Lesjcbs, on the one hand, you acknowledge this:
And on the next hand, you acknowledge this:
Huh ? Then why (
oh why oh why oh why) haven't you simply collected this challenge reward money ? If it works, as you say, then certainly it should be child's play to collect the challenge $ ?
Then you say this:
This is not true. It has been double blind tested ample times by skeptics. And shown to have no attraction to precious metals. But the dowser proponents promptly dismiss the results. With come-back lines like:
a) the tester "didn't have the gift".
b) durned those sun spots anyhow
c) You have to "believe". And thus doesn't work for "skeptics" (huh ? sounds "spiritual" to me, if someone says that !).
d) The tester "needs more practice". If he tried it for a week, he should do it for a month. If he tried it for a month, it should be a year. If he tried for a year, he needs 5 yrs. practice. And so on and so forth to infinity. In the same way md'rs "don't find gold coins on their first trip out", so too do dowsers "need practice" (why the double standard for dowsers after all ?).
So you see lesjcbs, no amount of time trying to test dowsing will satisfy the dowser proponents. There's always these simple impenetrable webs of go-to reasons why they/you will dismiss the tests.
That is why the skeptics have put the burden of proof on the supposed successful dowsers, for THEM to show that it works. But at this point, the "impenetrable web" of excuses will show up as to why the proponents don't accept the challenge:
1) durned those sun spots anyhow
2) the observing scientists had magnets in their pockets to foil the results
3) The observers "didn't believe" thus bringing "bad vibes" into the test scenarios, thus foiling the results. (hmm, sounds "spiritual" to me !)
4) The successful dowser will adamantly claim results, yet decline to be tested. Because, he will say, "I don't have to prove anything to anyone". Besides the test criteria were unfair, etc...
But rest assured, it HAS been tested by scientists. Via mutually agreed upon test criteria. Done with supposed accomplished dowsers (so don't try the "wasn't experienced enough" come-back line). And in each case, shown to be nothing more than random chance.
If I'm wrong, and you can do it, then why aren't you stepping up to show a skeptical world, and claim some prize money ? I know, it's because of the above (a) to (d) and (1) to (4) reasons. Right ?