Cutting to the Chase what's the top Metal Detector in the World-Money no object


Aug 20, 2016
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All Treasure Hunting
Wife turns to me and says she wants to get a metal detector and check out our property here in rural Louisiana. Used to be an old train depot here in the 1880's and there are 3 old homesteads on our property from the 1800's as well. My wife also knows a lot of these old country folk and won't have trouble getting permission to search other possible areas and old home sites.

She has worked extremely hard over the years to put herself through college and med school while holding down a full time job. After that she spent the last 2 years working 12-20 hour shifts, all nights and weekends and wore out many pairs of shoes along the way. Now that she has established herself she has a better rotation of 4 days on and 6 days off, we can start enjoying life.

In all the 12 years we been together my wife never asked me for hardly anything. She wanted a car that ran to get her to school and work, a new pair of shoes every 3 months and food cooked when she got home. She never asked me for anything for Christmas, birthdays, etc. Now she out of the blue says she wants a metal detector and asked me to do some research and order her one.

I Googled around for top metal detector but as you can imagine every company would like to think they are the best. I come to you because I know that many of you have put in years of real world testing, research and for some of you it is your main hobby and you take it seriously.
I'm not looking for a beginner machine or something easy to learn. My wife is super smart, she can name off every bone and muscle in the body. She can pronounce medical words I can't even spell, lol. I'm pretty sure no matter the difficulty, if she puts her mind to it, she will learn to use it.

I just want to know what you would purchase today if money were no object. Let me identify the possible places she would be using it as well.
Mainly she will use it on old homesteads and rural Louisiana land. She may want to take it down south to the beach or to Florida when we go, but she won't be putting it in the water. Our beach trips are just a couple times a year so not a big priority. We probably won't ever go out west and hunt nuggets or anything like that. She has more of a historical interest than anything else.
I fully intend by the end of next week to order her the best machine I can find. I am just still shocked she asked for something and I'm determined to put the best in her hands. She never said no to me when I wanted a boat or an ATV, etc. I will never deny her anything in this life if it's within my power. I love her more than anything on earth an if she wants to detect something I'll be her chauffeur and personal digger, lol.

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I would argue that a beginner with an advanced machine decreases odds of finding goodies, not increase.

Absolutely agreed. If the advanced unit is left in "basic settings" perhaps that would lead to way less confusion and let the new operator learn some nuances of detecting itself,while allowing room for advancement later with the same machine. If they start tinkering,it's detrimental(from personal experience).

I would argue that a beginner with an advanced machine decreases odds of finding goodies, not increase.
So you figure a newbie with an Ace 150 will have better luck in a trashy urban park area or salt water beach, than another newbie with a CTX using a stock turn on and go program? I say, that's nonsense. The Ace 150 user will get tired of digging junk targets and chasing false signals, whereas the CTX user will dig a lot less of those and have a better idea of what they're going to find before they dig it.

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So you figure a newbie with an Ace 150 will have better luck in a trashy urban park area or salt water beach, than another newbie with a CTX using a stock turn on and go program? I say, that's nonsense. The Ace 150 user will get tired of digging junk targets and chasing false signals, whereas the CTX user will dig a lot less of those and have a better idea of what they're going to find before they dig it.

both noobies will be digging junk targets, because they havent a clue what a bottle cap sounds like or ID on both machines....

