It seems that some are just not informed enough/or just don't care.
Driving by a small field in behind the city hall one day-guy detecting with a yellow detector. (Garrett)
I pull into the curb, watch like a PI on surveillance of the cheating spouse.
Guy digs out a large hunk of iron-tosses it against the chain link fence.
Say what!
I felt like that-enraged at this POS screwing up the simple ethics of what we are all about.
Detect-dig-retrieve-take-cover-leave no sign of dig.
I thought about it-approach-playing the "Have any luck"
Kept it pretty calm-said the simple facts of why? (chucked the trash)
He admitted guilt-I state the obvious-lazy dude on city mower hits metal-metal flies hits something or someone.
The guy was cool about it-picked it up and carried it 30 ft threw it in trash barrel (ok dude you were just lazy)
We shared the passion-I told him of the site history-the tips on retrieval-detecting in the public domains-we parted on the friendly.
I would say he was approachable-educated-no reason to be a dick about it actually.
If I see him again one day I probably will do the PI on him again-see if anything stated was retained.
We all have to start somewhere, and if we don't have a mentor of sorts we only learn by our own ethical up bringing.
I watch a few videos, and I see so many things that it would show newbies the wrong path.
Things that are left out of the picture.
The hole/plug being covered up-just once would do it.
The permission aspect-"Today on a permission from the land owner" Done
The shot of dumping the retrieved trash-2 seconds of an important message.
The list is a long one but what would it take-30 seconds of a detecting video.
That would beat the never ending segments of driving to the site/blaring music/BS that so many post.
Oh well just another thought in the never ending ways of things that pi$$ an older guy off.