emory and i were never friends...supposedly..and i say SUPPOSEDLY...he found some amethyst at the burns ranch off peralta roadEmory Taylor
emory and i were never friends...supposedly..and i say SUPPOSEDLY...he found some amethyst at the burns ranch off peralta roadEmory Taylor
sorry..i misread...did you know emory?that is why I stated a friend of a friend. he was Crawford's friend
the amethyst that emory supposedly found on burns ranch was supposedly buried by chuck crawford..burns ranch is on the road going to the superstitions...emory came up with alot of b.s. which nobody believed....Dave, must of misunderstood me to, I said I found some well over a year ago and more a week ago, Then you say,there is none,Dave! I Don’t know where the Burns Ranch is But I’m sure It’s mostly a stone throw away.
Sailaway, I’d sure like to here the story behind the Burns Ranch Amethyst
jim...i also have never seen anything about holmes sr looking for the ldm..my guess is he was probably too old after waltz diedPersonally, I have never seen anything in print that R.J. Holmes Sr. (Richard) engaged in any serious search for the LDM with R.J. Holmes Jr.(Dick). I don’t think that means a whole lot, as why would they talk about it?
What many may not know is that R.J. Holmes Sr. was not only an Onyx miner, but also a gold miner. He had a gold mine and a mill site claim not far from Ash Spring. He claimed both the mine and the mill site in 1883.
Matthew probably knows right where that mine is![]()
jim...i also have never seen anything about holmes sr looking for the ldm..my guess is he was probably too old after waltz died
lol....that doesn't surprise ..most father and son don't get alongDave, you may be right but I don’t think Richard Sr. was too old. I think he and Richard Jr. had a bit of a falling out in 1889, I don’t think they were all that close. Just my opinion.![]()
Good morning All: As I recall this post was to be about; "Did Dick Holmes father ever search for the LDM". It is not the place to discuss Amethyst or "BICKERING" between posters. If you want to discuss something else other that the subject I would suggest you start another thread. You might also want to start a "Bickering thread". I am tired of posters hijacking these post buy interjecting none related subjects, etc. Now lets get back to the subject of this post and take your bickering and none related subjects somewhere else. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis
Hello Greg, ..... I agree with you 100%, I post very rarely on Tnet any longer because every serious topic is quickly taken over by the personal attack bunch or those who want every topic to be about them. Trying to get the thread back on track is useless because the hijackers just double down with their tactics.
Old RJ Holmes and his son Dick did have a serious falling out that centered around RJ Sr. abandoning his wife, Dicks mother. They divorced and Mrs. Holmes moved to Pasadena and eventually remarried. She died in Pasadena and is buried there. When RJ Holmes Sr. died in Phoenix he was buried in Greenwood cemetery in an unmarked grave. Brownie was the only one of the family to attend his grandfather's funeral.
RJ Sr. was the partner of Tom Woodson, together they dealt in mining property but had given up prospecting in the 1870's.
Matthew, I believe you meant James Woodson, he went by J.B. Woodson. He was partners with RJ Holmes Sr. in the Dolly Varden(among other things). They discovered it in 1890.
There was some confusion at one point about which “Dick” Holmes was reported in the papers as having had the onyx mine, Sr. or Jr., but everything I’ve found makes it pretty clear it was RJ Holmes Sr. and his partner JB Woodson that had the onyx mine. They executed an agreement to sell the mine to Aaron Mason in 1891, but I don’t know what ever became of it. Mason had to meet certain conditions in order to keep the mine, or it would revert back to Woodson and Holmes…never looked any further into it to see what happened.
Good afternoon Matthew: You might want to clear some confusion about the Holmes Family. There was Browne, Browne's father, Browne's Grandfather. The names are very close to each other so a chronicle listing of the male members of the Homes family
might be of help in this post. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis
what your saying is very true..i have seen it many times myself...i was just thinking that because it all came from under waltz's bed...it was all from the same vein structure ..but who knows...that box may have contained a mixture of ore he collected from different parts of a vein...or from the dump...who really knows at this pointazdave35, ..... As you know, gold ore in quartz from the same vein can vary greatly in color and composition. I have seen gold quartz matrix from pure white to grey to black all in a few feet of a lode vein. Rarely is the quartz matrix one single color. I have seen and handled all the known dutchman ore, the matchbox, rings, stick pin, links and remaining ore samples. The variation of the color of the quartz matrix covers a wide spectrum.
greg...i dont think posts really get hijacked...people just run out of things to say on the subject ...if you want to get the subject back on topic put up a couple posts... you probably know more about the holmes saga than anyone here