Debunking My LDM Discovery

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Donna Wrote """"I don't have to debunk anything.if you really found it ,u would have some proof.""""
And I have shown no proof, whatsoever none, no proof 100 percent at all absoluteley, never ever, on this forum, or any where, no proof ,and not even one clue ok your correct Donna """"LDMA LOST DUTCHMAN MINING ASSOCIATION"""" look them up and see if they work the supers? :tongue3: As amatter of fact I really dont have a clue how bout you YOU????? The only reason im here is for the argument. Since """"I love getting stressed out and aging my self and others very rapidly"""" just for entertainment purposes. I just cant get enough Donna If """"U"""" say I have no proof I absoluteley agree :tongue3: NOT!!!!!!!! :coffee2: ((((Had you going There didnt I.)))) The truth Is Donna Ive Shown Nothing But absolute Proof since July Fourth 2009. And have gotten more positive feedback than negative which is a type of proof as well. You or anyone should never make a judgement call until all cards are on the table, and they are not, but from the ones that are, anyone who claims i did not solve the peralta maps, is Either truly uneducated on the subject, or they have alterior MOTIVE. Welcome to Tnet Donna I hope you find whatever it is your looking for, as long as it is in good will towards men. Sincerely John V. Kemm

well good luck to you,and i do understand why you would not say anything if you have new info.

Cubfan wrote
There's something wrong with this picture imho, and most of us are pretty sure we know what it is...

I agree.

Blindbowman wrote
this is not over till the sample is being assayed ..

I agree 100% - so why go leaping to conclusions about whether it is Tayopa, the "Ma" or "Pa Kettle" or Montezuma's tomb or the Holy Grail hidden by the Templars etc before you have that ore in hand? What if the ore turns out to be something quite different? What if it turns out to be a copper ore rather than gold or silver? See what I mean?

Donna wrote
i have no idel who the ldma is , and don't really care who it is.
your the one who say thay found are the one who has to prove it!!!!!
i don't have to debunk anything.if you really found it ,u would have some proof.

I see that Santa Fe NM has already answered with the correct NAME of the LDMA club but apparently he has no idea what the club really IS. They are a club of and for prospecting people, that owns a number of patented (private) mines around the country; members are allowed to camp and mine <small scale of course> at all of their properties. NONE of them is in the Superstitions or even close to it as far as I know - and their choice of name has pretty much nothing to do with the Superstitions. I do agree with your words amigo.

Santa Fe NM wrote
The only reason im here is for the argument.

Well at last you have told us your real reason for joining in our discussions here. Thank you for explaining.

ESTA BEREDA ES PELIGROZA/This path is dangerous #1. Yo Pasto Yo Boy 18 Lugares/Go past I go to 18 paces #2. Al norte Busca El mapa/Search the map north. #3. Del Rio busca el coazon/ Search for the heart of the river or the source. El Cobollo de Santa Fe 33 degrees East. So When the Horse meets the Priest this is How it comes together and translates.

#1. Yo Pasto Yo Boy 18 Lugares/Go past I go to 18 paces? Pasto in de Espanol = pasture, not "go past". You say 18 paces?

#2. Al norte Busca El mapa/Search the map north.

The stone maps do not advocate searching to the north (north of what; Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff, New Mexico?). What map are you searching? I do not see the logic, especially how you have twisted (Del Rio busca el coazon?) the original statements taken from the stone maps.

#3. Search for the heart of the river?

How about the mouth of a river or its source? Where is the heart of the Amazon, the Nile, the Mississippi? The stone maps do not tell us to search for a river let alone to search for a heart in a river. The maps plainly tell us which river to search and how to locate the horse on the north side of said river.

#3 1/2. El Cobollo de santafe 33 degrees East.

East of what? What about minutes and seconds my friend? As indicated on the map? If so, where did you find the information on the map telling you what minutes and seconds to use along with your 33 degrees east?

So When the Horse meets the Priest this is How it comes together and translates.

Remember the song; when a laddie meets a lassie comin' through the rye? How would you determine where they would meet?

Also, how many inches do the stone tablets have to be separated to make the angle of the two lines actually meet together on the horse tablet? 33"?

Please make some sense as to how you determined the above information.


Ellie B

"""""Please make some sense as to how you determined the above information""""" The purpose is for the ((("entire world")))) to make sense of how I determined the above Information. "If you truly cant """"figure it out"""" that is perfectly fine with me." ((((It has been presented,)))) and now its up to every individual in the entire world to decide there opinion, or belief personally. And you have well stated yours thank you. """"as it is written in the Zen Koan What is the sound of """"One Hand Clapping"""" God try though """All LIe""" baba You have a great 2010 whats left of it anyway. Sincerely John V. Kemm :coffee2:

#3 1/2. El Cobollo de santafe 33 degrees East.
East of what? What about minutes and seconds my friend? As indicated on the map? If so, where did you find the information on the map telling you what minutes and seconds to use along with your 33 degrees east?

east of the source or heart of the river
or center of the river
there got to be a mark stone or like you said where the river starts at.the source!!!!
that got to be the key to finding it

Just for Your Info: Bluff Springs Mountain Spring Is the Source Donna. A """"spring"""" is the Heart Of A river.


