Digital cameras CAN see buried gold

Ladies & Gentlemen: A further bit of information, check into Transformational optics, Metametals, & the Invisibility cloak. They have succeeded in controlling Light's path in whatever form or path that they wish. Latest thing is to perfect bending light rays around a solid object, say a man. In this case he would be invisible. Presently other research has been using fiberoptics for this with partial success.

So, get to cracking with your experiments. Even today, this is in violation of most present thinking, despite having been accomplished in the Lab. So it is with ionized metal producing a visible gas, one capable of being registered on a film of some sort.

Don Jose de La Mancha

but to present enough extremely basic data which can actually be easily verified by anyone willing to do the research, and has an IQ of at least 80.

So now you are calling us stupid because we can't verify your research due to the fact that you have provided no evidence or data to research to begin with?

with a certified variable IQ of 140 -160.

Me too. Yet I am still often wrong and sometimes choose to believe in ideas that have no basis in actual fact. So in many ways we are quite a bit alike. :wink:

Ladies & Gentlemen: A further bit of information, check into Transformational optics, Metametals, & the Invisibility cloak. They have succeeded in controlling Light's path in whatever form or path that they wish.

I would think that someone so smart would recognize that none of what you just said has anything whatsover to do with the OP's claims (or yours). It is a nice tactic however to try and make us go off to "research" your useless and unrelated topics in an attempt to divert attention from the fact that you have provided no actual information. Your hope is that if you throw around some unsubstantiated claim of a connection to some highly technical sounding topic that everyone will think you are of superior intellect and not bother calling your bluff. Instead, I challenge you to explain why you think that the invisibility cloak has anything whatsoever to do with photographic techniques for finding treasure. Or maybe I'm just too stupid to see any connection other than the fact that both are apparently related to optics in some manner. But that is about the extent of the connection from what I can tell. But maybe the connection is beyond my comprehension so perhaps you should explain it to me. This is a tactic that you use time and time again and it is high time someone called you on the carpet for it. This is how you attempt to belittle and intimidate everyone else on the forum. It doesn't work with some of us though so you'll have to work a little harder than that. I've seen you use this time and time again with SWR and he doesn't fall for it either.

By the way, are you familar with the paper "Unskilled and unaware of it"? Google for it. Perhaps you should give it a gander since you are claiming to be so skilled in so many areas with such a superior IQ. Perhaps you are simply "unaware" that you aren't as skilled as you think you are... But hey, aren't we all? :wink:

By the way, what happened to getting back to the subject at hand?

By the way, I never joined mensa although I qualified to join. My older brother had joined and told me not to waste my time. He went to a couple of meetings and it turns out that the majority of mensa members are pompous, know-it-all pricks that nobody can stand to be around more than about 5 minutes...

I think you and I would fit in just fine there! :P

JB, you hit it right on the head about Mensa, hehe Why I mentioned 'was'.

As for the rest, I only mentioned the transformational Optics to simply indicate just how quickly present Shibboleths are being tumbled exponentially.

The fibre optic shield 'almost' concealed a person from view. It is / was being developed to allow an downed pilot in enemy territory to hide. Unfortunately it resulted in a shimmering haze of constantly varying colors, but no basic sigh of a human body. I doubt that it would hide a pilot from IR detectors though.

Frankly, I believe that you and I would have a ball in an all night Coffee party my friend. Incidentally, my fort is Spatial visualization and I am a GUN NUT !, with a strong sense of nonconformity. Hence the explorations over the Pacific basin from the Gobi, Old China, the Pacific islands, and ending in Mexico, which still has vast areas that are relatively unknown today. I am a Bum by present social standards.

Don Jose de La Mancha

StogieJim said:

(re: x-rays & gamma rays)

I was wrong and I'm sorry. I read your post incorrectly.



No problemo.

This whole:
You posted... :mblah05:
I posted... :merror:
We posted... :argue:
They posted... :lurk:

It all seems to be going around in circles. I think its time I got off this merry-go-round and got some work done. All the bantering back and forth and lack of white crystalline xanthine alkaloid's, ( :coffee2: caffine :coffee2: ) , not to mention sleep :sleepy2: , was giving me a headache anyway :BangHead: . Instead of comenting further, I should just sit back :happy1: , read some :read2: and enjoy the show :toothy1: .

