish coins. Date, 2016, in Alabama.
one in 14.webp

another picture of the gold coin on a silver round - the auras are repeatable at times.IMG_8097.webp

Elh, Post: 869, 870

I really like your photos of treasure auras. Barton

another picture of the gold coin on a silver round - the auras are repeatable at times.View attachment 1512663

elh, let's assume your photograph results, in that staged test (of planting a gold coin) can not be attributed to any other more -plausible explanations. Ie.: that you did indeed get gold to be "seen" by a digital camera. Such that the actual composition was distinguishable from other metals.

Then do tell: Why aren't you going out and finding gold with this means ? Other than just staged tests on planted/known objects ?

Or HAVE you found "wild" gold by this means ? If so, can you share THOSE results with us. And also, to qualify as double blind: All the factors that led up to it. Eg.: were you using a detector to "pinpoint" ? Were there dry-holes perpetually prior to that (such that eventual gold could just have been eventual random chance) ? What caused you to choose the spot you were trying it at ? Eg.: that you already knew there was suspected to be a goodie there in the first place ? If so, then that would raise concerns about whether it was "wild" or not.

I say this with no "badgering" intent. We are gentlemen discussing whether cameras can be set up in such a way as to find gold.

The T'net "finds" forums are FILLED with posts where hobbyists daily show off their latest trophies in show & tell. Right ? Ok, let's see some that you attribute to the camera method. Because to merely show a staged test, is not "real world". As I said: So too can it be shown in a "staged test" that some metal detectors can pick up paper money. Yet you would never be able to replicate that in the "real world" to think, for a moment, that you're going to go out to detect paper money in the wild. See ?

Hahaha, give up Tom, you are preaching to the blind, deaf and dumb. They dont want the truth, they just want to keep believing all their dirty lenses and sun flare dust is "proof". It is hilarious to watch their responses when you try though!

Hahaha, give up Tom, you are preaching to the blind, deaf and dumb.....

Jason, good to hear from you. Yes perhaps you're right. I'm just fascinated by the psychology of this.

I guess it boils down to the tendency in all of us to "not want to be left out". It's Ssseeooo easy to believe in the unconventional and mystical. Why ? Lest you be "left out" and the other guy "laughing all the way to the bank". So we put critical thinking aside, and grasp on to any shred of hope .

elh, let's assume your photograph results, in that staged test (of planting a gold coin) can not be attributed to any other more -plausible explanations. Ie.: that you did indeed get gold to be "seen" by a digital camera. Such that the actual composition was distinguishable from other metals.

Then do tell: Why aren't you going out and finding gold with this means ? Other than just staged tests on planted/known objects ?

Or HAVE you found "wild" gold by this means ? If so, can you share THOSE results with us. And also, to qualify as double blind: All the factors that led up to it. Eg.: were you using a detector to "pinpoint" ? Were there dry-holes perpetually prior to that (such that eventual gold could just have been eventual random chance) ? What caused you to choose the spot you were trying it at ? Eg.: that you already knew there was suspected to be a goodie there in the first place ? If so, then that would raise concerns about whether it was "wild" or not.

I say this with no "badgering" intent. We are gentlemen discussing whether cameras can be set up in such a way as to find gold.

The T'net "finds" forums are FILLED with posts where hobbyists daily show off their latest trophies in show & tell. Right ? Ok, let's see some that you attribute to the camera method. Because to merely show a staged test, is not "real world". As I said: So too can it be shown in a "staged test" that some metal detectors can pick up paper money. Yet you would never be able to replicate that in the "real world" to think, for a moment, that you're going to go out to detect paper money in the wild. See ?
Lets see now Tom. As I recall, no one, that is no one here has posted a find, claiming that after simply putting on some old filter, then after randomly pointing their camera in some direction and presto, there it was, GOLD or Silver. Did you go into business just because you opened a store front door only? No. You had to work at it. If you cannot understand it is required to calibrate Metal Detector instruments on planted targets first, then you missed the point of every instruction every Electronic Metal Detector has with it and that is to learn about your machine with planted targets before you go out into the field with it. Every Electronic Metal detector I have owned or currently own says in the instructions that it will work better after I learn how to use it.

