Digital cameras CAN see buried gold

It will never stick because people can not be honest with themselves. I have dowsed for over thirty years and I can tell you it is a waste of time..

Very interesting ! It's not often someone from that camp renounces and dis-avows themselves. And at first glance, I was going to suggest that YOU would be the perfect candidate to put on a pedestal the next time a dowser dismisses skeptics "because you haven't tried it for yourself". I run into that frequently. Where, ... after push comes to shove, they object and say "how do you know it doesn't, unless you've tried it yourself ??"

And on the surface, given your experience, it would *seem* that you would be a case-example of someone who ACTUALLY DID. And did so with no axe-to-grind. Ie.: wasn't a biased skeptical dis-believer trying to debunk it. On the contrary: It sounds like you went into it with an open mind, believing, hoping, trying, etc....

However, then I wised up, and realized that the pat-answers they have would immediately shut down this avenue. Here's how: They'd say:

1) Franklin didn't have the gift.

2) Franklin didn't practice/try long enough.

3) Franklin was doing it wrong.

Re.: #2 above: Sheesk, did Arnold Palmer learn how to hit a hole-in-one in a single year of golf ? Did Bobby Fischer become a champion chess player in a single year ? Do metal detectorists find gold coins on their first day out ? So why the double standard for those learning/trying dowsing ? Tsk tsk. You say you tried it for "30 yrs.". Well the answer is simple: You needed 35 yrs. And once you get to 35, and still can't do it, well do it for 40 yrs. [are you beginning to see the moving goal-posts here ?]

So you see: Even your experience will be dismissed out of hand :(

And as for your $1,000,000 challenge, they have all ready-to-serve answers to dismiss Randi. It will fall on deaf ears. Those tests were all rigged, un-fair, staged and fake, etc....

I did not do my test for Randi. It was a friendly test from a member here on T-Net and it helped me to see the light. Most dowsers want to keep going fooling themselves. You ask a dowser this question. If you had one hundred square feet of ground with a hundred pounds of gold buried six inches deep which would you rather do dowse for it or let someone dig it up with a metal detector before you can make your best guess.

Franklin, your experiences, and the final eye-opening awareness, is proof positive that the pro & con discussion is not without merit. That each side is not entrenched and ignoring challenges to their views. Thanx for sharing your real-life un-biased tests and reflections !

Personally I don't think the Spanish type caches can be dowsed. The mines maybe, I've never tried it for them, but I have read about many mines being found like that by the spanish themselves, as well as others in the more recent past. One gal and her husband doing this in Europe or Germany dowsed some 50ish different mines for a mining company and got thrown in jail for sorcery , lol. I could look up the exact reference, but I can't remember all the details of it off the top of my head.

I can dowse an underground water leak or at least I have on 3 different occasions saving me a ton of money digging up parking lots on a couple properties I own. Actually the plumbing company that fixed it used the same method and got the same spots. It's all weird stuff that defies popular science and reasoning, the aura stuff as well.

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Have you dug there and did you find any gold or silver? That would be a logical question. The cross looks good but the main question is did you find anything?

I don't thing we ever dug there(over 40 yrs ago). I did dig out a rats nest about 20 feet from there.

We used to have fun with Polaroid film. I worked at a camera store in the late 70's and we were given boxes for demo to customers. When an image is developing you can squeeze the "sheets" before separating the cover from the image and get effects like that from body heat. It's also sensitive to heat before being used; causing flaws like the lower left flare in your image. The later SX-70 film you could use a coin or fingernail to smudge or mix the emulsions to make all kinds of fun effects. Horns or halos on the heads of people.

All the neat "swirlies" around this portrat are manually added to make it look like a Rembrandt painting.


Yes it could have happened by grabbing the corner.

Another odd tidbit about dowsing. My brother got his Masters in Geological Engineering about 25 years ago, in his mining classes he told me they were discussing using dowsing for mineral location and exploration, saying it was valid method. Wonder if that train of thought has changed any since then?

