Dick Holmes clues

An "informant", who wishes to remain anonymous (I don't know his last name anyway) and who is a fellow GPAA member, but who is not associated with this forum, sent me an e-mail with some GE images attached. In his e-mail, he more or less stated that my primary search priority as the line connecting Four Peaks with Weaver's Needle will not yield positive results even if I'm diligent in my search. According to him, I "won't win the prize using GE", but that I'm "on the right track." He says that he has been to a site that could be "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." He says that he has some ore samples. He would not share any photos taken with his camera, nor would he share GPS coordinates, as might be expected. He did grant permission to post his GE images to any forum, adding that "you can look, but you won't find without standing on the spot." Those images, attached here, are as they were received. He wrote, "what you seek is right in front of your eyes." So, here are his GE images. Maybe some forum members will want to take a look and scratch their heads along with me. My informant ended his e-mail with the words "over and out", so I'm definitely on my own. One image, the first, is very different from the other two. I know that he has made many trips to the Superstitions, and I had asked him if he thought the "Holmes clues" are valid. Maybe that image is related to the "Holmes clues."




The first picture could be GE image but IMHO the next two are real pictures, maybe taken with a drone. On GE can't see the place from the side, not like in the last two pictures.
Here is an aerial image ( not GE ) with the circle of rocks above LDMs. I added to the image below the LDM inclined shaft spot. The spot of the LDM can be compared with the part of the Waltz map which shows the spot of the inclined shaft. In the second picture I added some features from the Waltz map in regards to recognize yourself the shape of the features and where is the mine compared to the map.
This is the real circle of rocks above the LDMs, and everything else is only a result of a beautiful dream.



  • LDM.webp
    3.9 KB · Views: 180
  • LDM 2.webp
    LDM 2.webp
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An "informant", who wishes to remain anonymous (I don't know his last name anyway) and who is a fellow GPAA member, but who is not associated with this forum, sent me an e-mail with some GE images attached. In his e-mail, he more or less stated that my primary search priority as the line connecting Four Peaks with Weaver's Needle will not yield positive results even if I'm diligent in my search. According to him, I "won't win the prize using GE", but that I'm "on the right track." He says that he has been to a site that could be "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." He says that he has some ore samples. He would not share any photos taken with his camera, nor would he share GPS coordinates, as might be expected. He did grant permission to post his GE images to any forum, adding that "you can look, but you won't find without standing on the spot." Those images, attached here, are as they were received. He wrote, "what you seek is right in front of your eyes." So, here are his GE images. Maybe some forum members will want to take a look and scratch their heads along with me. My informant ended his e-mail with the words "over and out", so I'm definitely on my own. One image, the first, is very different from the other two. I know that he has made many trips to the Superstitions, and I had asked him if he thought the "Holmes clues" are valid. Maybe that image is related to the "Holmes clues."

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It's not there. Hella place to get tho. If he's made that trek. I'm impressed. Markmar the 2 pics u think are real are ge pic. Took bout 30 min to find. His search area is safe with me. Skyhawk if ya want to know where this place is. I'd give it to u since he shared his pic with ya.

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"The first picture could be GE image but IMHO the next two are real pictures, maybe taken with a drone. On GE can't see the place from the side, not like in the last two pictures. Here is an aerial image (not GE) with the circle of rocks above the LDMs. I added to the image below the LDM inclined shaft spot. The spot of the LDM can be compared with the part of the Waltz map which shows the spot of the inclined shaft. In the second picture I added some features from the Waltz map in regards to recognize for yourself the shape of the features and where the mine is compared to the map. This is the real circle of rocks above the LDMs, and everything else is only a result of a beautiful dream." -- markmar

Great photo work, as always, markmar. As far as my "informant's" first image is concerned, I zoomed it 200% and took a screenshot. Most of the terrain in the image looks very ordinary, except for the feature enclosed by the red box. I'm wondering if it could be a "monument" marking the way to something, and indicating the direction to it. This puzzling feature has too much symmetry to be natural.


