If you are claiming a "hidden message" is contained in this "fictional story" what you then need to establish is the reason and motive as to WHY James Beverly Ward copyrighted and had his cousin John William Sherman print the pamphlet for publication and sale.
Everyone has good points here which leads me to your comment above ECS: think "hidden message in a fictional story" ...WHY do YOU think Ward would have copyrighted and Sherman printed? What would have been their "reason and motive"...what are the possibilities? Occam's razor! Probably, simply, to make the event of The Beale Papers important. Why? Because there is a treasure to be found by someone! And they (Ward/Sherman) wished for a serious nature association to a story they knew to be false/fictional but contained a message potent to lead to a...
It IS cleverly hidden! Not constructed is the solution...discovered within. Big difference between constructed and discovered.
It's important to keep information flow limited to none right now. Be patient. I am.