Masterpoe, Crypto, Legrand, etc.,
Going to attempt to explain something to you that you're obviously not aware of, yet many here are, and this has to do with language and the basic rules that dictate the use of that language in order for that particular language to work. This is why there can be no clear text for C1 so you really need to understand this information.
The ciphers are a series of random numbers, these numbers supposedly representing letters of the alphabet that once decoded will give us an intelligible language, or message. However, (and when applying these same basic rules of language use), a computer analysis was run against the C1 cipher and it was discovered that C1, regardless of letter assignment and arrangement, could NOT possibly harbor a grammatically correct clear text. This is cold hard fact, my friends, not speculation.
This is why many people in these forums, and elsewhere, and "many behind the scenes", without ever even seeing the proposed solution, already know that ANY presented cipher solution for C1 has been altered in some way, this also being why they already know that ANY proposed C1 cipher solution has been MANUFACTURED by the decoder. PERIOD!
To give you some idea of just how sophisticated some of these programs are, they even take into account that the letter at the end of each world and the beginning of the next can create a situation where these basic rules can appear broken, and still no possible grammatically correct clear text. This is why EVERY solution attempt will always arrive at a point where the language becomes jumbled and
"unintelligible." This is the true brilliance of C1, not that it brilliantly contains a true message, but rather it's true brilliance resides in the fact that it
ABSOLUTELY CAN'T harbor a true grammatically correct message.
AND, this condition COULD NOT have been created by mistake!
So, true believers have been clearly hoodwinked. PERIOD! This is why the author warns against spending more time on the ciphers then can be afforded.