what your saying is very true..i have seen it many times myself...i was just thinking that because it all came from under waltz's bed...it was all from the same vein structure ..but who knows...that box may have contained a mixture of ore he collected from different parts of a vein...or from the dump...who really knows at this point
I believe how if in the LDM inclined shaft existed a layer of hematite ore which contained gold and beside a layer of gold in white quartz, for sure between these layers exist some traces of combined hematite powder with white quartz which give an image of shaded red or rose quartz. That's inevitable. What I believe kept the white quartz to remains white, is because the hematite is on the side and downward from the white quartz.
Also, I believe how at the end of the same vein which ends up at the edge of the small valley, hematite changes its location, and being heavier, interfered more in the white quartz, given to it more rose color.
Apache Jack was the first person who said how the Apache after throwing in the shaft mine all the mining tools and filled it with the dump, covered the shaft mine and left an outcrop of gold in rose quartz, not far from the shaft but in a place which they thought how white man never would think to go. The Apache didn't know how Waltz knew about this gold outcrop which later became the mine across the house ruin.
Also, I believe Waltz never used the ore from the outcrop mine and what he had mined out from that outcrop is deposited in the mine itself. If the cache was estimated by Waltz at 75,000 US$ at his time, todays value should be about 4,5 million dollars.
I believe what was under his deathbed, was gold from the two caches which were hidden close to the house ruin and were mined from the inclined mine shaft.