"It's not there. Hella place to get tho. If he's made that trek. I'm impressed. Markmar the 2 pics u think are real are ge pic. Took bout 30 min to find. His search area is safe with me. Skyhawk if ya want to know where this place is. I'd give it to u since he shared his pic with ya." -- Doc4261

Very impressive and fast work, Doc4261. I believe you if you say it's not there, but I'm wondering if you've been to, or near, the spot in your photo. If that spot is difficult to get to, would you say it's best to have special skills or equipment to get there? BTW, I'm not going there. I have a chosen spot at the top of my "to-do" list.

You like that. The whole Sups to search.. lol Got a knack And a keen eye for that kinda stuff.
Quite frankly don't know how to get there. Best have 3 days easily to get there. Wouldnt doubt it that mineralization could be there as he says. Many have been on the mntn and mines are up there. If I was to go up that mntn specifically, I'd been looking for something else. Not the ldm.

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Very impressive and fast work, Doc4261. I believe you if you say it's not there, but I'm wondering if you've been to, or near, the spot in your photo. If that spot is difficult to get to, would you say it's best to have special skills or equipment to get there? BTW, I'm not going there. I have a chosen spot at the top of my "to-do" list.

Not so imprssive like you believe. Took me the same fast not long time ago to understand he has a program which hack GE images and tells where are the locations. So, be careful what are you posting if it's confidential. After i have understood what he was doing, I do a screen print of the GE images to erase their tracks and after I post them.

Not so imprssive like you believe. Took me the same fast not long time ago to understand he has a program which hack GE images and tells where are the locations. So, be careful what are you posting if it's confidential. After i have understood what he was doing, I do a screen print of the GE images to erase their tracks and after I post them.

No program. If there was a such a thing. Only internet I use is my phone. Lol Havent had a home computer since 2008.

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No program. If there was a such a thing. Only internet I use is my phone. Lol
Ps. Ive scowered all of az, and much on NV, part of NM in my searches on GE. Have pages of gps coordinates of awesome prospects. The sups I know almost like the back of my hand. why I can recall where the physical features are so fast. Not too hard when U can narrow it down to a couple miles and logically makes sense to the context of the convo. His pics only ha4 4 real places to be located and knew it was straight up and down. The fist pic he had is not of same place and a lil harder to narrow down as the pic is looking down from up high, opposite of the way the pic looks. Could be found but much harder with limited physical features.

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Ps. Ive scowered all of az, and much on NV, part of NM in my searches on GE. Have pages of gps coordinates of awesome prospects. The sups I know almost like the back of my hand. why I can recall where the physical features are so fast. Not too hard when U can narrow it down to a couple miles.

If you know Supes like the back of your hand, then tell us where it's this place. The image has the same altitude and dimensions with another genuine GE image I have posted and you have found the spot. This GE image is a screen print.



  • place.webp
    99.6 KB · Views: 130
If you know Supes like the back of your hand, then tell us where it's this place. The image has the same altitude and dimensions with another genuine GE image I have posted and you have found the spot. This GE image is a screen print.


This pic?? Like I said know them mntns. Lmao took 3 min. Was first place I searched. Screenshot_20210920-162342.webp

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This pic?? Like I said know them mntns. Lmao took 3 min. Was first place I searched.

You have a very good software. Nobody can be aware of every yard of the Superstitions. Just we have to stop post any GE image of any sort.
Now another challenge, this is not a GE image but a different one. If you will find this location by memory, then I will call you the Lord of the Superstitions.



  • another place.webp
    another place.webp
    33.4 KB · Views: 236
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You have a very good software. Nobody can be aware of every yard of the Superstitions. Just we have to stop post any GE image of any sort.
Now another challenge, this is not a GE image but a different one. If you will find this location by memory, then I will call you the Lord of the Superstitions.


Im good, but not that good.. First thought is its at first water trail head. Nothing that stands out to really narrow it down. But not inside the mnts def would say west Side before going in. Only other spot would be south side of the paint mine. You keep believing I have software. lol Love a good challenge. Why I hunt. Thrill of the chase.

