Barton, I am going to answer you, point by point. In an intellectual conversation fashion. Not "badgering". Just simply discussing the pro's & con's observations of what you put forth. Ok ?
... Once when I was talking to a man living in South America he talked about a blue flame that is seen at night over locations where treasure is buried. This was seen by the eye --was long lasting and could be photographed......
Yes. This is an oft-claimed phenomenon coming from South America and Mexico. Popular lore there. Supposedly the gold emits a gas, that has a flame or a glow or whatever, coming from the ground wherever the gold lay beneath. Right ? And ... humously ... they will even have gas masks for the fumes that are sure to come up from any opened treasure chest or treasure room.
It is my opinion that this is nothing but cultural superstition. Do you have any photographs ? Can it be replicated in a double blind experiment ? I do not think there is any reason that a metal, even when entombed, is giving off gasses that a) will emit fumes that can color the night landscape b) that will kill you if you breath it. c) Where little licks of flames emanate out of of holes or fissures in the ground. I would love to see proof to the contrary.
.... Another time I spoke with a man living in Mexico and he talked about how his wife knew where there was a treasure aura and he went there with a group of men and using a metal detector to pin point the exact spot they dug up a treasure .....
Let's assume for the moment that this is true. Then the moment anyone "uses a detector to pinpoint", my ears prick up. Because, sure, if you "use a metal detector" in any place you suspect a treasure exists (likely looking ruins, or the known fact that someone buried a goodie in a vicinity), well, then go figure: The detector is going to "beep on metals". Perhaps even a goodie
But I would also be suspicious of the story you heard in the first place. Because back in the early 1990s, I too got swept up in "treasures found" stories that are all over Mexico. They are always 1st person singular tense. The are *so* compelling and awesome. So ... I accompanied my host to Mexico. Me as the md'r professional, and him as my guide. Once we got down there, I began to quizz him on some of the stories he'd told me about the treasures found (past tense). And for example would ask: "Can you please introduce me to the fellow who found this treasure?" (Because, when told in the USA, it was "someone he knew from his hometown").
So you eventually round up that friend or relative who "found a treasure". And guess what ? He didn't actually find it. But he knows the person who did . Ok, so you ask "where is that person ? Let's talk to him". You track down THAT person, and .... guess what ? He too didn't actually see it either. But not to worry: He/she got it on good authority from so & so.
And so on, and so forth, back to permanent regression ! And each time the story is passed on, it's always told in the first person singular present tense. Doh !
Do you see cultural lore at play here ??
..... David whom started this thread or topic only meant to help people yet there has--in my opinion been numerous unkind words spoken--.
I do not know the words you speak of. Perhaps they were "un-kind". But I have also seen that sometimes ANY questioning (or proposing alternate explanations and/or disbelief) is sometimes labeled as "unkind". Or "badgering". So I say this very respectfully that it is entirely possible that a thin-skinned person can claim "offended" or "unkind", for simply being challenged. But again, as I say: I do not know the particular posts you speak of.
--with his photo of red over the location where he has buried a gold coin.
Sandy1 has shown several photos of treasure aura photos and has explained how he took them yet many people say it is not real or can not be done. I guess they can not follow simple instructions or they refuse to believe what they see...
If it can be done and demonstrated, by a scientific double blind study, then why hasn't it been done ? Where is the proof other than anecdotal "testimonies". I say "testimonies" in quotes, because go figure: There is "testimony" that people saw bigfoot or Elvis. So we have to analyze evidence in double blind scientific tests. If someone who "has this skill" can show it, the world will beat a path to their door.