It's hot during the day, (near the 100 F degree mark), and smokey :blob8: here in British Columbia, (depending on current wind direction), due to forest fires. And having to do some manual labor :help: outside, doesn't help matters :violent1: . Nearly got heatstroke struggling with replacing the front tire on my little motorcycle and I'm only half finished.

Oh oh, .... I think I went off topic. :stop: Oh, wait... :idea1: Maybe if I mention that my little motorcycle shimmies when ever I pass an anomaly?

End of commentary. Please continue. :director:


I've not read here in a while... I know a few have been experimenting and testing...

Anyone find gold yet?

Good morning room: Mike, I liked that post, first time that I have seen it. It tends to confirm what I have been saying in the past regarding all objects, not just metal, modifying an incoming frequency to one that indicates their basic molecular structure.

In the case of Gold, the resulting modification of the basic light frequency is the one that our visual system interprets as the color Gold.

As for buried metals modifying another frequency, especially near to the visual one, it is completely in line with Mike's ' post. It can readily be shown that the penetration into the soil is dependent upon the transmitted frequency.

If one of the nearby frequencies of light is capable of penetrating the ground, it naturally would be also modified by any metal that it encounters and the resulting, exiting frequency could be seen as a mist, cloud, or some other visual /electrical manifestation.

The Ionic reaction of a chemical with metal would also produce the Colored light that is seen as a fire / luminous gas.

Since it has been proven that an infinite numbers of electrical potentials / currents are constantly circulating in the earth, it can be safely assumed that some of these too will be subject to modification and the resulting field possibly captured with the camera where it exits from the earth.

So get to experimenting with the cameras my friends, simple logic says that it is feasible.

Another thing, I noticed that it has not been made it clear, since it keeps reoccurring, Gold 'does' disintegrate, but it does 'NOT' Oxidize, two different things that have consistently been misquoted / interpreted by the deniers as proof that no such action ever occurs in metal, buried or not.

Don Jose de La Mancha

SWR said:
Montana Jim said:
I've not read here in a while... I know a few have been experimenting and testing...

Anyone find gold yet?


Short of rereading every post - has anyone determined that the metals or gold actually are visibile via camera modifications?

HI: Finding this evidence on gold, or another metal, possibly imaging in a digital camera is exactly why this experimenting is being done. If it was an accomplished fact, the final developer would most certainly be out in the field beating any possible competition.

What we are doing in here is passing around information showing that it IS possible and logical, and ways to hopefully accomplish this. We already know that the digital camera can record far beyond normal visual frequencies and into the IR ones as well. There is no reason that it can't be modified in one way or another to venture even further into the metallic field's frequencies, no matter which way they are.

What we still don't know, is if the metal must be in the earth fields or not to produce this harmonic. It apparently does not work in the air, but then that may be due to our deficiencies in unconventional thinking so far, since it logically must be also be, but of a weaker nature .

At the moment there are various geophysical instruments used in mining exploration which, to an extent, can tell what the ore body consists of. There are handheld instruments which can tell roughly the concentration of certain elements in a core before splitting and sending it off to be assayed. NI is an example.

Simple examples of seeing or recording non visual frequencies are the screen for detecting mercury in ores. It is done by simply coating a flat screen with a fluorescent materiel, then placing the suspected mercury specimen in front of it. By simply shining a source of energy that will excite the fluorescent materiel, it will clearly show the rising Mercury fumes by simple interference of the exciting light to the screen. You will see the evidence of Mercury by the fumes looking like a moving mist on the screen - sound a bit familiar?

As for our friend swr, He couldn't work for one day, or even begin to calculate electrical reactions without the use of many instruments which allow him to see and measure unseen frequencies from DC to hyper microwaves. All are just as intangible as the reactions that you are attempting to locate or measure with the camera.

To put it in a capsule, the world of Science is awash with similar instruments that accomplish directly or indirectly what you are attempting to do here. Why would this be an exception??

Get to cracking my friends.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I'm not trying to add fuel to this fire but I do have a couple observations.

First, the ability to duplicate this idea is limited by our knowledge of several things. Specifics on the internal filtering and design of the cameras, the local conditions at the time this occured such as barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity, and most important, soil conductivity. (wow, bad run on sentence) Its like photographing kirlian auras, everything has to be perfect to get the picture to work out.

