Deciphered Pages From People That Claim They Are The ONE

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EXACTLY! One sees and accepts whatever is put in front of him, can't wait to bite into it. The other is more cautious and observant and sees what is missing. Fantastic observation! :thumbsup:

There is a lot missing from the peoples who think the Beale Papers are fiction. Opinions are all over the post of this forum, but soon we will see something that is new as we move thru all the deciphered materials and find out what nuggets these people that have dedicated so much time to prove they have done it!

Dunking Donuts is just "up the street"; wife & I will go there for BREAKFAST! And "do" the Cross-Words Puzzle in the local paper... heh.

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There is a lot missing from the peoples who think the Beale Papers are fiction. Opinions are all over the post of this forum, but soon we will see something that is new as we move thru all the deciphered materials and find out what nuggets these people that have dedicated so much time to prove they have done it!

Well, the GOOD NEWS is... you can still eat DONUT HOLES! With coffee... YUM!

I like your positive outlook! We need to apply that to our thread here! Most of these threads have the exact same antibeale post repeatedly. It's time to move forward into the meat of this 10 course meal. Thank you for your input!

I like your positive outlook! We need to apply that to our thread here! Most of these threads have the exact same antibeale post repeatedly. It's time to move forward into the meat of this 10 course meal. Thank you for your input!
YW... HH! Good Luck!

I like your positive outlook! We need to apply that to our thread here! Most of these threads have the exact same antibeale post repeatedly. It's time to move forward into the meat of this 10 course meal. Thank you for your input!
Heh... MEAT! MEAT!

... Most of these threads have the exact same antibeale post repeatedly...
M Poe, if the Beale story in the narrative text never happened and is just the creation of the "unknown author" , what does that reveal to you concerning the unsolved C1 & C3 Beale ciphers?

When this question is presented ,all the non "anti-Bealers" dance a little side step and totally avoid answering.
Why is that?
Will you share your thoughts on this question, M Poe?

The one in Lynchburg?
YEP! New one in old bank building near Wal-Mart (Old Forest Road); wife was responsible for getting 'em here; HA! Now, she's getting FAT! Just kidding... we walk & exercise every day. I can eat the Blueberry Muffins; Blueberries - good for my Type II...

I like your positive outlook! We need to apply that to our thread here! Most of these threads have the exact same antibeale post repeatedly. It's time to move forward into the meat of this 10 course meal. Thank you for your input!

It is interesting, they start a new thread just to post the same thing they have always posted for the last three years. Possibly a computer automated response of some kind. The NSA has forums like this to gain Intel on many subjects.

"Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep
Starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, men come, and take you away"
-"FOR WHATS ITS WORTH", Buffalo Springfield

"Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep
Starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, men come, and take you away"
-"FOR WHATS ITS WORTH", Buffalo Springfield
GREAT song! & TRUE!

M Poe, if the Beale story in the narrative text never happened and is just the creation of the "unknown author" , what does that reveal to you concerning the unsolved C1 & C3 Beale ciphers?

When this question is presented ,all the non "anti-Bealers" dance a little side step and totally avoid answering.
Why is that?
Will you share your thoughts on this question, M Poe?
Crypto, care to address this question?
It has been ignored far longer than the three years you mentioned.

It is interesting, they start a new thread just to post the same thing they have always posted for the last three years...
...or is the "they" Laf, Legrand, M Poe, Capt Jack to which you refer?
Are you also included in that list?

Masterpoe, Crypto, Legrand, etc.,

Going to attempt to explain something to you that you're obviously not aware of, yet many here are, and this has to do with language and the basic rules that dictate the use of that language in order for that particular language to work. This is why there can be no clear text for C1 so you really need to understand this information.

The ciphers are a series of random numbers, these numbers supposedly representing letters of the alphabet that once decoded will give us an intelligible language, or message. However, (and when applying these same basic rules of language use), a computer analysis was run against the C1 cipher and it was discovered that C1, regardless of letter assignment and arrangement, could NOT possibly harbor a grammatically correct clear text. This is cold hard fact, my friends, not speculation.

This is why many people in these forums, and elsewhere, and "many behind the scenes", without ever even seeing the proposed solution, already know that ANY presented cipher solution for C1 has been altered in some way, this also being why they already know that ANY proposed C1 cipher solution has been MANUFACTURED by the decoder. PERIOD!

To give you some idea of just how sophisticated some of these programs are, they even take into account that the letter at the end of each world and the beginning of the next can create a situation where these basic rules can appear broken, and still no possible grammatically correct clear text. This is why EVERY solution attempt will always arrive at a point where the language becomes jumbled and "unintelligible." This is the true brilliance of C1, not that it brilliantly contains a true message, but rather it's true brilliance resides in the fact that it ABSOLUTELY CAN'T harbor a true grammatically correct message. AND, this condition COULD NOT have been created by mistake!

So, true believers have been clearly hoodwinked. PERIOD! This is why the author warns against spending more time on the ciphers then can be afforded. :thumbsup:

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Yet a word substitution cipher is the most complicated to decipher and computers can not do it. There have been substitution ciphers that have been lately deciphered because the text was found to decipher them, some as old as the 14th and 15th century. There may yet be a message in the C1 and C3 we just need to find the right book or text it was encoded with? And if the story is just made up for profit then we will never find it.

Yet a word substitution cipher is the most complicated to decipher and computers can not do it. There have been substitution ciphers that have been lately deciphered because the text was found to decipher them, some as old as the 14th and 15th century. There may yet be a message in the C1 and C3 we just need to find the right book or text it was encoded with? And if the story is just made up for profit then we will never find it.

Are you not listening? "As it is presented, C1 CAN NOT possibly harbor a grammatically correct clear text." This means that NO KEY will deliver you an accurate solution.

Are you not listening? "As it is presented, C1 CAN NOT possibly harbor a grammatically correct clear text." This means that NO KEY will deliver you an accurate solution.

Just because some computer program says so does not make it so? You are the one that is not listening. They say C3 does not contain enough to get 31 names and their locations but my decipherment got all 31 and their residences. So much for computers.

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