CTX 3030 TID#s

50 Tone/Low Trash
Large Cent 09-47 10-47 08-48 (Air test)
1889 to 1909 Indian Head 10-35,10-36, 10-38? 12-35 (Air test)
1910 Wheat 10-36 11-37 12-36 (Air test)
1918 Wheat 11-39 12-39 12-40 (Air test)
1930 to 1958 Wheats 12-43 11-43 12-43 (Air test)
3 cent piece 1870 12-02(taken from an actual hunt from another CTX user)
3 cent silver. 12-30 (Air test)
Half Dime 1853 and 54 thin 12-33 and 12-34 (Air test)
V-Nickel 09-10 11-11 12-12 12-13 12-11 12-11 (Air test)
Buffalo Nickel 09-11, 12-11 12-12 12-13 (Air test)
Seated Dime thin 09-40, 10-40 12-43 (Air test)
Seated Dime good condition 12-43 12-44 12-45 12-45 (Air test)
Barber dime thin 10-40 10-32 12-43,44 (Air test)
Barber Dime good condition 12-44 12-45 12-46 12-45 (Air test)
Mercury dime 11-42 12-43 12-43 (Air test)
Roosevelt 12-45 11-45 12-46 12-46 (Air test)
Barber Quarter thin 11-45 12-46 12-46 (Air test)
Barber Quarter good condition 11-46 12-47 12-48 12-47 (Air test)
Standing Liberty Quarter 11-46 12-46 12-47 12-47 (Air test)
Washington Quarter 12-45 12-46 12-47 (Air test)
Barber Half 01-44 01-45 01-46 (Air test)
Walker Half 01-42 01-43 01-45 (Air test)
Franklin Half 02-42 01-41 01-44 (Air test)
Kennedy Half 01-46 (Air test)
Morgan Dollar 01-38 01-39 01-39 (Air test)
Peace Dollar 01-39 02-38 01-38. (Air test)

Combined/Ferrous Coin
Large Cent 12-46. (Air test)
Indian Head 1889-1909 10-35 11-36 12-33? 12-35 (Air test)
Wheat Cent 1910 11-38 12-36 12-37 12-36 (Air test)
Wheat Cent 1918 12-40 12-42 12-43 (Air test)
Wheat Cent 1935 to 1958 12-40 12-41 12-41 (Air test)
1852 3 cent piece. 12-29 (Air test)
1853 Half Dime 11-34 (Air test)
V(Liberty) Nickel 10-10 10-12 12-12 12-12 (Air test)
Buffalo Nickel 11-13 12-12 13-13. 12-12,13 (Air test)
Seated Dime Thin 12-39 12-40 11-42 12-43 (Air test)
Seated Dime Good condition 12-42 12-43 12-44 (Air test)
Barber Dime 12-43 12-44 12-45 12-44 (Air test)
Mercury dime 12-41 11-42 12-43 12-42 (Air test)
Barber Quarter 12-45 12-46 13-45 (Air test)
Standing Liberty Quarter 12-45 12-46. 13-46 (Air test)
Washington 11-46 12-45 12-46 13-46 (Air test)
Barber Half 12-43 12-44 12-45 12-44 (Air test)
Walking Liberty Half dollar 11-44 12-45. 12-44 (Air test)
Franklin Half 12-43 12-44 12-44 (Air test)
Kennedy 12-44 (Air test)
Morgan Dollar 12-41 12-42 12-42 (Air test)
Peace Dollar 12-40 12-41 12-43 (Air test)

_________________________Tapatalk Signature_________________________


Wife turns to me and says she wants to get a metal detector and check out our property here in rural Louisiana. Used to be an old train depot here in the 1880's and there are 3 old homesteads on our property from the 1800's as well. My wife also knows a lot of these old country folk and won't have trouble getting permission to search other possible areas and old home sites.

She has worked extremely hard over the years to put herself through college and med school while holding down a full time job. After that she spent the last 2 years working 12-20 hour shifts, all nights and weekends and wore out many pairs of shoes along the way. Now that she has established herself she has a better rotation of 4 days on and 6 days off, we can start enjoying life.

In all the 12 years we been together my wife never asked me for hardly anything. She wanted a car that ran to get her to school and work, a new pair of shoes every 3 months and food cooked when she got home. She never asked me for anything for Christmas, birthdays, etc. Now she out of the blue says she wants a metal detector and asked me to do some research and order her one.