Testing first on "planted" targets is a must and is not a sign of weakness or failure in any sense of the word.

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....Testing first on "planted" targets is a must and is not a sign of weakness or failure in any sense of the word.

I agree with your post lesjcbs (and am not badgering, we are just discussing :) ). I had no beef with the showing of a staged test. And even granted that it could be totally legit. Nor was I 'dissing staged testings of methods. (md'rs do table tests all-the-time too).

However, to continue the fair comparison of table-tests and proper learning etc.... : After the md'r has done all that with a metal detector, he then goes out and finds stuff. Right ? And then posts his show & tell boasting rights. Eh ? So that's what I'm asking here: Has nyone ever gone out in the real world and found anything this way ?

I agree with your post lesjcbs (and am not badgering, we are just discussing :) ). I had no beef with the showing of a staged test. And even granted that it could be totally legit. Nor was I 'dissing staged testings of methods. (md'rs do table tests all-the-time too).

However, to continue the fair comparison of table-tests and proper learning etc.... : After the md'r has done all that with a metal detector, he then goes out and finds stuff. Right ? And then posts his show & tell boasting rights. Eh ? So that's what I'm asking here: Has nyone ever gone out in the real world and found anything this way ?

I heard about this technique some years ago when I visited a Metal Detector dealer in Provo Utah. He told me how some guys in an“airplane” found an old ship off the coast of California that had treasure on it. He said they used a special type of Kodak film

Dave in England is not the first one to use this method. Fortunately though, he is willing to share his findings and information with all.

To answer your question about has anyone using this technique found real treasure during a real live treasure hunting trip where nothing was planted first, then posted it? Yes, but that post / report is not on this web site. See post #5 then go to post #28.

The best to ya,:occasion14:


P.S. I am up early today. Early to bed early to rise.

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....To answer your question about has anyone using this technique found real treasure during a real live treasure hunting trip where nothing was planted first, then posted it? Yes, but that post / report is not on this web site. See post #5 then go to post #28....

Les, post #5 didn't say or show anything to answer the question. Post #25 says:

"I am finding treasure all over the place, you will find me and my treasure finds in most British Treasure Annual Reports and at present I have a cache of gold coins going through the system. The cache is a further cache from the same site, where I successfully used my old Polaroid SX-70 to find gold coins. I am currently lining potential treasure sites up to use my digital camera technique on, when the conditions (crops) allow. Watch this space, as they say."

However, to my knowledge, no further link or info came of that, on this forum. I went to the "British Treasure Annual Reports" thanks to google, but you have to know the year, and the particular name & treasure you are looking for. So: You got a link ?

And even then, does it say "found with camera" ? Or simply "found my TH'r?" etc.... And even then: More info. Like, did the dude go to likely places (ruins, or where he had a lead already, etc...) and use his detector to "pinpoint" (and ... gee, he found metal).

Thus still waiting for info. Please post links.

Les, post #5 didn't say or show anything to answer the question. Post #25 says:

"I am finding treasure all over the place, you will find me and my treasure finds in most British Treasure Annual Reports and at present I have a cache of gold coins going through the system. The cache is a further cache from the same site, where I successfully used my old Polaroid SX-70 to find gold coins. I am currently lining potential treasure sites up to use my digital camera technique on, when the conditions (crops) allow. Watch this space, as they say."

However, to my knowledge, no further link or info came of that, on this forum. I went to the "British Treasure Annual Reports" thanks to google, but you have to know the year, and the particular name & treasure you are looking for. So: You got a link ?

And even then, does it say "found with camera" ? Or simply "found my TH'r?" etc.... And even then: More info. Like, did the dude go to likely places (ruins, or where he had a lead already, etc...) and use his detector to "pinpoint" (and ... gee, he found metal).

Thus still waiting for info. Please post links.
That's OK Tom.

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