Second, biologists can show localized mineralization in plant matter through absorption from the soil and groundwater. This is proven. I believe several of the posts here reference this.

Third, all materials whether paramagnetic, diamagnetic, or non magnetic, are affected by the flow of electrons in magnetic and rf fields. Their classification is due to their magnetic response, not their electrostatic or chemical response.

What amazes me is that no one has looked into building a "gold only" or "silver only" spectral filter based on the unique absorption indexes of gold and silver.

Personally, I look at this topic as a way to open my thoughts to new ideas. I would love to see a site through different spectrum just so I have some idea of something different. This could be an indication of either disturbed soil or mineralization. Different attracts my curiosity, something I hope will stand me well in cache seeking.

good morning MR: Excellent post with interesting observations. You are quite right on using certain plants to locate Precious metals. Many show traces of the metal upon being fire assayed. It is absorbed in minute quantities into the tissues, so obviously the metal has to have been in a soluble state, possibly partly due to plant cyanide and it's action.

Silver is much more evident than Gold, yet Gold has also been identified with certain plants that have adapted to it as part of their Physiology to the point that they are used as field locator's.

There is a new science being developed of viewing plant cover from a satelite to locate new micron sized deposits utilizing the plants to locate the fields.

Don Jose de La Mancha

in dealing with the auras from gold and silver, i find this very interesting and would like to know about the cameras. my camera is the nikon 8 megapixil.will a camera with3 megapixils be better?? i know midas said don't get hung up on cameras.what i would like to find out is the less pixils allowing in more or less ir if i have two pieces of exposed film on it or will the 8 pixils allow in more ir????? the camera deal sounds less tiring than the moonbeam system to me. less mosquitos in the sunshine than in the moonshine..hh-----------tenclaw :coffee2: :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2:

HI Claw, my friend, you are obviously a rookie in this business, you 'always' take along a delectable female as diversionary bait for the skeeters, a n d if it doesn't payoff, the skeeters fed, one can always go for a secondary objective .

Don Jose de La Mancha

"yet Gold has also been identified with certain plants that have adapted to it as part of their Physiology to the point that they are used as field locator's "

Would you please name at least one Sir. Really interested in this. This makes sense. Can you guide me to more information on this subject Real de Tayopa !!!


Midas Sir, Have you had any luck with the Newer Canon EOS 10 to 15 megapixles.

Dear Victorio;
Yes, the study of plant life in regards to locating possible lodes of precious metals is a very old study. In fact, I think it was the Jesuits whom first noticed that different flora species respond differently to different soil matrixes.

For example, when searching for gold deposits, the early Spanish prospectors would search for flora that resonded well in the presence of gold. Now, gold doesn't actually produce any noticeable difference in the surrounding soil matrix, however iron most certainly does and and this is why iron was often coined as "the mother of gold".

In other words, wherever there exists an area with a higher than normal iron content in the soil, the odds that gold may be located in the same zone increases dramatically. Therefore, in order to locate the iron deposits one had to merely study which plant life thrives on soil with an enriched iron content and VOILA!

Once the prospector was able to determine that there was an iron deposit in the area, he then knew that there also existed a very high probability that gold would also be encountered.

This is known as an indirect method and it still works rather well, although it's slow and tedious and has since been superceded by all manner of electronic gadgetry.
Your friend;

Muchas Gracias Don Lamar. Very Helpful.

the attached picture was taken with a canon power shot without any ir filter at about 10am. i dnt know anything about photography. i would appreciate if anyone could explain this to me. what is this white thing in the middle?

yes, i was experimenting with ir about 5 months ago but i have long accepted defeat and buried the issue to rest...or so i thought.

with the attached picture, i think this 'ir thing' refuse to die a natural death...

my last posting was june 30. i shared a picture taken with a home made ir filter which i thought captured an aura of a buried gold treasure. unfortunately i was not able to duplicated the result after several tries with varying direction and time of day.

that was 5 months ago and i have long since forgoten it until...yesterday, i was river trekking with several friends and took several picutures of the beautiful scenery using a canon powershot. you can guess how surprised i was when i downloaded the shot into my laptop. i almost fell on the floor :icon_sunny: i was not looking for it and in fact it was taken without any ir filter but here it is!!!

is this an aura of a long buried gold treasure or what?


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