I Googled around for top metal detector but as you can imagine every company would like to think they are the best. I come to you because I know that many of you have put in years of real world testing, research and for some of you it is your main hobby and you take it seriously.
I'm not looking for a beginner machine or something easy to learn. My wife is super smart, she can name off every bone and muscle in the body. She can pronounce medical words I can't even spell, lol. I'm pretty sure no matter the difficulty, if she puts her mind to it, she will learn to use it.

I just want to know what you would purchase today if money were no object. Let me identify the possible places she would be using it as well.
Mainly she will use it on old homesteads and rural Louisiana land. She may want to take it down south to the beach or to Florida when we go, but she won't be putting it in the water. Our beach trips are just a couple times a year so not a big priority. We probably won't ever go out west and hunt nuggets or anything like that. She has more of a historical interest than anything else.
I fully intend by the end of next week to order her the best machine I can find. I am just still shocked she asked for something and I'm determined to put the best in her hands. She never said no to me when I wanted a boat or an ATV, etc. I will never deny her anything in this life if it's within my power. I love her more than anything on earth an if she wants to detect something I'll be her chauffeur and personal digger, lol.

Sooooooooooo, did you get the Minelab or not? :laughing7:

both noobies will be digging junk targets, because they havent a clue what a bottle cap sounds like or ID on both machines....

A bottle cap will not respond with the CTX in the "turn on and go" coin hunting all. An ALUMINUM SCREW CAP will,and you'll have to dig it up,newbie or not.

both noobies will be digging junk targets, because they havent a clue what a bottle cap sounds like or ID on both machines....
HOw can you say that. You go out back, you put some in the ground, you learn the sound. Takes about 5 minutes top.

A bottle cap will not respond with the CTX in the "turn on and go" coin hunting all. An ALUMINUM SCREW CAP will,and you'll have to dig it up,newbie or not.
I am not sure what your point is.

Options is important. But if the detector you buy isnt very good in the soil your hunting, your hosed. Build quality is important to, if you are always breaking it why own it? You gonna hunt coins in the park, buy the cheapest thing you can find. You gonna hunt relics, gold, meteorites, you might wanna get something made for that job. The answer for me is a American made detector I can find parts for and get repaired if needed. Thats the F75. It has options and can also work for a noobie in factory reset mode.It will give a guy options later on when he gets good or changes hunts.

Ok, update here!

I'm trying to schedule her for a class at Minelab, I contacted them and waiting for the rep to call me back. They had a bootcamp in July and she said they were supposed to be scheduling another so hopefully they call me early this week.

Leaning towards the 3030 but she's watching some videos on both the Deus and 3030 this weekend trying to decide. I'll let you know this up-coming week.

One more question, what do you think about Kellyco for the place to purchase? I was just gonna get it off Amazon cause we shop there a lot. I googled around and saw that kellyco had it for the same price but they were offering to throw in some freebies like a pinpointer, digging tool, etc. Anywhere else I should look before I buy?

There are many members here who also are metal detectors dealers, check them out and also dealers who have ads in treasure magazines. Kellyco is top notch, and highly recommend by me. Good hunting and good luck.

So you figure a newbie with an Ace 150 will have better luck in a trashy urban park area or salt water beach, than another newbie with a CTX using a stock turn on and go program? I say, that's nonsense. The Ace 150 user will get tired of digging junk targets and chasing false signals, whereas the CTX user will dig a lot less of those and have a better idea of what they're going to find before they dig it.

I wouldn't recommend a 150 to anyone because it lacks pinpoint, at least a 250.

There are guys including me who have been at it a decade and still don't know exactly what they are digging until it is dug - And if you routinely pass on foil/tabs, its not a question of it but when you pass up a gold ring as well, no matter what detector you have.
They will be overwhelmed and IMO, will do more hard than good. If they have dedication and patience and can swing for 100's of hours before they start to get a good grasp what the machine is telling them, then maybe they'll make it. I think most will get frustrated and disillusioned when their high hopes are not meant and give up.