2nd of all, I'm only interested in my h/p solve and jesuit research. Always willing to give my 2 cents on someone's thoughts of an area tho.

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Im good, but not that good.. First thought is its at first water trail head. Nothing that stands out to really narrow it down. But not inside the mnts def would say west Side before going in. Only other spot would be south side of the paint mine. You keep believing I have software. lol Love a good challenge. Why I hunt. Thrill of the chase.

2nd of all, I'm only interested in my h/p solve and jesuit research. Always willing to give my 2 cents on someone's thoughts of an area tho.

Like I say I look everywhere. This is one that has promise. Pretty self explanatory. Can give one to show how I hone my skilz. Could never get to all the locations I find that have the ability to hold mineralization... Screenshot_20210920-185909.webp

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"Love a good challenge. Why I hunt. Thrill of the chase." -- Doc4261

I'm enjoying this. It's like watching two contenders sparring in the ring. More, please ...

And Doc4261, GPS coordinates for your "find" photos would be appreciated. That way non-believers can't accuse you of copying and cropping the "challenge" photos. Let the contest continue ...

I'm enjoying this. It's like watching two contenders sparring in the ring. More, please ...

And Doc4261, GPS coordinates for your "find" photos would be appreciated. That way non-believers can't accuse you of copying and cropping the "challenge" photos. Let the contest continue ...

Ehh. People search areas are theirs. Just having fun with Markmar. Can lead a horse to water can't make the drink. Can only post my skilz. Do u think I haven't figured out 90% of the maps of the sups l, when I can find a 1-2ft rock in the wilderness.. some will always have doubts, some get butt hurt. I do what I do. Share what I can, with the exception of my core spot. Hate to see people look in the wrong area. But to each their own. Most maps are able to be figured out. That's why they used distinguishing characteristics in the maps. I don't just post jibberish. If I could give more bout my spot I would if it could be done with out too much. But If I can find a location of a single rock I know others with same skilz could with my pics. Why I give mostly real pics of my area.

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I'm enjoying this. It's like watching two contenders sparring in the ring. More, please ...

And Doc4261, GPS coordinates for your "find" photos would be appreciated. That way non-believers can't accuse you of copying and cropping the "challenge" photos. Let the contest continue ...

Like the rock pics I supposably got from Mick's site.... Lmao can't pry or trick me to give my spot from me. I will give it willingly to those that I think are able to understand it in private under the understanding it's between me and that person. I like Markmar. He is real, some solves are way off. I try to say so in the nicest way, but to doubt me is a mistake. I have offered my knowledge with Markmar when he is done going into the Sups. Markmar is no Eldo. Fo sho.

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Skylark, on the lighter side... The finger of god. Lmao only those that with the imagination can see it. :laughing7:

On the real side , I've been blessed with a keen eye. God has been good to me.

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Markmar Maybe?? Almost forgot bout this spot.

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Markmar Maybe?? Almost forgot bout this spot.

No, it's not the site i have posted. Seems your software doesn't work for another aerial images than GE.
As far as my solves, only me and some close friends know if I'm way off or just spot on. Remains to be proved in the future, maybe. For the moment I will stop posting and I will retreat in my den. I would be looking forward to see your solves and maybe to see you guys in the mountains.

I wish you good luck and prosperous research.

No, it's not the site i have posted. Seems your software doesn't work for another aerial images than GE.
As far as my solves, only me and some close friends know if I'm way off or just spot on. Remains to be proved in the future, maybe. For the moment I will stop posting and I will retreat in my den. I would be looking forward to see your solves and maybe to see you guys in the mountains.

I wish you good luck and prosperous research.

Thought it was close. Good challenge for sure if that pic is in the main mntns and not on the outskirts. Gl on your endeavors. Maybe u will see me if ya are there in Dec. Don't stop posting.. like to hear other peoples thoughts. Ps the first pic I solved back when with the 4 rocks is 1 of only 2 places the ldm could be, by location, Just don't fit alot of clues.

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