Carrol , your Flash is much different in color from the other example and has some characteristics of an aura. It is though on the edge of the photo so it could be a defect. But Like I said I don't have any experience in Polaroids.

Personally, I'd read sandy1's thread on Vault hunting, pm him some questions, and maybe go back there with a deep seeking detector and shovel.

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Another odd tidbit about dowsing. My brother got his Masters in Geological Engineering about 25 years ago, in his mining classes he told me they were discussing using dowsing for mineral location and exploration, saying it was valid method. Wonder if that train of thought has changed any since then?

I called a plumber & he showed up with 2 pieces of wire.....I told him i'll pass, thanks!

My plumbing contractor (it was a business with many plumbers, not an individual) found the same leak spots I did, and we weren't there at the same time. The leaks were initially caught by a water meter reading, and it had ran up the bill about a 1000 bucks or more already per place beyond a normal reading. Maybe you should have considered taking him up on it.

anything is possible.

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Your body actually can work like a giant antennae, Try this little experiment with your electronic key opener for your car. Find the range that it just doesn't work opening your car doors, then back up a bit more so you are totally out of range. Then point the opener on your chin, touch it to your chin and try it again. It will extend the range of it by like double.

Your body actually can work like a giant antennae, Try this little experiment with your electronic key opener for your car. Find the range that it just doesn't work opening your car doors, then back up a bit more so you are totally out of range. Then point the opener on your chin, touch it to your chin and try it again. It will extend the range of it by like double.

Perhaps. But in the example you've given, those "signals" (which lead to the corresponding "antennae") can be measured scientifically. So the difference between that analogy to dowsing, is that no such "signal" has ever been able to be measured. Nor any explanation of how the "signals" wouldn't simply be over-powered by much stronger forces (gravity acting on the rods).

But I know what your answer will be. "Un-discovered science". Right ?

If these dowsing rods actually work how about placing the rods perfectly balanced and pass a handful of gold nuggets in front of it or a bag of silver coins. I know it has got to have the human touch to make it work? RIGHT Lay a metal detector down and pass the same items under it------HEY IT WORKS. That is the best way to find out what works and what is bullcrap.

..... how about placing the rods perfectly balanced and pass a handful of gold nuggets in front of it or a bag of silver coins..... Lay a metal detector down and pass the same items under it- ....

Alas, this will fall on deaf ears. Because, as you yourself say: has got to have the human touch to make it work...

And they will go one step further to show this, by pointing out that SO TOO do METAL detectors "have to have the human touch" to find coins. Eg.: when was the last time you saw a metal detector get up, walk out, and find coins all on it's own ? Huh ? Huh ? Recant and believe Franklin. It's useless. :hello:

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See ? I know the proper defense lines better than the dowsers themselves. Heck, I shoulda been a dowser ! :headbang:

I doubt you can do alot of things people claim with them. But there's no substitute for personal experience. Science, education, opinions, will always have their limits.

...But there's no substitute for personal experience. Science, education, opinions, will always have their limits.

The problem becomes when "personal experiences" fundamentally contradict each other. The 2 people's opposing views can not both be true at the same time and in the same way. It's the law of non-contradiction.

Therefore the test for determining "truth" is not "personal experience" or "testimonials". Otherwise, we have people who sincerely believe they are Napolean, or they saw Elvis, etc..... You would have to give their "personal experience" equal footing.

It seems to me therefore, that we should measure our "personal experiences" in-light of facts. Not the other way around.

The problem becomes when "personal experiences" fundamentally contradict each other. The 2 people's opposing views can not both be true at the same time and in the same way. It's the law of non-contradiction.

Therefore the test for determining "truth" is not "personal experience" or "testimonials". Otherwise, we have people who sincerely believe they are Napolean, or they saw Elvis, etc..... You would have to give their "personal experience" equal footing.

It seems to me therefore, that we should measure our "personal experiences" in-light of facts. Not the other way around.

Good grief, and next you'll prove we are all nuts and seeing faces on the moon... oh wait, you tried that one already with a photoshopped photo, haha.

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