The OP was clear he was going to get a high end machine, so over the course of time we shall see how it pans out. I think it is a huge mistake going high end for a complete beginner, others don't, only time will tell.

Ok, update here!

I'm trying to schedule her for a class at Minelab, I contacted them and waiting for the rep to call me back. They had a bootcamp in July and she said they were supposed to be scheduling another so hopefully they call me early this week.

Leaning towards the 3030 but she's watching some videos on both the Deus and 3030 this weekend trying to decide. I'll let you know this up-coming week.

One more question, what do you think about Kellyco for the place to purchase? I was just gonna get it off Amazon cause we shop there a lot. I googled around and saw that kellyco had it for the same price but they were offering to throw in some freebies like a pinpointer, digging tool, etc. Anywhere else I should look before I buy?

Don't buy from anywhere until you contact Bart at Big Boys Hobbies. Check out the website and then call him for a current price. He can customize a package for your needs which may be quite a bit cheaper than other dealers. I've purchased the majority of my equipment from him and have been vary satisfied with the service and his prices.

Do not attack any of our supporting vendors....

_________________________Tapatalk Signature_________________________


The OP was clear he was going to get a high end machine, so over the course of time we shall see how it pans out. I think it is a huge mistake going high end for a complete beginner, others don't, only time will tell.

I started virgin with the V3i. No problems finding stuff out of the box. Obviously I look back and see I more or less cherry picked the first 48 hours, but still.

IMO, if one knows they're going to like detecting before they do it (like me) one should buy the best machine to meet their needs they can afford. Why waste time learning the language of an inferior machine only to start over when upgrade time comes?

Get a CTX, dig everything or cherry pick. What's important is it's a start with a language learning process. To choose a language and stick with it will serve one better than changing languages every few years.

Look at poeple learning any non-native language. Compare the fluency of a 10 year student v.s. a 5 year student v.s. a 2 year student and send them into the real world. Volumes in difference!

OP, first thing you need to do right now, is have your wife train her arm with a 5lb dumbbell. lol that 3030 ain't light....

Ok, update here!

I'm trying to schedule her for a class at Minelab, I contacted them and waiting for the rep to call me back. They had a bootcamp in July and she said they were supposed to be scheduling another so hopefully they call me early this week.

Leaning towards the 3030 but she's watching some videos on both the Deus and 3030 this weekend trying to decide. I'll let you know this up-coming week.

One more question, what do you think about Kellyco for the place to purchase? I was just gonna get it off Amazon cause we shop there a lot. I googled around and saw that kellyco had it for the same price but they were offering to throw in some freebies like a pinpointer, digging tool, etc. Anywhere else I should look before I buy?

I bought my White's MXT at Kellyco but my Garret Pro-Pointer AT from a dealer through Amazon. No issues with either transaction. I like the idea of buying through this site, helping to keep the lights turned on, but have no experience.

Ok, update here!

I'm trying to schedule her for a class at Minelab, I contacted them and waiting for the rep to call me back. They had a bootcamp in July and she said they were supposed to be scheduling another so hopefully they call me early this week.

Leaning towards the 3030 but she's watching some videos on both the Deus and 3030 this weekend trying to decide. I'll let you know this up-coming week.

One more question, what do you think about Kellyco for the place to purchase? I was just gonna get it off Amazon cause we shop there a lot. I googled around and saw that kellyco had it for the same price but they were offering to throw in some freebies like a pinpointer, digging tool, etc. Anywhere else I should look before I buy?
For newbies I recommend a local dealer so you can get in person, hands-on service. If you don't have a local dealer, then check out our supporting vendors here on Tnet. I've bought from Kellyco and Bart's Big Boy Hobbies and have had excellent service from both.

comfort and safe handling should be one of the primary considerations, and the ctx is a very heavy machine. Since she'll mostly be detecting historical sites, I'd say the deux. It is super light, is fine for the beach, can even go in the water with the WP kit. If she really gets into it, she can get a ctx later, after she's built up the right muscles a little swinging the deux.

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