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If Bluff Springs is the heart what is the name of the river that it has created? Did you actually graduate from high school? After visualizing what your simple brain has concocted I have debunked your discovery. It holds no water, broken bucket syndrome. You provide no facts just fantasy. You can fool some of the people some of the time and I bet that even Jim Hatt cracks up everytime someone mentions your name, ha, ha, ha, and ha!!!

What a maroon, even the rock art map you provide as evidence is far older than Ol' Jacob, any archaeologist will tell you that this type of rock art was made by some long dead and gone Native Americans years before the pale faces ever came to this land.

You need to get out once in a while John and visit some museums in your area. You can self teach yourself on how to identify Native American rock art; better yet take Rock Art 101 at your local community college I am sure you would like to extend your knowledge as to become a better treasure hunter.

By the way Jacob Waltz came from Germany, not the Hohokam Nation. Hohokam (hə-hō'kəm) is one of the four major prehistoric archaeological traditions of what is now the American Southwest. Many local residents put the accent on the first syllable (ho'-ho-kahm). Oh look; a spelling error, should be "ho-ho-kemm".

Later, you are quite the comedian SFNM; have you sent your posts and proof of purchase stubs to Saturday Night Live? I certainly would! You could make quite a living trying to convince people to believe in your fantasy; ha, ha, ha, and haha. Better yet try the Discovery Channel or National Velvet (I mean Geographic).

Ellie Haha

"Your Real Funny Ellie" And "every one believes it" including me. ESTA BEREDA ES PELIGROZA/This path is dangerous #1. Yo Pasto Yo Boy 18 Lugares/Go past I go to 18 paces #2. Al norte Busca El mapa/Search the map north. #3. Del rio busca el coazon/ Search for the heart of the river or the source. El Cobollo de santafe 33 degrees East. So When the Horse meets the Priest this is How it comes together and translates. Sincerely John V. Kemm


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I do realize how you came to your conclusion. Not to bad a try, but no cigar. Forgive me for having some fun with you and I hope you do not take me seriously. I will go back to my place and leave you alone in yours. We should never throw a stumbling block in front of anyone. Time will tell my friend and you are not the first to look in the area that you believe the LDM exists. There are prospect holes all over the place.

Take care and good-luck and if you do ever make it out here to A.J. look me up.

Your "T" huntin' Bud,

Ellie Baba

You Know Ive Always Really Liked You Alot. My grandfather always gave me a hard time and I always knew, It Was because, He Expected, and wanted, So much Out of love. "They Say We Are The HARDEST on The Ones We Love" It may be true :thumbsup: :coffee2: PS. Email Me @ HigherSourceGift@Aol.Com W/Contact Info: Thankyou for EveryThing :notworthy:


I have an alternate theory of debunkment:

See, John Kemm (SFNM) runs a head shop in New Mexico. My theory postulates that:

John was sitting in front of his computer looking at Google Earth and eating Cheetohs after several days of smoking anything he could fit in his Tommy Chong Commemorative Super Bong. After several hours of staring, he saw Jacob Waltz waving at him and pointing to where his mine was. In my opinion!


A Portrait of my great grand father Carlos.


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"you are not the first to look in the area that you believe the LDM exists. There are prospect holes all over the place." :thumbsup:

Cibola, Arizona
Cibola County, New Mexico
Cibola National Forest, in New Mexico and Oklahoma
Zuni-Cibola Complex, a historic landmark district, once rumored to be the Seven Cities of Gold sought by Spanish explorers

Quivira is a place first mentioned by Francisco Vazquez de Coronado in 1541, who visited it during his searches for the mythical "Seven Cities of Gold". In 1539, the Spaniard Francisco Vasquez de Coronado led a large expedition north from Mexico to search for wealth and the "Seven Cities/Caves of Cibola". """"Instead of wealth, he found """"farming"""" peoples"""" living in the """"flat-roofed adobe towns"""" in what are today Arizona and New Mexico. Main Entry: Cí·bo·la
Pronunciation: \ˈsē-bə-lə, ˈsi-\ cibola

cibola [thee’-bo-lo, lah]
noun1. The Mexican bull, with horns turned backward

Spanish and English Dictionary
\ˈsē-bə-lə, ˈsi-\[thee’-bo-lo, lah] BO-LO,LA """"CIBOLA-Female/COBOLLO/MALE"""" """""The Mexican bull""""


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It is Tayopa to you. "Es Tayopa To Yo"


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Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
What happened to many of the posts?

Don Jose

RDT - I believe the moderators have had their fill of some of the nonsense and personal attacks here recently. On top of that, anyone who begins a thread has the ability to delete the whole thing if they so choose - I'm sure you'll notice that some of the threads have disappeared when the questions got to be too difficult to answer :)

Don Jose,

For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone would actually care???

Take care,


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