This will probably get me labeled as a liar or BS artist but during his Apache Scout days my Great Grandfather knew Jacob Walz, the Apaches called him Snow Beard. If you want verification of my great-grandfather go to the archives @ Sharlot Hall Museum in Prescott, AZ & look up Will Rice. Walz (correct German spelling) was married(?) to an Apache widow who showed him gold caches in the Superstitions & was killed by other Apaches for what they viewed as treason. Gold was considered the Thunder God's blood & despite what some claim Apaches did trade it for food or ammo, etc. but only when needed. Using it for material gain was forbidden & Walz followed that practice since there was still quite a few Apaches in the Sup's. A few traditional Apaches still perform ceremonies there to this day. Most of Walz's caches were near the Apache holy land where they claim to have come from the underground to the modern world (in my opinion when they quit being cave dwellers). There's a sacred cave where gold was cached, no there's none there now, nor will I tell you how to find it (I'm Christian but respect their religion). Walz did have 2 gold mines somewhat north of the Sup's worked by him & Migeul Peralta (who owned a store in Wickenburg, AZ @ the time Walz worked @ the Vulture Mine). Walz & Peralta filed claims for these & Peraltas was eventually sold to James Addison Reavis who greatly exaggerated the holding in a land scam (research Reavis for a tangled mess of paperwork!). Walz's gold wasn't high-graded from the Vulture, some of Walz's ore still exists in a private collection & the matrix doesn't match, it also doesn't match the ore from his & Peralta's mines. The Peralta/Walz mine was worked out long ago. There are records of Walz shipping quite a bit of money to his sister in Germany, he really had a lot of it. The "mine stolen from Mexicans is a page stolen directly from the Constellation Mine (north of Wickenburg) history, it has nothing to do w/ Walz. Only a fool would file a claim for a mine in the Sup's that couldn't be guarded & he didn't. Walz lived in a comfortable adobe in his old age in Phoenix & died of pneumonia on 10/13/1891 (age 81) & people have been tangling "facts" w/ garbage ever since. You can believe what I wrote or not but I have nothing to gain by telling untruths. No, I'm not selling maps or taking anyone hiking/prospecting/etc. in the Sup's.